Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher of Brazil [April 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.
March 31, 2014
Dear Brethren and Friends,
Alta and I greet you from the Mission House in Lexington, KY. We arrived in the States on the 28th of March. Paul and Wanda had made arrangements for us to come to Manaus to bring Alta and I home for furlough. David came to Urai and helped us on the trip to Manaus. We were in Manaus for eight days. On our last Sunday before leaving Urai, the Church in Urai had a special service for us with pastors and people from all their missions and churches we had begun. It was an emotional experience.
The next day we flew from Londrina to Manaus. On the 28th of March, we arrived in Nashville where Paul rented a van. We arrived in Lexington with all our baggage on the 28th. We are living in the Mission House that was prepared and waiting for us. We plan to be in the Mission House for at least two months and to attend the Spring Missions Conference at Thompson Road Baptist Church on April 28, 29, 30.
On our first Sunday home, we attended the Bible School and morning service at the Thompson Road Baptist Church where Brother Dave Parks is pastor. That night we attended the services at the New Life Baptist Church where Brother Steve Wainright is pastor. We were blessed to have fellowship with the dear people of these two faithful churches.
Paul, our son, and Wanda are on furlough, also. They are caring for us. We will probably be living in Florida part of this year also.
WORK IN BRAZIL – Praise the Lord, the work in Brazil continues to grow and reach out.
Alta and I thank you for your prayers and financial support through our sixty years as missionaries in Brazil. God bless you.
In the Name of our Lord Jesus,
John and Alta Hatcher
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [April 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil for 40 years. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
April 1st 2014
Dear friends,
God is always gracious and good. Each day He reveals His love and tender mercies. We are writing from the mission residence in Lexington, Kentucky. Wanda and I are in the states for a year furlough along with my parents, missionaries John and Alta Hatcher, and Wanda’s mom, Willa McGary, who had come to live with us in Brazil.
Dad and Mom have lived and served in Brazil for sixty years; Wanda and I have been serving there for 40 years. We are enjoying seeing old time friends and getting adjusted to a different pace and ways.
We had a wonderful trip, and the Lord provided great help along the way, as three were in wheelchairs. Everything went smoothly – planes on time, good connections. We praise the Lord.
March 24, we organized a new church in Coroado 1 subdivision. The church was organized with 45 founding members. Ivaldo Junior, the evangelist who started the congregation, was ordained to the pastoral ministry on the same day. We rejoice to see the kingdom of our Father grow and multiply.
Missionary Raimundo Pinto moved to Aracaju, capital of the State of Sergipe, in northeastern Brazil, to start a new church plant. Pray for the family as they make new friends and contact people to begin evangelizing and teaching the new believers. He is looking and praying concerning the best location to rent. Pray for this new church start and for the family that they will fully rely on God to overcome all the challenges usually associated with new beginnings.
We are available and will be glad to share and speak about missions. We would love to have the opportunity to talk about the great things that God has done and is doing as well as opportunities available to each of us, individuals and churches.
We are looking forward to seeing each of you during the coming year. See many of you at the Spring Mission Conference on behalf of Baptist Faith Missions at the Thompson Road Baptist Church in Lexington with Pastor Dave Parks.
Yours in Christ,
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [March 2014]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.
March 9, 2014
Dear Friends,
It is good to hear someone say, “God is good, all the time.” It is a needy reminder to me to reflect on the fact that God isn’t good only when we get a surprise financial gift, or some good health report. He is always good, even when we are struggling financially or when we are suffering terribly from some sickness. I’m as human as anyone else, so it’s easier to recognize God’s blessings when they relieve some lack or ailment we have been enduring. My concern is that by saying that God is good only when these improvements in our situation come is that we dishonor Him before a world that is watching how we Christians live to determine if they are interested in what we have. But with this kind of gratitude and praise only when the extra benefits come, even they would be grateful then. It is when we praise Him for being good while we are still in the middle of our struggles that really magnify how strong our Lord is, in whom we place our faith. So I say it now, God is good, all the time!
That being said, it has been great to enjoy the goodness of the Lord recently in the saving of two more people through our work. Next week we’ll be baptizing a man and his teenage son who professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior. On the same weekend that these two men professed Christ, I had the opportunity to share the gospel with a young man who has been suffering with deep depression for about 7 years. He came to offer to help as a translator for a team of youth from the U.S. who are spending their spring break evangelizing in the public schools in our city. His name is Eduardo. The friend who brought him told me that he was in a separate room crying and that he often would just start crying for apparently no reason. I sat with Eduardo and began to ask him what he thought made him sad and he said that he didn’t know, but that his depression began shortly after a severe auto accident when he lost the hearing in one of his ears. I had supposed that he was a Christian by his coming to volunteer to translate the sharing of the gospel, but in my conversation with him I learned that he had never surrendered his life to Christ. I used that information to let him know that he could not know true joy or overcome his sadness until he given his life to Christ. It was a simple thing for his friend to bring him to participate in our spring break evangelism, but the amazing thing that the Lord did was to send us a translator to hear the gospel when his interest was only in improving his emotional state of being. He had imagined that he could be happy if he could just get his hearing back, but the Lord helped me to show him that what he truly needed is a relationship with his Creator.
That team of youth who are here on their spring break brought us two very special presents, our kids, Jessie and Brennen! Jessie is the coordinator for the interaction between the American youth and the Brazilian translators who volunteer to help us each year. Brennen just moved to the U.S. this past December, so it was a treat to us for him to return again so shortly after leaving home. God is good, all the time! He showed His goodness again by allowing us the privilege of working together for a week with our kids in sharing the gospel to a people we love about a God we adore. We still have 6 days to work together with them side-by-side and this is truly a blessing to us.
Yesterday we took the group of youth with their translators to a large and busy park to share the gospel. We started out by handing out cups of water to the joggers, bike riders and walkers. Along with the water, we also gave out tracts that contained a clear presentation of the gospel. It was very encouraging to see some positive reception to our attempts. We saw several people who had accepted both the water and the tract still have the tract in their hand on their next lap around the park, even though they had finished their water and had thrown the cup away. The youth also shared the gospel through skits and testimonies on an improvised stage in the middle of the park to an audience of over 300. It was a great start to an exciting week. We will be in many public schools during the rest of the week where we’ll be able to talk to over 4,000 students and teachers about the love of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Sobrado 1, Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR Brasil
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Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [March 2014]

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together for 40 years. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.
March 8, 2014
Dear Brethren,
The state of Acre has 22 “county seats” (municipalities). First Baptist Church has planted churches in 6 of those, including the 2 largest -Rio Branco (347,000) and Cruzeiro do Sul (80,000). Most of the others have some kind of Baptist church, so we have not done much to get into those cities. There are still 2 of these cities that do not have a Baptist church. They are Jordão on the upper Tarauacá River and Santa Rosa do Purús on the upper Purús River and right on the Peruvian border.
We have taken the gospel to most of the cities through Projeto Ide (Project Go). This year we took Ide to the city of Jordão. Usually we take as many as 70 people. Since Jordão is so remote and hard to get to, we only took 35 people.
Projeto Ide gives medical and dental assistance to the local population, with free medicine. We also have haircuts, hygiene classes and dental hygiene classes. There are arts & crafts classes, as well as culinary classes. Sometimes we distribute used clothing and have a soup kitchen. There are activities for the kids. We do door-to-door evangelism and hold services every night.
Jordão is a LONG way from anywhere. Thirteen of our team went by truck to Tarauacá. That is 150 miles from Cruzeiro do Sul. Then they took all the supplies and went up the Tarauacá River for another 215 miles in a big flat bottom boat. It took them 4 days. Hudson and I trailered one of my small boats with 25HP outboard to Tarauacá where we spent the night. The next morning we left early and it took us 10 and a half hours to Jordão. The next day we flew 20 more team members in on 4 MAF flights.
After all arrived and setup finished we started work. 800 people received medical and dental attention over 3 days. We had big crowds for the all the activities. The gospel was shared in every home. Our members had to wade some major mud to reach some of the houses. There were 157 professions of faith. 34 of those were made publicly during evening services.
The total population of Jordão is 7,147. Over half of these are Kaxinauá Indians. The need for a church there is great. At the close of our final service, after my message, Zico (our missions director) asked for a show of hands of those who wanted us to plant a church there. Every hand went up. Then a surprising thing happened. The crowd broke in to spontaneous applause. I think they want a church!
Last night we presented our report to almost 400 people during our prayer meeting. The church is excited about sending a missionary there. It was one great service. We are praying and fasting that God will give us the right folks to send.
The trip was hard on me and the equipment. I had to order $958.51 of parts for the outboard. A new prop shaft, props and seals. Ouch! It is worth the effort though. Thousands heard the gospel and 157 saved.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at] hotmail.com
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [March 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.
February 24, 2014
Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends of Baptist Faith Missions,
It is a great blessing for an old man to be able to write another letter to dear Friends like you. Alta and I are eighty-eight years old and you have been our dear supporting and praying partners for over fifty-five years for our ministry here in Brazil. It is a very emotional moment for me.
As I was preparing to write, the phone rang. Sebastian Oliveira, a blind person from birth, was calling from two thousand miles away to greet Alta and me and to thank us for the blessing we had been to him. Sebastian was saved in the interior village of Mira Aua, about 1960, when we lived in Manaus and traveled to the interiors on the launch you dear friends helped to build. He has been a Baptist pastor for over thirty-five years.
Our first church plant was in an area called Chapada. It was in the boonies. It was begun through the Tabernacle Baptist Church where we were members. It was started with 24 members. Among the 24 were four future mothers of pastors; there were five future Baptist pastors, including Paul, John Mark, and David Hatcher. The mothers of Baptist preachers were Alta, Guilermina, our daughters, Lynn (now in heaven) and Kathy. We praise God for His promises and unfailing faithfulness.
God touched the Chapada plant in a special way with its pastors and work. On February 23, 2014, there were 5,000 persons in morning services and 6,300 persons in evening services. In the evening services there were over 300 decisions. Praise the Lord for the ministry of church planting!
Our praises to the Lord for His blessings to our family. Alta and I thank Him for our parents and homes who taught us the fear of the Lord and the power of His Word. God has blessed our dear children: three sons are Baptist pastors, two daughters are wives of pastors and mothers of pastors. We have fifteen grandchildren, all of whom are serving the Lord with their partners in definite church planting projects. We have 26 great grandchildren, and eight of those have trusted the Lord as Savior.
WORKS GOING WELL – The mission points are going well here. There are congregations in Assai, Urai, Sussumo, and Rancho Alegre. There are several faithful young pastors. Some are not married; please pray for God to give them the right partners.
The Lord willing, we hope to be at the Spring Missionary Conference in Lexington. Our son, Paul, is planning our trip with him and Wanda. We may be in the States by the time this letter gets to you.
God bless you each one. We love you in the Lord,
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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