Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [May 2012]

Sheridan and Anita Stanton have served the Lord in Peru for 28 years. Their main ministry is church planting and they have helped establish churches all over the country. Sheridan also works to train pastors and Anita works with the ladies' ministry and developing children's material.

May 11, 2012

Dear friends,

The month of April I had the opportunity to travel to Ecuador thanks to my good friend, Jim Miller.  While in Ecuador I was privileged to visit the very spot where Jim Elliot, Nate Saint and three other missionaries were killed by Waodani Indians on January 8, 1956; I was two years old at the time.  From Shell, Ecuador we flew to the village and then took a canoe to a spot on the river called “Palm Beach” where the missionaries were attacked.  Most of the villagers are now followers of Jesus Christ.  The oldest woman in the village was the first believer and also worked as the first translator for the mission team. 

Back in the town of Shell, Ecuador I also enjoyed the blessing of leading the morning devotional for the Doctors, Nurses and staff of the Shell Missionary Hospital and visited an amazing missionary orphanage for mentally and physically handicapped children.

The country of Ecuador gets its name because the equator passes right through it.  In the city of Quito, there is a place called the “middle of the world” where you can stand with one foot in the Northern Hemisphere and the other foot in the Southern Hemisphere; a unique experience to say the least!  

On the 25th Anita and I began our trip back to the United States to begin our furlough.  We arrived a week before my graduation from Louisiana Baptist University.   After several long years of study and hard work I finally received my Doctorate in Christian Counseling.  This past year I had several attempted suicide cases referred to me as well as some estranged couples seeking marital counseling.  The Lord has given me the gift of a counselor’s heart.  There is a great joy in giving hope to those that have reached their lowest point in their lives; that hope is Jesus Christ!

At the beginning or our last furlough a few years ago we discovered Anita had breast cancer and that of course changed all our plans.  After three years since she finished her chemo and radiation treatments she continues to show NO signs of this dreaded disease!  We rejoice in God’s manifest mercy shown to her.

We were not able to visit several of our supporting churches as a result of her treatment, so we are hoping that this time we can visit everyone.  Pastors please contact me at the phone numbers listed below so we can set a date to come and share about the great work God had done in Peru and our vision for the next several years.  Some exciting ministry opportunities have developed for us in Peru and we would love to share with you about them!  Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.

In HIM by HIS grace,

Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita

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