Looking and Praying for an Ideal Location in Kitale


The Tate Family has served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is church planting.

November 28, 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

When I wrote to you last month I began to outline some ministry changes that are in process here in Kitale. Specifically, I mentioned how I am being led by God to start a new church here in Kitale and how I feel I should pastor and lead the church myself until God directs otherwise. Also, I mentioned my most immediate prayer request. Do you remember what that was? I hope you not only remember it but that you have indeed been praying fervently about it. Well, in case you have forgotten, I revealed that my most immediate prayer request was for a place and location in which to begin the worship, the ministry and the church. I still need for you to be in prayer concerning this matter.

I have been searching for a place, but I have not yet discovered the “ideal” location. I have been able to find a few places, but they have not worked out for various reasons (either they were not affordable or they were not conducive locations to starting a church). Since I am asking you to pray about this, let me give you a few details about my “ideal” location. First, I would like a location either directly in town or very close to town. There are a lot of people that live near town in all directions and I would like a centrally located place that people can get to and not have to travel long distances. Second, I want a location that is easy to find. Most roads in Kitale have no names and definitely no signs. It can be very challenging directing people to a place where you want them to go. You have to say “turn left at the gas station;  follow that dirt road until it dead ends; turn right; go to the roundabout and take the third left; after a half a kilometer that road will curve around near a big tree; After the tree there will be a small path on the right; there are usually sheep there but not always; take that path and pass four other paths on the right; turn right at the fifth path; that path dead ends into a big open field; at the end of the field is a big rock; take the drive way to the left of that rock; at the end of the driveway is a black gate; that’s our compound”. Can you see how cumbersome, clunky and confusing this can be? I want to be able to say something like “we’re in the Ambwere Plaza, third floor”. With those seven words I could describe to anybody in Kitale where we are and everyone would immediately recognize it. Third, I want a place that is relatively quiet. Kitale town can be an extremely noisy place, even on a Sunday—music blaring from loud speakers, car horns blaring, hammering construction sounds, loud commotions, etc. If I’m preaching I don’t want to have to shout over these sounds and obviously, I want people to hear what I’m saying.

Whether this “ideal” and affordable location can be found or not, I don’t know. Through a local friend I did find one place that, if God works it out, would probably be an amazing place. It is very near to town, easy to find, has an extremely large room for meeting in, has bathroom facilities, other small rooms for Sunday School and is on its own compound. IT’S ACTUALLY THE MASONIC TEMPLE IN KITALE! Yes, that’s right, the Masonic Temple. The Masons no longer meet here in Kitale and the building is not being used. My local friend continues to pay the upkeep of the compound and feels like he’s wasting his money. He wants to lease the building out but doesn’t want to lease it to a night club or other organization that would destroy the property.  He wants to lease it to me, but the decision is not his alone. I don’t know if this building will work out or not, but it would be interesting if God works out all the details for us. My only concern would be if Kenyans would want to meet there or if they would feel like it was “taboo”.

I will continue looking. You all please continue praying.

May God’s peace and joy be with you.
For the glory of God in East Africa,
Roger & Julie Tate (and Amy, Josiah & Chloe)

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For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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