Exhorting Churches and Exhorted in Return

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
August 3, 2017
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This month I had the privilege of speaking in three churches and was blessed by observing what the Lord is doing in each. The first of these was Emmanuel Baptist Church in Oldtown, Kentucky. Judy’s father was pastor of this church for many years and was followed by John Lybrook who really has a shepherd’s heart. We have many friends in this church and it was a joy to reconnect with them. The reality of the passing years hit home to me as we visited with folks who are now parents that I remember as very young children.
The second church was Resurgence where we had the privilege of seeing a number of folks whom I had served as pastor. It is a fairly young church and is in the inner city of Evansville. There is good evidence that Tom, Grant and Odali, the three elders, are doing an excellent job and work with a group of committed believers who have a heart to reach others in their community.
This past Sunday we were in Lexington, Kentucky, enjoying the fellowship of the New Life Baptist Church. We have been friends with the pastor, Steve Wainright, and his family for many years and it was a joy to be in their home. I have known some of the folks in this church my entire life. Sarah Wainright is our media person who prepares the Mission Sheets for publishing and maintains the Baptist Faith Missions News website. We also had the blessing of visiting with Dave and Debbie Parks. Dave is our liaison with all the churches that support us and truly has a servant/shepherd heart. We enjoyed visiting with old and new friends alike in this congregation.
One of the things that I have (and Judy, when she has been with me) noticed is that these congregations have reached their families. All three of them are made up of children, young folks and those who are older. We think this indicates a healthy church body.
The news from France is encouraging. Please continue to pray for the believers there and for the salvation of those who need Christ.
Judy is well on her way to complete recovery from her injury. Thank you for your prayers for her and her sister, Peggy. Ask God to use us for His glory while we are in the USA.
May God richly bless each of you,
John and Judy Hatcher
Temporary Address
John and Judy Hatcher
1901 Shepherd Dr.
Evansville, IN 47715
Field Address
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [February 2013]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making,”
January 30, 2013
Dear Co-Laborers,
We arrived back in France to find things going well. Sunday services have be very good with excellent attendance. There were a total of 15 different visitors during the four Sunday morning services. Better yet, one family of four has returned and indicate that they will be coming on a regular basis. Individuals who have not made professions of faith are present weekly and give evidence that God is at work in their hearts.
Last week Judy had an interesting encounter on her way to Ladies Thursday Bible Study in Toulouse. She takes a bus and then the subway to get to this Bible Study. About half way through the bus ride, a lady boarded the bus and sat across from her greeting Judy as she did so. As she spoke to Judy she said, “I sing in the choir with John.” Judy mentioned that she was on her way to a ladies Bible study and the lady said that she would be interested in attending. I have had the opportunity to witness to a number of people in this choir and one young lady who now comes is the daughter of a couple with whom I first became acquainted through the choir.
This is just one of the many ways God has given us to make contact with people. Philip and Amanda have made many contacts through their children and dog. Yes, one of Amanda’s most recent friendships resulted from meeting a lady who was also walking her dog and who had a daughter in the same grade and school as Abigail, Philip and Amanda’s oldest daughter. Amanda has already hosted this lady and her daughter as guest in their home.
Sometimes when people find out about our faith it scares them. Some time ago, Amanda was invited to join a book club that one of her friends was starting. One of the participants at these monthly meetings was friendly towards Amanda until she found out at the most recent meeting why they are here in France. Immediately, upon hearing about Philip and Amanda being in France as missionaries, the lady got up and moved. However, the lady who hosts this club has been very open. She, her husband and family have visited a service and have been very happy about their children participating in Vacation Bible School.
The various Bible studies are going well. We use small group Bible studies to communicate the Good News and to help those who have trusted the Lord to grow in their understanding of God’s will. These Bible studies range in size from one to eight individuals and are held wherever it is convenient. They are presently being held at four different locations. The closest is our home and the most distant is about one hour away by car. God is using you and others like you to provide the house, car and other tools we use in our ministry here.
Thanking God for your partnership with us in Christ,
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Click here to donate to BFM.
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [February 2012]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making,”
Dear Co-Laborers in Christ,
Greetings from frozen France. Well, I hope that we are not still frozen as you read this, but the last couple of weeks have been marked by unusually cold weather in all of Europe including Tournefeuille, France. Our winters are generally mild compared to where many of you live. There is rarely snow and little accumulation of the frozen flakes. We have only had mail service one day this week and trash collection is not taking place. Frozen pipes have been a common occurrence. This winter reminds us that God is in control! This includes opening doors that no man can close.
On Sunday afternoons after the meal, we have a review time and prayer for the work of the Lord here. Last Sunday, following prayer time I took a couple of the grandchildren out to do some impromptu sledding. The hill near our house was covered with sledders with parents watching. This gave me the opportunity to connect with many people I had not seen for a while and seems to have opened more doors for the future. God uses cold winters!
During the past month we have had a couple of first time visitors. One is the most recent child born to Angela and Joachim. What a joy to see God’s blessings on this couple who demonstrate clearly a love for the Lord since being saved. Joachim was the first person to be baptized into our congregation here. Greta is their third child. Two weeks ago, Joachim broke some sad news to us. This summer they will be moving to Germany with his job. This departure will leave a big gap. Former members of the Tournefeuille congregation are now living in six countries besides France. We have regular contact with most of these. Though it is sad to see them go, we know that historically God has used these movements of His people for the propagation of the Gospel. The church at Antioch and beyond are a good example of this. We work at preparing those who are saved to be good evangelists and disciple makers here or elsewhere.
Paolo, a young man that sings in the community choir in which I participate, came to our Sunday meeting for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I have been acquainted with him for about a year, but did not know much about him. With tears in his eyes, he told me about seeing is father for the first time in 20 years. His father’s departure from his home was quite abrupt and has marked his life. I told him about the Heavenly Father Who was always faithful. We pray that God will save this young man.
Pasqualine, is an eight year old girl who has been coming regular on Sundays. She is the daughter of a couple who also sing in the above mentioned choir. I have had the opportunity to witness to both of them but they have never come. Nevertheless, this daughter is quite interested. “Let the children come unto me.”
Sunday, Gilbert, another one of our men members, is teaching the adults for the first time. We are studying through the wonderful letter to the church at Colosse. This young man has really grown in the Lord during the last couple of years. His wife is saved and they participate regularly along with their 3 children. She also helps in Sunday School.
Thanks again for your participation in what God is doing here. Until next month, stay warm and above all seek to maintain a warm relationship with the Lord and His people.
For Christ in France,
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Click here to donate to BFM.
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