Rice and Jesus at Mama Njuguna’s


The Tate Family has served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is indigenous church planting.

January 29, 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Rice and Jesus at Mama Njuguna’s.

That previous statement might need a little explanation. Mama Njuguna’s is the restaurant at which I like to eat lunch in town. With that short sentence you now know what the “Mama Njuguna’s” in the above statement means. Mama’s isn’t really much of a place. You’d probably call it a dive. It’s rustic, dirty, made out of iron sheets and I sometimes share my space with mice. But the food is good and really cheap. I can usually eat my entire lunch for 50 shillings (about 50 cents). At Mama Njuguna’s I can get chai (tea), chapati (flat-bread), and cabbage and potatoes. But mostly I can get rice. Beans and rice; Ndengu (green grams) and rice; Githeri (beans and corn) and rice. Now you know where the “Rice” in the above statement comes from.  The only thing left to explain is the “Jesus” in the above statement.

I try to eat at Mama’s 3-5 times a week (again, because it is so cheap and convenient). That makes me a regular at Mama’s. [But I am also very much a novelty. Mama’s being located on a back alley in town it doesn’t get frequented by many Wazungu (Swahili term for “White People”). In fact, I am the only one that has EVER frequented Mama’s in the entire history of its existence. The son of Mama Njuguna once told me how special a customer I was because I made the establishment international. Now, Mama’s may be a dive but it is a really happening place. It is always very busy with people always coming and going. So there are lots of customers and lots of workers constantly running around. The seats are wooden, no backed benches, and the tables are cut low so you have to bend way over to eat. I am usually packed into a bench with customers pushing in at both my left and right elbows. This is where the “Jesus” in the above statement comes in. With me being a novelty and the only white guy that has ever been in this place I inevitably get asked the question by someone at my right or left these questions in succession: “Who are you and what’s your name?“; “How long have you been here?“; “What do you do here?“. It’s almost always those questions in that order. So, guess how I get to respond. “I’m from the United States and my name is Rogers” (Yes, I have to say Rogers instead of Roger. For some reason they can understand and say Rogers but Roger is unintelligible and unrepeatable to most Kenyans). “I’ve been here for nine years now.” “And I’m here as a missionary doing work for the Kingdom of Jesus.” The following conversation always revolves around Jesus.

Sometimes I get to tell them why I would give up my life in the States to preach the Kingdom of Jesus in a foreign land. Sometimes they ask me for money. Sometimes I get to share a part of the gospel with them. Sometimes they have some project they want me to support. Sometimes they are Muslim. Sometimes they are “pastors” looking for support. Sometimes I encourage them in their faith. Sometimes they encourage me. But almost always we talk about Jesus. And being a regular at Mama’s, I know all the workers and get to hear about their day. Mash and Dan, the managers, never fail to tell me that they went to church last Sunday. I also get to show the love of Jesus to all the servers: Betty, Sonny, Margaret, Maurall, Mercy, Shiro, Ingrid and others. I’ve even met Mama a time or two.

Maybe your headline would read “Burgers and Jesus at McDonald’s” or “Coffee and Jesus at Starbucks” or “Donuts and Jesus at Krispy Kreme”. Beloved, never be ashamed to talk about Jesus, no matter where you might be.

Now you understand the meaning of “Rice and Jesus at Mama Njuguna’s”. I think that has a nice ring to it. And it’s not as unsanitary as “Mice and Jesus at Mama Njuguna’s”.

Please pray for me as I prepare for another trip up into the bush, to the village of Kasei in west Pokot, a long, long way from home both physically and emotionally. I am developing a series of messages entitled “Learning to Follow Jesus from the Life of Daniel”. I will be spending five days in Kasei for a seminar there. I hope to encourage the existing believers as well as lead unbelievers into a new relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Until next month, beloved.
May God’s peace and joy be with you.
For the glory of God in East Africa,
Roger & Julie Tate (and Amy, Josiah & Chloe)

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God’s Children Living Love

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

January 28, 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am writing this letter ahead of time because very early Monday morning Judy and I will be heading to Florida to spend a couple of weeks with my parents, John and Alta Hatcher. They will both be turning 92 years old this year. Judy and I are very thankful for the parents that God gave to us. They led us to the Lord, discipled us and were excellent examples of serving the Lord faithfully. Our Heavenly Father has blessed us beyond our imagination.

Before sharing a little news from here, I wanted to mention how blessed I was to read the Hensley’s letter which told about hosting the French Bikers for Thanksgiving Dinner and overnight “camping”. Who knows how God will use this in their lives. Half of French people proclaim to be atheist. Atheists are not brought to Christ by arguing with them. You must start by letting “your light so shine … that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” God has chosen to use the example of His children living love to draw unbelievers to Himself Who “so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son”. When they are amazed by our love they will listen to the gospel. This is true in America as it is in France and around the world.

Judy is known in our neighborhood as the lady that delivers blueberry muffins to new arrivals. In the middle of last year, a new family moved into our neighborhood and Judy made her “delivery”. The husband let us know that they loved them. The lady was expecting their third child and one day as she was out walking she stopped to say “hi” as I was trimming the hedges. I stopped and invited her in to visit with Judy and me. She came in and we had an excellent “get acquainted” visit. When she gave birth, Judy took a gift to them for the baby and had a good visit with the mother. The mother let Judy know that I could come and see the baby, too. A few days later she saw Judy and me arriving home and invited us over for coffee.

During this coffee visit I asked her about her beliefs. She nicely said that she did not believe in God. I asked her if she had ever read the Bible. She said, “No, but I like the stories from the roots of religions.” Today I took her a copy of a book which is a compilation of the exact text of all of the major Bible events. It begins with Genesis and goes through the New Heavens and New Earth in the Revelation including the Gospels. She was very appreciative and we pray the she will come to faith through the Word. She offered to water indoor plants while we were gone, so I gave her the keys to the house. We have found that when you trust them, they open the doors of their houses and hearts to us.

Part of the group that meets at Bible studies in the Arriège department south of the Hatchers.

Things have been busy around here. Besides getting ready for tomorrow’s church gathering and traveling we also hosted the regular men’s prayer breakfast here this morning. As I write this on Saturday evening, Judy should be on her way home from a ladies’ gathering.

I will close by telling a bit about the picture I am including. It is part of the group that meets at Bible studies in the Arriège department south of us. As I mentioned in one of my recent letters, three different people are now hosting these meetings in their homes. Judy took this picture after our last meeting. The lady third from the right is a believer who hosts us in her home which is the background. The young man on the right is her husband who is an atheist. However, he always visits with us before and after the meetings in their home and I suspect that he listens to the Bible study from the other room.

Until next month from France,
John and Judy Hatcher

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Encouraging Services, Ministry to Shut-Ins

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

January 2, 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today is a typical gray winter day in Tournefeuille, but beyond the clouds I know the sun is shining.  That is often the way it is in our daily lives. We may be surrounded by circumstances that may be dark, but “the Sun of righteousness” has arisen “with healing in His wings” and He is above all.

I have been particularly encouraged by the services of our church the past two Sundays. Since these Sundays were on holidays we decided to have the service at 4pm followed by a time of snacking and fellowship. In our informal time of sharing, the spiritual growth of some was evident.  Two of the Sunday services during the month of December were led by men in the church besides Philip and me. Our goal is to make disciples and to commit God’s word to “faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”

On Christmas Day part of the worship time was a musical presentation by our children and young people. It was thrilling to watch and to have unsaved visitors here to hear the gospel because their grandchildren were singing. The young people were repeating for us a special program they had done earlier in the month for senior citizens at a meeting sponsored by the city of L’Union.

02-february-2017-jmh-christmasHow this came about is in itself a blessing. Paulette, the oldest member of our congregation lives in the city of L’Union. About a year ago she decided to become a volunteer for the city government and a non-profit organization whose goals are to contact older people who are shut in. Though Paulette’s health itself is not the best, she has been faithful in this new endeavor and as a result has had the opportunity to talk about her faith to the shut ins. She has also had many opportunities to talk about Christ with other volunteers with whom she makes the visits. She organized this special Christmas party where testimony for Christ could be given.

Thank you for your prayers and support.  May God bless each of you as you begin this New Calendar year and let us all remember to use our time on earth to invest into eternity.

In France,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Making Disciples, Investing in Lives

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

July 1, 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

About three months ago, Judy and I were returning from an evening visit with Philip and Amanda. Judy was very quiet which signals my need to ask myself what I did or said wrong. Pondering this question brought me to the realization that this time I was not guilty. Philip and Amanda had been discussing their upcoming summer trip to the USA. As you know, they work with us in France. Once every two years they return to Indiana to see Amanda’s family and Philip’s siblings. On this particular evening they were discussing their plans to meet up with our other children. It has been 10 years since we have been together with all of our children. It seems that a longing to be with them was on Judy’s mind. My slow brain kicked into gear and I suggested that we should join them.  After remonstrating a bit, Judy conceded to the idea and here we are in Chicago enjoying our children here while waiting to be with all of them next week.

Little did we know that it would give us the opportunity to spend last moments with a dear friend in Evansville. In 1974, when I began pastoring the small congregation which was later named Emmanuel Baptist Church, Gayle Evans had just turned 12. Last year she was diagnosed with aggressive ALS and when we arrived in Chicago from France she was nearing the end of her days on earth. A couple days later we drove to Evansville and spent two memorable days with this extended family that is so dear to us; sad because Gayle’s departure was imminent; rejoicing because her earthly struggles would be replaced by the Lord’s presence.

Here are some words I share with permission from Yvonne Dooms who came to know Christ in those early days at Morgan Ave. B. C. “I visited with the family of a childhood friend who died this week of ALS. As I stood in the visitation line, the memories of years ago came flooding back. Going to the Spring Conference in Lexington with John and Judy Hatcher and sleeping on Peggy and Robin’s living room floor; Listening to the muppets on a cassette recorder the whole way there and back; Hanging out with my sister Teresa and Gayle and Joanie Evans on Sunday afternoons and then singing together on Sunday nights. Going on vacation with my family to Columbus, Indiana and when we showed up at the motel pool there was Joanie and Gayle swimming. My biggest memory of Gayle was a Sunday School class in the old gray house where she shared her testimony with Judy and I; Just the three of us sitting in an old kitchen on folding chairs while Gayle Anne told us how she had turned her life over to Christ that previous week. I thank God for her life and for allowing me to be a part of it even for a little while.”

Our job is to make disciples and invest in their lives. This is a multi-way process as they and others invest in our lives. This is the calling we have all received. One you share with us, to God be the Glory!

This is what we are doing in France. Earlier this week I received this note from Wendy, the single lady who works with us in France. “Just wanted to let you know that all went well on Sunday morning. Denis did a great job leading and there was a good turnout. Everyone participated…Pascaline joined Jean-Luc and Lea in playing a few of the songs. I was super proud!!! It was a wonderful Sunday morning with almost everyone in attendance.” Denis is one of the church members who led Sunday. His daughter was just baptized last week. Pascaline was also baptized at the same time. She takes piano lessons from Amanda. Jean-Luc, another one of our members will be leading this coming Sunday. One of these days all of God’s children from every tongue, tribe and nation will be together physically. “What a day of rejoicing that will be!!!

Being in the USA also gave me the opportunity to fly down to Florida to spend a few days with Paul and Wanda and my parents. I feel so blessed by God and you are part of that. May you enjoy our heavenly Father’s richest blessings.

Your fellow servants,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Unbelieving Families Hear the Gospel at Baptismal Service in France

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

June 1, 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I have wept a lot in the last couple of weeks. No, I am not sad, I am rejoicing. Rarely do I cry when I am sad, but when I am overwhelmed with joy the tears flow. Sunday we had a baptismal service and four young ladies were baptized. Two of these are our youngest grandchildren who live here in France. Camille is 12 years old and Emily is 10 years old. They had both trusted Christ some time ago. One of the others baptized is a college student who has come to church meetings with her family for several years as well as youth meetings. She now is a regular participant in Bible studies that Amanda has with college girls. I will tell you a bit more about the other girl.

Seven years ago I was praying for opportunities to become acquainted with people in our community in order to share the gospel with them. Judy noticed in the local paper that a choir was being formed. I inquired and decided that it would be a venue for meeting and witnessing to people. The only people that I recognized out of the 70 or so at the first practice was a couple that arrived shortly after me. They had just moved into a house about 100 feet from ours. We started going to practice together and I soon found out that he was reared in an atheist family and she had received catholic baptism as a child. They had a boy and girl about the age of our older grandchildren here.

We invited the children to come to the next Vacation Bible School we held. They had other plans for that week but the mother asked about the Sunday classes for children. Her daughter was interested in coming. The rest of the family has never come once on Sundays but the daughter has come regularly for about 6 years. Last year her mother told me that when her daughter first started coming she was afraid of dying but that this was no longer the case.

Two weeks ago, the mother and daughter stopped by because the daughter wanted to follow the Lord in baptism and the mother said that they would like for us to use their house for the service and baptize in their pool. There were over 50 people at the service last Sunday. The son of the hosting couple beamed the whole service and baptism live using “Skype” to both sets of grandparents. The paternal grandparents are both atheists. The message given by Philip was a clear presentation of Salvation by grace from Ephesians chapter 2. The parents were both greatly moved by the service and baptisms. Pray with us for the salvation of this entire family.

I am including pictures taken by a young married man who has been coming for about five years. He was orphaned early in life. I think he was 11 when his mother died and 13 when his father died. They both professed to be atheists. He is the husband of one of our members and hardly ever misses on Sundays or the monthly men’s prayer breakfast. He has confidence that God opens doors that are good for them. Please pray for his salvation.

I am filled with joy as I see God at work in believers and touching the hearts of those who have not yet believed.

Rejoicing in Southern France,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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BFM Spring Conference 2016: Theme

Spring Conference 2016

CONFERENCE THEME:  “Every disciple…a disciple-maker!”  Matthew 28.18-20

We all emphasize the Great Commission.  We are Great Commission believers.  We are Great Commission churches.  We are Great Commission missionaries.  The Great Commission is very straightforward and simple: “MAKE DISCIPLES”.  Our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to make disciples for Him. A disciple is personally and whole-heartedly committed to obeying, following, and becoming like Him in every aspect of our lives.

But, our problem very often is that we try to delegate the real responsibility of ‘making disciples’ off onto someone else.  Our churches here in the States will delegate and expect our missionaries abroad to make disciples while we neglect and fail to do so here.  And, within our churches, many members will renege on the personal responsibility to make disciples and pass off that responsibility onto their pastors and leaders.

But, we must return to and reinforce the original intent and meaning of “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” – and that is, EVERY DISCIPLE MUST BE A DISCIPLE-MAKER.  That means that most disciple-making will be done within the relationships that each of us maintains with other people.  Most of our disciple-making will not be performed in the auditoriums of our churches, but rather in the personal interactions we have with others in our homes, in coffee-shops, in intentional encounters and interactions we have in our daily activities.

How did the first church in Jerusalem and the early churches in Judea, Samaria, and beyond – how did they make disciples?  All of their disciples certainly were not made in their public corporate assemblies – though we are sure some were.  But, their disciples were made as all the disciples went from place to place “talking the Word” as in Acts 8.4.

The making of other disciples must be the deliberate ministry of every disciple of Jesus Christ.  Our churches should not only encourage every disciple to be a disciple-maker, but we should train our people to do so, and then create the occasions and environment where disciple-making will happen.

We live in a time and culture when “going to church” is no longer on people’s conscience or agenda.  They don’t have a personal sense that they need to or ought to “go to church.”  So, if we reach them at all, we must go to them – which was Jesus’ original command, anyway.  “As you are going, make disciples of all the nations.”  We must be “talking the Word” in all the places where we go…where they are…where we meet and encounter them.  And, we must be calling everyone we talk with to “Follow Jesus” – be His disciple!

My own conviction for this urgent ministry was stoked a few months ago when I read a book that is currently available [2013]: Follow Me by David Platt.  I would encourage everyone to get the book and read it.  I was deeply convicted, challenged, and encouraged by Platt’s call for us to return to the mission that Jesus Himself fulfilled and then commanded us to repeat and perpetuate.  Jesus’ call was – and still is – “Follow Me!”  When Jesus commissioned us, “And you shall be My witnesses…,” He meant that each one of His disciples [followers] must accept and fulfill the responsibility to be calling all the others in the world to follow Jesus also.

“Every disciple…a disciple-maker!” is the essential ministry that will assure, not just the survival, but the health, growth, and effectiveness of our respective churches.  “Every disciple…a disciple-maker!” is the essential key to the continuation and increase of our missionaries’ support.  If we in our Stateside churches are not being Great Commission churches by making disciples, then we will decline and die, and there won’t be enough healthy, vibrant, effective churches to maintain our missionaries’ support – much less anticipate growth and increase of our missionary outreach.

So, let’s respond to the admonition our Lord sent to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2.5: “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place – unless you repent.”

Come and gather with us as we challenge and encourage one another to love and good works – and especially those good works of “Every disciple…a disciple-maker!”

—All the Details—

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Conference Theme
Conference Offering
Travel Directions
Accommodations Info
Children’s Sessions
Conference Graphic
All Spring Conference Posts

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

February 4, 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It seems impossible that another month has passed since I last wrote you. It has been a good month and we see God at work. There are also areas that we are concerned about and pray about.

Our new Bible studies and prayer meetings are going well. I will mention some of these new ones. This afternoon Judy and I will be meeting with a couple of ladies with whom we have started a weekly Bible study. Both of them are believers, but are married to unsaved men. We have a good relationship with both of these men. One of them comes to the Sunday meetings from time to time. Judy and I are very encouraged by the spiritual growth that we see in both of these ladies.  One of them has become quite involved in visiting elderly people in her community. She does this by participating with a social organization that has as its primary focus the welfare of older citizens. This lady from our church has had a number of opportunities to witness to the people she visits and is very excited about it.

Amanda, our daughter-in-law and a wonderful partner in ministry here, is meeting with girls who are College students for Bible study. One of the three girls in this Bible study has trusted Christ but is not yet baptized. The other two have come to church and youth meetings but have never made a public confession of faith.

The men in the church are now meeting one Saturday morning each month to pray together. We are hoping that this will give us the opportunity to more effectively encourage and disciple these men.

Another lady has started a prayer meeting with ladies on Tuesday mornings and one couple is trying to get a Friday night Bible study going in their home.

Philip, Amanda, and their four daughters

Philip, Amanda, and their four daughters

One of our concerns is the children of families who come to church here. We would like to see the saved parents be more active in helping their children know the Bible. Nearly all the adults in our church besides Judy, me, Philip and Amanda were saved as adults or teenagers and come from families where no one else was saved. They did not have Christian parents to teach them or be examples for them. Since they were saved as adults they do not always understand a child’s capacity to know God. We are praying and planning on helping these families teach their children the Bible more effectively. Please pray with us and for these families.

Our regular and longer term Bible studies are going well.

I have asked Amanda, our daughter-in-law, to write the letter next month to give you a different perspective. Abigail, our oldest granddaughter publishes the monthly church bulletin and Nathalie the second in birth order designed and maintains the church’s website. They are involved in working with the children and all the girls are our main point of contact to get kids from the community to come to outreach activities. Philip, Amanda and the four girls are a major component in what God is doing here. We ask that you pray for them as you pray for us.

May God’s richest blessings be evident to you,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [January 2016]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

January 4, 2016

Dear Fellow Laborers,

We hope that this finds you enjoying the Lord’s blessings and growing in your walk with Christ.  Your continued faithfulness in your service to us is a blessing to us. Judy’s sister, Peggy, spent the last couple of weeks with us and we enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with her and Philip’s family during the Holidays.

Earlier in December, we were able to have dinner with one of our former members who now lives in Hamburg, Germany. Joachim was the first person baptized here in Tournefeuille. It was great to hear how God is continuing to work in his life and the life of his family. The fact that there is so much mobility in our area resulting from job transfers means that those who have been saved and discipled often move away. However, as one studies the book of Acts as we are doing on Sundays here, it is obvious that the early history of the churches of Jesus Christ were greatly affected by mobility. We are not persecuted as they were, but mobility is used by God for the spread of the Gospel and the multiplication of disciples. So, we work hard at helping new believers live out the life of Christ.

Children in Sunday School Class in Tournefeuille

Children in Sunday School Class in Tournefeuille

A picture of the Sunday School class wall which represents our church: a school of fish following Jesus.

A picture of the Sunday School class wall which represents our church: a school of fish following Jesus.

Yesterday, after the morning meeting, the Tournefeuille church had a meal together to fellowship and celebrate what God has done for us. Though a couple of families could not be with us, we had a very full house. As we review the past year, we see progress in the work here and that encourages us as we anticipate what God will do here during the coming year. The new prayer times and Bible studies are going well and several of the believers are taking on new responsibilities. We have several new believers who are awaiting baptism.

I am including a picture of one of the Sunday School classes and another of the class wall which represents our church: a school of fish following Jesus.

Thank you again for your faithfulness. May God crown this year of your life with His blessings and don’t forget to “Brighten the corner where you are …”!


Your team members in France,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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