FaithWORKS Report [September 2013]
PRAY AND PRAISE in this issue…
- ODALI AND KATHY BARROS – PRAISE GOD for the ministries of past and present BFM missionaries in the lives of other BFM missionaries. Read how Bobby Creiglow and John and Alta Hatcher have been instrumental in these ministries that are still going on. PRAY that God will direct the steps and course of their future ministry.
- HAROLD BRATCHER – PRAY for God to give him strength to continue serving Him in his ministry here in the States. PRAISE GOD for providing the way for him to purchase and move into his new home.
- MIKE AND BEVERLY CREIGLOW – PRAY that God will give all of them full recovery from the sicknesses they have suffered. PRAY ALSO that God will provide the needed funds to make the payments on their new property purchase. PRAISE GOD for the new works that are flourishing and for increased fruitfulness in their established churches.
- JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for the encouragements they receive from conversations and visits from their faithful children…and for the continuing good reports, especially from Assai.
- PAUL AND WANDA HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for the fruitful response from their recent Men’s Camp. PRAY that God will raise up more men and women to be faithful servants of the Lord. PRAY also for Herman and his wife during this health crisis.
- JOHN AND JUDY HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for the work of God’s Grace in the hearts and lives of people they have witnessed to for years. PRAY always for the seeds they are sowing every day in every conversation. PRAY that God will give them strength and encouragement in their daily Bible Studies and witnessing opportunities.
- AJ AND BARBARA HENSLEY – PRAISE GOD for the continued growth of their church, and for the helpers the Lord has sent them from the States. PRAY for the pastoral assistant who is coming to help them in their church. PRAY also for their upcoming Pastors’ Conference.
- NATHAN AND CARRIE RADFORD – PRAISE GOD for the new churches that have been established. PRAY that God will protect them during their upcoming furlough travels to the States.
- ROGER AND JULIE TATE – PRAISE GOD for their safe arrival in the States. PRAY for all the transitions they will be experiencing here over the next few months, and especially for their children’s adjustments to all their changes. PRAY also for their spiritual strength and revival as they re-connect with their families and home church – and visit other churches.
- BOBBY AND CHARLENE WACASER – PRAISE GOD for the response God has given them in their Bible-reading encouragement. PRAY for Charlene and her family in the recent death of her brother. PRAISE GOD for saving their PROJECT LIFE ministry team from more severe injuries in their recent auto accident.
We heartily invite you to join us for the 59th Annual Thanksgiving Missions Conference in the interests of BAPTIST FAITH MISSIONS.
November 25-27, 2013
New Hope Baptist Church
Dearborn Heights, MI
Pastor Terry Adkins
Conference Theme: “Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It” – Psalm 107:2-3
A full post with details can be found here.
Please be making your plans to give as generously as the LORD enables you to our upcoming Thanksgiving Offering. We encourage EVERY friend of our missionaries to be a GIVING FRIEND!
Pastors, will you be willing to announce and promote the Thanksgiving Offering in your church – and encourage your people to give to it? Our missionaries’ needs continue to be great and the Thanksgiving Offering is essential to providing those financial commitments we have made to them.
We continue to struggle every month just to maintain the commitments we have made to our missionaries – but we want to do so much more than just MAINTAIN. We want to INCREASE and ADD TO the provisions of their needs.
And, remember – you can give your Thanksgiving Offering either through your church’s offering, or by mailing your personal check to our Treasurer, or by giving online through our website.
Click here to make a one-time donation.
Click here to set up a recurring donation.
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FaithWORKS [July 2013]
- HAROLD BRATCHER – PRAY for continuing health and strength – and for the Lord’s direction and provision as they search for a home to buy.
- JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for all our dear and faithful missionary-wives and PRAY for them. PRAY for all the churches and missions in their ministry fellowship, and for all the pastors and their wives and families.
- JOHN AND JUDY HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for another believer and baptism in France! Read the exciting story of the work of God’s Grace in Samuel. PRAY for all the other contacts John and Judy are making – more ‘seeds cast upon the waters’!
- AJ AND BARBARA HENSLEY – PRAISE GOD for the four mission teams who held Bible Schools, Back Yard Bible Schools, and helped do a significant amount of work on their church building. PRAY that they would continue to be in good health and that God would continue to give them strength to complete everything He wants them to do.
- NATHAN AND CARRIE RADFORD – PRAISE GOD for fruit and growth in their several church plants. PRAY for their housing and vehicle needs for their upcoming furlough.
- SHERIDAN AND ANITA STANTON – PRAISE GOD for the opportunities God has opened up for him to preach and teach the Gospel in neighboring nations and help train pastors to meet people’s needs with Scriptural counseling. PRAY for upcoming church missions trips to Peru.
- ROGER AND JULIE TATE – PRAY for the challenges and opportunities they will all encounter and experience especially over the next year as Emily graduates from high school and they come to the States for furlough – and to enroll her in college to continue her education and vocation. Be sure that all our other missionaries will be praying for them!
- BOBBY AND CHARLENE WACASER – PRAISE GOD for the young people who have given their lives to serve Jesus Christ as missionaries this summer in the Project Life outreach. PRAY that God will call other missionaries to reach all the unsaved peoples of the world.
These furlough transportation expenses have been disbursed to purchase airfare tickets for two of our furloughing missionaries. BFM pays for their furlough transportation expenses when they are due a furlough. These funds are disbursed from the portion of the General Fund monies which are received from our Thanksgiving Offerings. Those funds from last year’s Thanksgiving Offering are almost depleted.
BFM provides many other services and benefits for our missionaries from the General Fund than just their monthly Essential Maintenance Transactions. Those additional services and benefits are supplied from Thanksgiving Offering monies.
WILL YOU HELP US REPLENISH THE GENERAL FUND BY DESIGNATING YOUR OFFERINGS FOR ‘FURLOUGH FUNDS’? We will have already paid for the airfare tickets, but your offerings will help us replenish the account so we can provide the other future commitments we have made to them throughout the rest of this year.
Thank you for responding to our 2013 Founders Day Offering. Your offerings given in June were $20,492.00. They are reported in this issue of the Mission Sheets. Also, $1276.00 was given in the month of May. Together, those offerings total $21,768.00.
We bless God and thank you for every offering that was given. May God commend and prosper each one of you who participated.
What will we do with your Founders Day Offerings? We will apply them toward meeting the essential monthly financial needs of our missionaries. The standard monthly commitments we make to them each month amount to over $46,000.00. Those commitments are supplied from the monthly General Fund offerings “as the Lord provides”. When we don’t receive sufficient monthly General Fund offerings, then we reduce either the missionaries’ salaries or their housing/ministry expenses allowances. (We can’t reduce the $12,500.00 premiums we pay for their hospitalization.)
So, your offerings given to the Founders Day Offering will be applied toward those essential monthly disbursements. When we receive more General Fund supplies in any month than we need for that month’s disbursements, then the remaining overage funds are escrowed and kept in account to supply the deficit that we may suffer in another following month. So, that is what we will do with this month’s Founders Day Offering – we will hold it in store to meet the needs in other months.
One of the first places we look every month is the listing of the contributions to the Monthly General Fund. Why? Because the Monthly General Fund supplies the Essential Maintenance Transactions for our missionaries for that month. Your contributions to the General Fund make it possible for their essential living and ministry expenses to be met for that month. So, ‘Thank You! Giving Friends!’ for all your faithful generous and sacrificial giving month by month.
MAKE YOUR PLANS TO ATTEND THE LABOR DAY CONFERENCE IN THE INTERESTS OF BAPTIST FAITH MISSIONS – September 1-2 at East Keys Baptist Church in Springfield Illinois. Dan Hillard is their pastor. You may contact him for more information at dhillard51[at]
Harold Bratcher is retiring from active and faithful missionary service in Manaus, Brazil, and is relocating to live here in the States. He is selling his home in Manaus and is seeking to purchase a home here. If you wish to contact him before he establishes a permanent address, you may contact him at: 859.277.3716 / 1012 Balsam Drive, Lexington KY 40504 / or through his email address: harold_bratcher[at]
TATES AND RADFORDS – their plans at present are to be coming to the States in September and October respectively. You may correspond with them concerning any prospective plans you would like to make with them. Roger Tate rojuta[at] & Nathan Radford naterad[at]
NEED FOR VEHICLES – Both the Tates and Radfords will need vehicles to use for their travels in the States during their upcoming furloughs. If anyone has a vehicle or vehicles you can loan them for their use, correspond with them at the above email addresses.
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FaithWORKS Report [May 2013]
During this Month – read, honor, and pray for our Missionary-Wives…
Deborah, the judge, called herself “a mother in Israel”. She was not referring to her biological children because we don’t have written record, at least, that she and Lapidoth had any biological children. But, she was ‘a mother in Israel’ because of the spiritual leadership and nurturing she demonstrated during this time of spiritual declension. She provided the leadership of conviction, moral courage, and inspiration to trust and obey God – and she influenced and strengthened many.
So have our missionary-wives who have as faithfully and valiantly served with their husbands to be mothers, not only to their own children and families, but to countless others also. So, in keeping with the Mother’s Day tradition we observe here in the States, we have asked our beloved missionary-wives to write this month’s letters from their own distinctive perspectives. This is our way of recognizing them, honoring them, and rising up with their husbands and children to bless them! Proverbs 31.10-31
WE COULD NOT FULFILL OUR BASELINE COMMITMENTS TO OUR MISSIONARIES AGAIN THIS MONTH – MAY. When we don’t receive sufficient General Fund offerings to cover the $46,000+ commitments we make to our missionaries each month just for salaries, expense allowances, hospitalization, and correspondence – then we have no other choice but to reduce the amounts of those commitments we disburse that month.
But, we are thankful that we didn’t have to reduce their commitments as much this month as last month. This month, we reduced their baseline commitments by only $238.84 which was equitably and proportionately distributed among them.
This month, also, we applied the $1699.00 offerings which was given during the Spring Missions Conference to their Essential Maintenance disbursements. Thanks to everyone who contributed to those offerings.
If you are not contributing to the General Fund, would you consider doing so regularly? Even if you want to help perhaps your ‘favorite’ missionary, by contributing to the General Fund, you are helping us supply the Essential Maintenance Transactions commitments we have made to them…so we won’t have to reduce them again.
‘Thank You!’ to everyone of you who does contribute to our monthly General Fund. You are not only supplying the essential needs of these servants of the Lord – but you also daily increase many thanksgivings to God for you!
The Lord attended with us and blessed us with His Presence and grace during our Spring Missions Conference. We want to thank all of you also who attended with us and prayed for us during this time of fellowship, preaching of the Word, and encouragement to commit ourselves to partnering together to help our missionaries fulfill their callings to ‘go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.’
Our special thanks also to the 40 pastors and preachers who attended during the course of the Conference. We hope each one will help us carry the burden and need of our missionaries back to your churches and increase our prayer and financial support to supplying their needs. These pastors-preachers represented eight U.S. states: KY, TN, OH, IL, IN, WV, MI, and FL. Two states in Brazil were also represented: Amazonas and Sao Paulo.
In addition, five nations were represented by the missionaries who have served there, either presently or formerly.
The Lord gave to every one of our 10 preachers and presenters Spirit-filled messages from His Word. The Holy Spirit ‘fleshed out’ the prayer-theme of our Conference ‘O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years’ from Habakkuk 3:2. He ‘fleshed out’ this theme by giving all our speakers a burning revival message from His Word; and then by sending them to us to deliver those messages; and then by convicting our hearts to receive them into our own lives and ministries. May He continue to ‘flesh out’ His Word through us all as we obey His Word and carry out His Great Commission to fulfillment in our own generation.
YOU are the ones who make our Conference services what they are. We in our host churches can plan the services and provide the accommodations to make your attendance as comfortable and enjoyable as we can, but it is your attendance and presence that makes the Conference. May God bless you as much for attending as you blessed all of us by your presence.
We designated the $1699.00 in offerings given during the Conference services toward May’s General Fund supplies to help provide our missionaries’ Essential Maintenance Transactions. These are the essential expenses incurred each month to cover their salaries, housing and ministry allowances, hospitalization, and correspondence costs. These are their essential living and ministry needs.
If you would like to receive copies of the audio CDs from the Conference messages, you may contact Doug Cornish, our media guy, at dougkyc[at]
Also, if you haven’t done so – you may go to the “Conference Recaps” section of our FaithWorks Blog or to our Facebook to search for detailed descriptions and recaps of all the sessions and services during our Conference.
Reminder: One of the reasons we were able to carry our missionaries’ Essential Maintenance Transactions through last year [2012] without reducing their standard baseline commitments [after having to make significant reductions in January and February] is because of THE 2012 FOUNDERS DAY OFFERING.
June has traditionally been the month when we remember and recognize the Founders of BFM – and also to honor the faithful missionaries who have served…and are serving…over our 70+ years of ministry!
We are asking you again for a special Founders Day Offering. We want to make our Founders Day Offering an annual event to help us continue to provide for our missionaries’ needs. Nothing we ever ask for or do is for any personal benefit to any of us – but everything is so we can continue to meet the commitments we have made to our missionaries so they can continue their daily ministries unhindered and undistracted by a lack of financial supplies.
All we are asking you to do is to give your church the opportunity to give to a specially-announced and designated Founder’s Day Offering. Or, if your church does not participate in the Offering, then please consider giving a special gift over and above your regular giving to the General Fund. All offerings received for the Founder’s Day Offering will be used to go toward meeting our missionaries’ needs for monthly General Fund supplies to help fund our standard commitments we have made to them for their essential living expenses.
Will you pray and ask the Lord what He wants you to give – and plan to participate with your church in a fellowship-wide Founders Day Offering?
Harold Bratcher is retiring from active and faithful missionary service in Manaus, Brazil, and is relocating to live here in the States. He is selling his home in Manaus and is seeking to purchase a home here. If you wish to contact him before he establishes a permanent address, you may contact him at: 859.277.3716 / 1012 Balsam Drive, Lexington KY 40504 / or through his email address: harold_bratcher[at]
TATES AND RADFORDS – their plans at present are to be coming to the States in September and October respectively. You may correspond with them concerning any prospective plans you would like to make with them. Roger Tate rojuta[at] & Nathan Radford naterad[at]
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FaithWORKS Report [January 2013]
As we reported in last month’s Mission Sheets, we have begun in January 2013 to increase our missionaries’ salary by 5% – from $1717.00 to $1803 per month. That means that we will disburse $21,449.00 every month for just their salaries. Also added to that salary amount are: $10,950.00 per month for Standard Ministry Expense Allowances, $11,918.11 for hospitalization premiums we pay for them each month, and $1722.50 which we disburse to publish their newsletters for them each month.
Those commitments amount to a total of $46,039.61 which is supplied from the General Fund. We want to emphasize that WE CANNOT MEET THESE COMMITMENTS WITHOUT THE SUPPLIES OF THE FUNDS EACH MONTH. If we don’t receive enough in General Fund offerings each month to meet these Essential Maintenance Transactions, then we will be required to reduce the amounts we have committed.
Will you help us provide this much-needed and belated salary increase for our missionaries’ basic and essential living expenses BY INCREASING YOUR PERSONAL OFFERINGS TO THE MONTHLY GENERAL BY JUST 5% – or more – as the Lord enables you?
If every one of us increases our contributions to the monthly General Fund by even that amount, we can more than supply this modest salary increase for our missionaries.
Our repeated ‘THANK YOU!’ to each one of you who gives to the General Fund each month!
June Bean, who faithfully served 31 years as a missionary in Brazil with her husband George, entered the Presence of the Lord the morning of Wednesday, December 12. In 1964, the Beans went to serve the Lord in São Luís, capital of the northeastern state of Maranhão, Brazil, until their retirement from active missionary service in 1995. They also spent a couple of years relieving furloughing missionaries. Brother George Bean went Home to be with the Lord in May 2000. Sis. Bean had dementia for several years and had declined rapidly in the last six months.
Ada Mayfield Hunter, who faithfully served 22 years as a missionary in Peru with her husband Del, entered the Presence of the Lord on Saturday evening, January 12. Brother and Sister Mayfield went to Peru in 1961 and served the Lord there – principally in the two cities of Pucallpa and Iquitos – until they returned to the States in 1983. The Lord blessed them with a fruitful ministry both in believers brought to know Jesus Christ and churches established.
April 22-24
Hosted by Thompson Road Baptist Church | Lexington, KY | Dave Parks, Pastor
Block these dates and plan to attend.
We have been receiving your offerings for our 2012-13 THANKSGIVING OFFERING for the past 3 months now. We think we may have received the bulk of what this year’s offering will be. If that is so, then we are going to come up short from even last year’s offering – which didn’t carry us through to the end of 2012.
2012 Offering was $56,365.38. This year’s Offering stands at $45,215.17. If this offering is not increased, then we will be unable to fulfill some of the benefits and commitments we have made to our missionaries.
These offerings are essential to fulfilling the financial benefits and commitments we have made to provide for their needs and to support all the activities required to keep their ministries going.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY TO GOD – AND ASK HIM TO GIVE YOU A GENEROUS OFFERING TO CONTRIBUTE! ‘THANK YOU!’ to every one who has contributed this year to make this offering what it is!
- ODALI AND KATHY BARROS – PRAISE GOD for professions of faith in Christ.
- HAROLD BRATCHER – PRAY for his relocation in the U.S. PRAISE GOD for his safe travel back to the U.S.
- MIKE AND BEV CREIGLOW – PRAISE GOD for a new church established and for on-going evangelistic outreach into their city.
- JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER – PRAY that God will give them a break-through in Assai and encourage them in their struggles there. PRAISE GOD also for these faithful and fruitful evangelists and church-planting warriors – 58 years and still going!
- JOHN AND JUDY HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for their safe return to France and for reunions with past converts to Christ.
- A.J. AND BARB HENSLEY – PRAY for their first services in their new church plant, Caragua Baptist Church. PRAISE GOD for reports of new converts to Christ.
- NATHAN AND CARRIE RADFORD – PRAY for the renewal of their work permit to remain in Kenya and for the struggling church plant in Shangalamwe.
- ROGER AND JULIE TATE – PRAY for God to cover them and shield them with His Spirit from the discouragements of ministry – and also that the Lord will establish the infant church at Shangalamwe.
- SHERIDAN AND ANITA STANTON – PRAISE GOD for a safe return to Peru. PRAY for Anita’s sister, Hilda.
- BOBBY AND CHARLENE WACASER – PRAY for them and their church as they seek to reach other neighborhoods, especially Corbelia. PRAISE GOD for His protection in recent accidents.
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FaithWORKS Report [December 2012]
[You can also read service-by-service recaps of all our Conference sessions by scrolling through these posts on our FaithWORKS blog.]
The Lord blessed us with an encouraging Thanksgiving Conference hosted by New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. Terry Adkins is the pastor of these gracious and missions-faithful saints of the Lord.
The theme of our Conference was “PLANTING CHURCHES IN ALL KINDS OF SOIL” and was inspired by 1 Corinthians 3.6: “I have planted, Apollos watered; BUT GOD GAVE THE INCREASE.”
The Lord was glorified in the messages preached from His Word. They all emphasized, not only God’s sovereignty over the increase of His own Gospel, but also His promises to make His Kingdom and churches grow when we obediently and faithfully plant and water His Word. We all renewed our own commitments to plant and water faithfully and IN DEPENDENCE UPON GOD TO MAKE HIS WORKS GROW!
Two of our missionaries were present and preached: Sheridan Stanton and John Mark Hatcher. God blessed us to have them among us and benefit from their ministries in the Word.
There is an enthusiastic spirit of interest and involvement in the ministry of Baptist Faith Missions that is increasingly demonstrated among our fellowshipping churches. We are continuously praying to God for this, and we are committed to doing everything we can to see it come to fruition.
Randy Jones, the President of BFM, also presented to the Conference some of the activities we have pursued this past year in our efforts to expand our outreach and cultivate our relationships with our contributors. We believe that cultivating personal relationships with our supporting churches and Giving Friends in our fellowship is one of the Lord’s means of stabilizing, strengthening, and increasing our missionaries’ support funds. Fellowship [partnership] in the Gospel is God’s ordained mandate, model, and means for our participation in His Mission…serving God together in this, our mutual ministry in the Gospel.
Several churches were represented by the attendance of their pastors and members, and especially from the greater-Detroit area. We are increasingly encouraged by that. We are especially appreciative also for Pastor Gary Harrah and the brothers and sisters of the Grace Missionary Baptist Church in Wyandotte, who not only came to attend the Conference services, but also joined in with New Hope’s members to help serve us with the meals and the hospitality.
[You can view several pictures from the Conference on our Facebook Page.]
One of the goals we had set for ourselves this past year [2012] was to be solvent enough to give each of our missionaries a 5% year-end lump sum appreciation bonus [which would have amounted to about $1,030.00 per year]. However, when we presented and discussed our prospective budgets for 2013, We don’t have remaining funds to do that.
But, after considering and praying over one of our other goals – to give them a 5% increase in their base salary – we did move to adopt that proposal. So, beginning in 2013, trusting God to provide it, we will increase their salary base from $1,717.00 to $1,803.00 per month. The Lord has given us an increase of about 3% in the monthly General Fund offerings during 2012 [when compared to the same offerings during 2011].
We are communicating this also to all of you, their Giving Friends, praying to God and hoping we will all respond together with commensurate increases to the monthly General Fund.
For the past six years or so, we have been appealing to all of us in our BFM fellowship to take note of the on-going needs of our missionaries for increases in their monthly General Fund offerings. We have been paraphrasing an appeal Abigail made to King David in 1 Samuel 25.17: “Now therefore KNOW and CONSIDER WHAT YOU WILL DO.”
Will you help us provide this much-needed and belated salary increase for our missionaries’ basic and essential living expenses BY INCREASING YOUR PERSONAL OFFERINGS TO THE MONTHLY GENERAL BY JUST 5% – or more – as the Lord enables you?
If everyone of us increases our contributions to the monthly General Fund by even that amount, we can more than supply this modest salary increase for our missionaries.
January 20-23, 2013
Hosted by Park Ridge Baptist Church, Gotha FL
Host Pastor, Ben Glover | 407.719.9861 |
Please make your plans to attend this Conference. We will be posting the
program and other additional information on our website’s Events page
and also on our FaithWorks Blog page soon!
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FaithWORKS Report [November 2012]
We are now receiving our 2012-13 Thanksgiving Offering. We will use these funds to provide support services and other periodic commitments we make to our missionaries over the course of the year. Last year’s Thanksgiving Offering was $56,365.38. Coming into November, we have only $3,735.44 of that amount remaining after we have provided the services and honored the commitments to our missionaries so far this year. It is essential that we give as generous an offering as the Lord enables you to give.
Our Lord Jesus Christ commands each one of us to personally participate in the
advance of His Gospel “into all the world” “to all nations”. There are two ways
each one of us can participate: [1] Go ourselves…in person – as our faithful
missionaries have done and are doing; [2] Give offerings to help them go – as in
Romans 15.24, 2 Corinthians 10.15-15, and Philippians 4.15-17.
PASTORS: will you open the opportunity for the members of your church to give
to this much-needed offering? Encourage them to personally participate in the
increase of the Glory of Jesus Christ in every nation where our missionaries are
GIVING FRIEND: will you personally give an offering to help supply our
missionaries’ needs over the next year? If your church is not receiving a
Thanksgiving Offering, you can send your personal offering via any of the means
provided on our Donate/Support page. Click here to make a one-time donation via e-check or credit card now. “BRING AN OFFERING…Psalm 96.8”
We hope you can attend November 19-21. Please be in prayer for this conference as well! You can find the program and other additional information in this post.
You can keep up with what is happening in BFM as it happens by logging on to our website regularly, and especially the FaithWorks blog page. As our missionaries write their monthly newsletters, they are immediately posted there as we receive them.
We are making daily posts there not only with our missionaries newsletters, but also with daily developments and updates. Bookmark the page and be in the know!
BFM EMAIL NEWS – we want to include you in our email bulletins. If you have not
signed up to receive our email reports, please do so by subscribing either through our
Facebook page, or by sending us an email at
will be posted on our website before it goes to the printer. We will post links to the PDF
Mission Sheets on Facebook and also via emailed BFM NEWS.
We also continue to need increased and faithful MONTHLY GENERAL FUND OFFERINGS to supply their monthly Essential Maintenance Transactions [EMT]. Those essential commitments amount to more than $45,000.00 every month.
$20,426.00 for their salaries;
$10,950.00 for their standard housing and ministry allowances;
$11,918.11 for their monthly hospitalization premiums;
$1722.50 for the printing and distribution of their monthly newsletters and reports in The Mission Sheets. These disbursements must be made every month. They must be supplied through your monthly GENERAL FUND offerings, or else we will be required to reduce either their salaries or expense allowances to make the monthly GENERAL FUND supplies/disbursements balance.
YOUR FAITHFUL AND GENEROUS MONTHLY GENERAL FUND OFFERINGS ARE SUPPLYING THESE NEEDS so they can maintain their daily ministries unhindered by shortages of funds and undistracted from their service by wondering what they will have to curtail to keep their ministries going.
We love you and thank God for each one. All our offerings working together will keep them GOING AND GROWING for the Glory of God!
January 20-23, 2013
Hosted by Park Ridge Baptist Church, Gotha FL
Host Pastor, Ben Glover | 407.719.9861 |
Please make your plans to attend this Conference. We will be posting the
program and other additional information on our website’s Events page
and also on our FaithWorks Blog page soon!
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Thank You!
Our Secretary, Dave Parks, expresses personal thanks on behalf of our missionaries to all of our faithful and generous contributors.
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FaithWORKS Report [October 2012]
You can keep up with what is happening in BFM as it happens by logging on to our website regularly, and especially the FaithWorks blog page. As our missionaries write their monthly newsletters, they are immediately posted there as we receive them.
We are making daily posts there not only with our missionaries newsletters, but also with daily developments and updates. Bookmark the page and be in the know!
BFM EMAIL NEWS – we want to include you in our email bulletins. If you have not
signed up to receive our email reports, please do so by subscribing either through our
Facebook page, or by sending us an email at
will be posted on our website before it goes to the printer. We will post links to the PDF
Mission Sheets on Facebook and also via emailed BFM NEWS.
We have produced an attractive and informative brochure to present our missionaries’ ministries. It will serve well as a centerpiece presentation to introduce, define, and distinguish the faithful missionaries who serve in partnership with BFM. It is professionally designed and produced in full-color on a three-8½x11-pages spread-out format. To view and flip through an animated version of the brochure, click here. You can help us reach out to introduce others to BFM by using this brochure when you tell them about us.
If you want copies of the brochure for yourself or to distribute in your church, contact the Secretary, Dave Parks, with your mailing address and the quantity you want. You will find his address on our Contact page.
Please pray to the Lord of the Harvest concerning what you can give to our
to provide for the many benefits and services we give our missionaries over the course of
the year such as furlough expenses and the support services required to meet their needs.
We also continue to need increased and faithful MONTHLY GENERAL FUND OFFERINGS to supply their monthly Essential Maintenance Transactions [EMT]. Those essential commitments amount to more than $45,000.00 every month.
$20,426.00 for their salaries;
$10,950.00 for their standard housing and ministry allowances;
$11,918.11 for their monthly hospitalization premiums;
$1722.50 for the printing and distribution of their monthly newsletters and reports in The Mission Sheets. These disbursements must be made every month. They must be supplied through your monthly GENERAL FUND offerings, or else we will be required to reduce either their salaries or expense allowances to make the monthly GENERAL FUND supplies/disbursements balance.
YOUR FAITHFUL AND GENEROUS MONTHLY GENERAL FUND OFFERINGS ARE SUPPLYING THESE NEEDS so they can maintain their daily ministries unhindered by shortages of funds and undistracted from their service by wondering what they will have to curtail to keep their ministries going.
We love you and thank God for each one. All our offerings working together will keep them GOING AND GROWING for the Glory of God!
Please make your plans to attend November 19-21. You can find the program and
other additional information in this post.
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