Missionary Update: The Tates in Kenya [December 2015]

The Tate Family has served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is indigenous church planting.
November 26, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Hello dear friends. The day that I’m sitting here writing this newsletter is actually Thanksgiving Day back in the States. In Kenya it is just another day (Yes, I’m sure you’re shocked to hear that Kenyans don’t celebrate American holidays). It’s actually sad for us Americans who would love to be celebrating Thanksgiving with our families back home. Holidays back home are a nostalgic time and a time of missing family and friends.
And now that I said Kenyans don’t celebrate Thanksgiving I now have to admit that today actually is a public holiday – a one time public holiday for this year only was announced earlier in the week. Why? Because the Pope is in Kenya today. I believe this is the first time he has visited Kenya (not just the current Pope but any Pope). While it is not a big deal for me it appears to be a big deal in Kenya. A million people (over a quarter of the total population of Nairobi) are expected to gather and see the Pope perform mass. So, while your public holiday surrounds the giving of thanks, our public holiday surrounds the arrival of the Pope.
Now, speaking of Thanksgiving, I see from Facebook posts from various people that our tradition of giving thanks to God on this day for His bountiful blessings is under attack like never before. People are making it all about racism, the suppression of Native Americans, genocide, political agendas and what not. Now, while this attack on our desire to return thanks to the One who is deserving grieves me, I do not want to entangle myself today with the arguments. Instead, in the spirit of Thanksgiving:
- Thank you, Lord, for the gift of your Son, his sinless life, his sacrifice for us on the cross, his resurrection and defeat of the grave
- Thank you, Lord, for your grace, your mercy and forgiveness in our lives, and for the salvation you offer us through your Son.
- Thank you, Lord, for your Spirit who strengthens your children, gives us wisdom and guidance and empowers us to do your work and ministry here on this earth
- Thank you, Lord, for your eternal plan that you established from the foundation of the world that cannot be thwarted or prevented
- Thank you, Lord, that you hold all things in the power of your hand, that you are sovereign and transcendent, faithful and trustworthy
- Thank you, Lord, that while you are transcendent, we can know you personally through our mediator, Jesus Christ
- Thank you, Lord, that you change our hearts and minds and continually mold us into the image of Jesus
- Thank you, Lord, that you allow us to minister and work in your name for the blessings of the nations of this world
- Thank you, Lord, that you cleanse us from our sins and transport us into the Kingdom of your Son
- Thank you, Lord, that you have prepared for us an eternal home where we will live with you and worship you forever
- Thank you, Lord, that when this age is over you will return for us and will make all things in this world right again
- Thank you, Lord, for loving us
Until next month, beloved.
May God’s peace and joy be with you.
For the glory of God in East Africa,
Roger & Julie Tate (and Emily, Amy, Josiah & Chloe)
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