Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [October 2014]
October 3, 2014
Dear Friends,
I missed giving you a report last month on what’s going on, so I’ll try to get you caught up without making this letter too long.
In my last report, I mentioned that we were sending one of our young evangelists out into the jungle region where Brazil and French Guyana share a border. Alysson, our volunteer has now returned from that trip and has shared the experiences and results that he had while working there. In the course of one month the group went to several villages of Indian tribes and a few towns of small population. They were able to share the gospel in hospitals, public schools, public squares and in 67 homes. In all, they spoke to over 3390 persons and, of these, 750 made a profession of faith in Jesus. Alysson was so encouraged that now he wants to prepare to go to other regions as a missionary.
Our motorhomes are all running again and we have 3 teams out sharing the gospel as I write. During the last two months we took two of our teams to some neighboring towns to evangelize in the public schools and parks, as well as assisting some local churches with their missions training. Projeto Vida has gone through some very trying times, both financially and some health issues. Our leader of this ministry, Paulo Novaes, received a doctor’s report that he has cirrhosis of the liver. He, of course, is concerned and is having to change his diet, his exercise program and was advised that he’d have to stop stressing. It is this last item that is the most difficult. There are over 50 volunteers involved in this ministry and their well-being is a constant concern. Also, there are all the issues involved in maintaining 4 motorhomes equipped, fueled and running properly. Add to that, the relational issues between 12 people per motorhome living together in a small space for 3 weeks per month, 9 months per year. These are stress-generating issues, to say the least. Please pray for Paulo that he may know how to fully surrender these issues to the Lord and not let them destroy his health.
We just went through a rough period with the death of my co-pastor’s aunt. Glenda fought with breast cancer for nearly one year. She maintained a strong testimony to God’s grace and love throughout the ordeal, but the Lord saw fit to take her home last Sunday. Many of you have had to suffer a similar battle, either from having cancer yourself, or accompanying a loved one who had it. You know how hard this battle can be. My co-pastor’s family was strengthened by God’s grace as a result of this battle and we have seen in many ways how trials truly serve for our growth and spiritual well-being. We rejoice that Glenda no longer suffers the pain and uncertainty of how to please the Lord in sickness, but we are saddened by the family’s loss of their loved one.
Our church is experiencing encouraging growth, especially among our youth and children’s ministries. I am amazed every week while I’m preaching to look out upon the congregation and see so many new faces of folks that I’ve never met. Even more exciting than this is that they return week after week and several have come seeking to be baptized as followers of Christ. Next week we will be scheduling a baptismal service for 6-7 converts. We are so thankful to the Lord for using us and blessing us with these signs of His power at work around us.
Thank you for your continued prayer and faithful giving so that we may continue to serve the Lord here in southern Brazil.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Sobrado 1, Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR Brasil
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