Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [June 2012]

Sheridan and Anita Stanton have served the Lord in Peru for 28 years. Their main ministry is church planting and they have helped establish churches all over the country. Sheridan also works to train pastors and Anita works with the ladies' ministry and developing children's material.
June 23, 2012
Dear friends,
One year ago today my father, Ralph Stanton, went to his homecoming in heaven. I’m sure he is singing in the choir and probably has a quartet going by now! He loved to sing! We miss him, but would not want him to leave where he is now. I will see him again one day, and what a great day that will be. I can still hear my dad singing, “what a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see, and I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace…” Your prayers for my Mom today would be appreciated. She is doing well, but today has been a little tough.
June is also Founder’s Month for Baptist Faith Missions. This year celebrates seventy years of BFM since it officially began. Many of our supporting churches have given some very generous special offerings during the month. If your church has not given this special offering in June you can still do so! I was with the Storms Creek Missionary Baptist Church of Ironton, Ohio on Sunday the 17th and they gave a substantial offering (over five figures). It has been suggested that every family of each church consider giving $70 dollars in honor of seventy years of missionary service of BFM. Baptist Faith Missions is blessed with a great legacy of faithful churches and Godly men and women dedicated to the cause of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and organizing New Testament Baptist Churches for the glory of our Lord.
SPEAKING OF GREAT LEGACIES – Marguerite Hallum, passed away in June; she was 94 years old. Marguerite was the daughter of Richard and Mary Hallum, the first missionaries to Peru for Baptist Faith Missions. Brother Hallum was fifty-two years of age when he went to Peru. He was cleared to go with the Amazon Valley Baptist Faith Mission (the original mission organization that became Baptist Faith Mission). However, in 1929 the Hallums lost all they had in the economic collapse of that year. After a few years Brother Hallum sold their small house and put the money in the bank in preparation once again for traveling to Peru. But in 1932, the banks collapsed again and once again they lost all they had. He was not daunted because he knew that God had called him to Peru to preach the gospel to the lost. Three years later in 1935 they finally arrived in Peru to live a life of service and left a legacy of what it means to live by faith in the promises of God. Today, there are over one hundred and sixty churches and mission works affiliated with Baptist Faith Missions in Peru.
He started the very first Baptist Church in all of Peru; the First Baptist Church of Iquitos, organized in 1937. Marguerite was sixteen years old when her father and mother arrived for the first time in Peru in 1935. She labored with them for twenty years on the mission field until 1955. They labored tirelessly as great soldiers of the Cross all during the difficult years of World War II. The United States was hard pressed with the war effort and churches did not have a lot to send to the missionaries in the foreign fields but the Hallums carried on by faith. Faith is the middle name of BFM and like Richard Hallum, all missionaries know that nothing is guaranteed except the promises of God.
Anita and I attended Marguerite Hallum’s funeral in Hammond, Louisiana on Monday the 11th of June. I was honored to speak on behalf of Baptist Faith Missions. Most of the folks that attended her funeral were not aware of the Hallum’s long years of service in Peru and we did not know much about her after they left Peru. We discovered that after Marguerite returned to Louisiana at age thirty-six; she joined the Woodland Park Baptist Church along with her parents. She never married but she loved children and gave her life to teaching Sunday School; she taught for fifty-two years. She never drove an automobile and she never owned a home. She had a keen mind, wonderful since of humor and was loved by all that knew her. Most of the crowd that attended her funeral was folks that had been in her Sunday School classes. I can imagine that thousands of Peruvians were lined up in heaven to meet her when she crossed the threshold of Glory to say, “Thank-you, Marguerite!” I hope she has had a chance to meet my Dad by now; how I would have enjoyed observing that encounter! June has been a month of remembrance. Until next month.
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Furlough Address:
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716 – mission house
(859) 490-5370 – cell in States
(614) 500-8823
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
Click here to give now.
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FaithWORKS Report [June 2012]
How to contribute to the missionaries who receive their support through BFM
1 – You can write and mail your checks to Baptist Faith Missions | George Sledd,
Treasurer | P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe FL 32747-1280 | grsledd@hotmail.com
2 – You can contribute online via debit or credit card by clicking on our DONATE/SUPPORT page. Click the appropriate button and follow the prompts.
3 – You may also enroll in an automatic recurring contribution program by going to the
same DONATE/SUPPORT page on our website and follow the prompts.
If your contribution is for a specific missionary or project, you should so designate it.
The greatest need we have each month is for the GENERAL FUND. The GENERAL FUND supplies the essential commitments we have made to our missionaries to maintain their ministries.
Sheridan and Anita Stanton are planning to be Stateside until the end
of the year. If you wish to contact him for availability to schedule a visit to your church,
you may email him at sestantonperu@hotmail.com or 859.490.5370. Their Stateside
address is: 1012 Balsam Drive, Lexington KY 40504 | 859.277.3716
The original post concerning Founder’s Day and promotional materials may be found by clicking here.
June is almost past – but it is still not too late to give an offering in honor of Founder’s Day. And, even if you never knew and do not remember BFM’s first founders from 70 years ago, you can still respond to the call and mandate of our faith’s FIRST AND ORIGINAL FOUNDER, JESUS CHRIST. He is ‘the Author and Finisher of our faith.’ He is THE FOUNDER and PERFECTER.
Here’s what each of us can do:
PASTORS – we encourage you to observe a special Missions or Great Commissions Emphasis Sunday and give your church the opportunity to give to the BFM General Fund. Emphasize Jesus’ command to preach His Gospel to all nations. That is what our missionaries are doing. That is the original burden and vision that inspired the founding of BFM. We are continuing to perpetuate that vision and burden. That is what we are supporting when we give to BFM’s General Fund. We will use these offerings to continue to supply our missionaries’ on-going needs.
GIVING FRIENDS – if your church is not participating in our Founder’s Day Offering, we encourage you to support your missionaries by giving a personal offering. You can give your offering by any of the means we have listed on the Contributions Page – or you can go directly to our Donate/Support page on our website and contribute through the options we have made available to you.
Of course, you can give as the Lord enables you to give – but what if every one of our missionaries’ Giving Friends gave at least a $70 offering in honor of the 70 years our missionaries have been faithfully preaching the Gospel?
The original post Marguerite Hallum may be found here.
Marguerite Hallum was the unmarried daughter of the first missionaries BFM supported for missions in Peru. She served with them during all the years of their ministry in Peru, and then cared for them until their deaths after they returned to the States.
She lived and worked her adult years in Louisiana, but for the past six years has been living in DeLand FL in an assisted-living facility. Her niece, Teeter Mauldin, and husband, Steve, brought her to DeLand so they could care for her just a few minutes from where they live – and they did so faithfully and lovingly. Marguerite was attended constantly not only by Teeter and Steve, but also by the loving staff and visiting friends.
We had the opportunity to visit with Sister Marguerite during our BFM Winter Conference at Park Ridge Baptist Church back in January 2009, and she delighted us with her company, fellowship, and her many, many exciting stories of their ministry experiences in Peru.
Sheridan and Anita Stanton attended that same Conference, and after the Conference they spent an entire day with Marguerite as she shared with them volumes of photos and relived their experiences in Peru during earlier years.
God has called her Home to see the Face of Jesus Christ, and also to be reunited with all of her loved ones who are already there – and by the multitudes of ‘forever friends’ whom she was instrumental in sending there before her [Luke 16.9]. “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
Sheridan and Anita attended her memorial service in Hammond, Louisiana on Monday, June 11, to express the love, respect, and appreciation all of us in the BFM fellowship feel toward her. Her family asked Sheridan to speak and testify to the missionary work that continues to this day because the Hallums were there.
We encourage you to pray for Steve and Teeter Mauldin. Their email address is: steveandteeter@bellsouth.net.
You may address written correspondences to:
Teeter Mauldin
432 Rich Avenue
DeLand, FL 32724-4315
ROSES & NOSES by Jim Orrick
I recently heard a radio message where the pastor was stressing to his congregation the importance of them having their priorities in the proper order, especially in respect to their giving. He said that it is often seen at funerals where hundreds, sometimes even thousands of dollars, are spent on flowers that remain beautiful for only a short time and then are removed to the cemetery dump.
I laughed aloud when he said, “DEAD NOSES CANNOT SMELL ROSES.”
My father passed away in January, 1972. The weather was extremely cold, and as we drove to the cemetery, freezing rain and sleet were falling. A few hours after the service, the family went back to the cemetery to visit the grave. Several hundred dollars of flowers were on his grave, frozen stiff and covered with ice. In a few days, they would be removed to the cemetery dump.
While we all want to express our sympathy to the survivors and to show respect to the deceased, surely better use can be made of the money God entrusts us with than to give it to “DEAD NOSES THAT CANNOT SMELL ROSES.”
For years, my wife and I have made it a practice that when a member of our church congregation died, we would send a memorial offering to BAPTIST FAITH MISSIONS. You can read in the MISSION SHEETS that there are others who do this also. To invest in eternal souls is better than to spend money on flowers whose beauty will fade in only a few hours.
For several months Brother Parks has been stressing the importance of giving to the GENERAL FUND of BAPTIST FAITH MISSIONS. Why not make it a practice to give a memorial offering in memory of your departed friends and loved ones rather than spend it on flowers?
2012 Thanksgiving Offering
Please be making your plans right now to give as generous and liberal Thanksgiving Offering as the Lord enables you. The needs are great and on-going. Remember, when you support the General Fund of BFM, you are supplying the essential needs of 12 faithful missionary families to obey Jesus’ Great Commission to go into all the world, preach the Gospel, baptize those believers, establish New Testament Baptist churches, and teach those churches to believe and practice everything Jesus Christ has commanded us. You will not find anywhere on this planet more Scriptural, committed, and fruitful missionaries than those who serve in partnership with BFM.
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Marguerite Hallum is Home!
Marguerite Hallum is the unmarried daughter of the first missionaries BFM
supported for missions in Peru. She served with them during all the years
of their ministry in Peru, and then cared for them until their deaths after they
returned to the States.
She lived and worked for several years in Louisiana, but for the past few years
has been living in DeLand FL in a nursing facility. Her niece, Teeter Mauldin,
and her husband, Steve, brought her to DeLand so they can care for her just a
few minutes from where they live – and they have done so faithfully and lovingly.
Marguerite was attended constantly not only by Teeter and Steve, but also by the
loving staff and visiting friends.
We had the opportunity to visit with Sister Marguerite during our BFM Winter
Conference at Park Ridge Baptist Church in Orlando-area back in January 2009,
and she delighted us with her company, fellowship, and her many, many exciting
stories of their ministry experiences in Peru.
God has called her Home to see the Face of Jesus Christ, and also to be
reunited with all of her loved ones who are already there – and by the multitudes
of ‘forever friends’ whom she was instrumental in sending there before her [Luke
16.9]. “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
Friday, June 1
Dear Dave,
Sorry to let you know via generic email, but Aunt Marguerite Hallum passed away peacefully this morning at 09:50 AM (EDT). She had been failing the last few days, and Teeter and I had prayed that she would hold on until our return from mission work in Germany. We returned last night, so we know our Lord heard our prayers… and answered them. Aunt Marguerite was such a servant all her life, and we were blessed to be a part of that. Plans are inconclusive right now, but wanted you and the Mission Board know.Love,
Steve Mauldin
DeLand, Florida
– – – – – – – – – – –
Dear Friends,
Some of you have heard but our dear Marguerite died this morning (June 1) at 9:50 AM. She was very peaceful for the past week and slowly left us. We are saddened, but at the same time thankful for the years she has been with us and the joy she brought to all who knew her. Thank you friends for loving her. We will take her home to Hammond and have a graveside service there when we can arrange it. All for now.Blessings, Teeter
We encourage you to pray for Steve and Teeter Mauldin. Their email address is steveandteeter[at]bellsouth.net.
You may address written correspondences to:
Teeter Mauldin
432 Rich Avenue
DeLand, FL 32724-4315
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