Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [May 2015]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.
A few weeks ago, a family in the church (Dyego, Thamires and their 14 month old son) found out the she was 20 weeks (5 months) pregnant. The following week the mother had complications and the doctors suggested an abortion. The baby was expected to die before completing full term. While at the hospital, the mother went into labor and the baby was born prematurely at 21 weeks. Baby Laura Victoria was born with 22oz. Twice, she had resuscitated procedures within the first 24 hours of life out of the womb. Uncertain if the baby’s vital organs were developed to survive without the breathing machine, the doctors gave no hope. One doctor stated, “At this point, we literally need a miracle for her to live. Her lungs are not developed”. Well, guess what, she is alive and well. She is now 3 weeks old, all of her organs are perfectly formed, is breathing on her own and is gaining weight. Praise the Lord! Please, pray for this little baby and the family.
Last Sunday, Dyego (baby Laura Vitoria’s father) invited all of his extended family to come to Mothers’ Day service to give thanks and celebrate the baby’s life. Four generations of the family were present and one of the uncles surrendered to the Savior. I believe there are still more to surrender as well. Pray for salvation decisions.
This month’s pastors’ network gathering was a great success. Each month we meet at a different church and this time we held it at “Life Seed Baptist Church”. My brother-in-law was the guest speaker. We discussed a church planting strategy used in China, India, Kenya and Honduras.
One of the churches in the network is in the process of relocating to a better location within their neighborhood. We took up an offering and began a fundraising campaign among the sister churches to come up with the $50,000 to purchase the property.
I am in the process of passing the leadership “baton” of the Pastors’ Network to another pastor. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, May 26. Pray with us regarding these matters.
The pastoral leadership at our church plant “Ativa: uma Igreja Batista” (Active: a Baptist Church) is well underway. The pastor and his wife were received with open arms by the church and are excited about the future. Everyone is enthusiastic with the Evangelism and discipleship strategies for reaching new people. This next Sunday’s baptisms will be under the new pastor’s leadership. In June, we will finalize the legal transition necessary with government offices. Pray for us as we work through this process.
In July, we return to the US for a one-year State-side assignment and plan to live in Lexington, KY. You can reach us at (859) 544-9040. Let us know how we can serve you and your church.
Grateful always,
Jud Hatcher
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