Children’s Ministry Growing; Running Out of Space
Posted on 6Feb CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Barbara Hensley, Brazilian childrens ministry, childrens ministry in Caraguatatuba, mission trip, mission trip to Brazil, Mt Eden Baptist Church

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
February 4, 2017
Friends and family,
Well January has been a very active month. We have been trying to complete needed construction for Sunday School space upstairs. We had a group from Mt. Eden Baptist Church that came to celebrate the New Year with us. While with us, they helped us with this construction. They helped with painting, electric problems, doors, fans, closets, shelving, and they provided the financing for these projects. Also this church, under the leadership of my longtime friend Pastor Foy, helped the missionary to the Indians in Rio de Janeiro with their home.
We continually live and worship around and in construction projects. The upside of dust, walking around materials and lots of cleaning in the kitchen when we feed the children on Sunday mornings is that we are a growing Church and our members are very understanding. HOW AWESOME is the Lord we serve!!!!
Speaking of children, what a blessing. Pastor Walmir has been talking with a couple in our area who also work with children about bringing those children to worship with us. They were very happy to find a Church that would welcome them as they had been rejected by various other Churches as they had been told that to many children would disrupt their services. These children, about 20 to 25, live around our neighborhood so we were a great match. With this joining of work, our Sunday school grew about 30%.
Well, while this mission group was here we had planned to have a Vacation Bible School. So we planned to have the children to come in the afternoon and stay through the church service on Wednesday night. We visited the neighborhood nearby and was expecting around 40-60 kids. But oh me of little faith. As the Bible School was beginning, I was taking care of a transportation problem, so when I finally got upstairs, WHAT A SURPRISE. We did not have enough chairs, much less enough space nor enough teachers nor materials. While we were expecting 40-60 children, imagine my surprise when I saw that there were 108 children packed in our upstairs.
Well we began to divide and conquer—we put some downstairs and left some upstairs, ran out and bought more hot dogs and drinks, and an AWESOME time was had by all. GOD is so AWESOME!!
Now Sunday school is more challenged and with one class offsite already, we are out of space again even before the building is finished. These are good problems to have, don’t you think? Just so you know, we have a lot behind our building that would solve these problems (hint, hint, hint). Pray with us for the Lord to supply.
I will be in the States for the next shot (which I thought was to be the last) in February, but I had to come home sooner as I was having some severe pain, not necessarily related to my cancer problem. Because of this pain I had to have lots of tests. Though they did not find the cause of the pain they have been able to tell me that they see no cancer in these tests. God is so good!!!
Plan a mission trip, see the work, have fellowship, make friends that could change your life and get out of your comfort zone as Barb always says. Come on down to Caraguatuba. The light is on and we will turn your bed down. Come see what your mission dollars are doing.
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [July 2015]
Posted on 6Jul CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, buy chairs, Caraguatatuba, church planting in Brazil, Indian Village, mission team, mission trip to Brazil, remote school, running out of room

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
July 6, 2015
Dear friends and family,
What an AWESOME month we have had here in Caragua this month with our Church. Lots of work and ministry thanks to these groups: Pinehurst Baptist, Pinecrest Baptist, First Baptist in Centerville—all in Georgia—and Central Baptist in Paris, Kentucky.
These Churches did not get to know our Brazilian Pastor as he has been in the hospital with heart problems. The Doctors said that he had a heart attack, but when the dust settled, the problem was with his aortic valve. So let me cut through all the exams, problems, doctors, etc, and get to the bottom line. He had surgery in Sao Paulo on the last of June and today is in the Intensive Care Unit doing GREAT. He is expected to be in the hospital for about 7 to 10 days if all goes well. Please keep Pastor Rosevaldo and his family in your prayers.
About our month—we have been blessed with two groups from the States. Our first group of 39 was from Georgia and represented 3 Churches. They were able to do lots of work on the Church and the school property. Window replacement, put up 3 more fans and installed emergency lights in the Church building. In addition, they did 3 Bible Schools in our area—one in our Church and 2 in the public schools here in the city. They also traveled to the Indian Village and did another Bible School with them. The Indian village is about 2½ hours from our city. These Indians need lots of help—physical and especially spiritual. Pray with us that more will accept Christ as their personal Savior. They serve many gods and we serve only One!!! We have established a good relationship with them because of several work projects with many American groups. God is so AWESOME!
The second group helped with more of the maintenance needs and also did 3 Bible Schools. This group has adopted a remote school (up a holler) here in our city. It is a two-room school and, needless to say, it is a somewhat forgotten school when it comes to supplies and maintenance needs. We had two Bible Schools there and did some much needed painting on their walls around the school building. The principal was so excited to see us come. What a little work and a little elbow grease can accomplish! They are almost like the Indians—“out of sight, out of mind.”
God really knew what He was doing when He led us to this area. After the completion of the new subdivision about ½ mile down the road, just in Sunday School we have doubled our attendance. “How Great Thou Art!” I would like to give a suggestion to all the Pastors in the States—if you want to increase in your attendance, just buy more chairs. The past two months we have had gifts to purchase new chairs and what an AWESOME blessing this has been. Our attendance before the chairs was around 60-80. This month we have averaged 105. God is good all the time—all the time God is good! Well I thought I would mention the chairs—because now we need to purchase more chairs! How AWESOME! We now have 85 chairs and 25+ white plastic chairs in our Sunday School areas. We are making do with this number, but if anyone out there would like to help purchase more chairs!!!! (They cost 75 each.) What a sweet way to ask for more financial help with Church problems. And what a good problem to have. As you can tell by the numbers I have cited, we are not only out of seats but we are out of room to seat them. We are looking for a larger place for our Church. God is working in this area. Pray with us about this new building.
I am so glad that God is working where we are. There is much work and few laborers. Would you like to come and help? The doors are always open and the light is on out on the porch. Come on down and see your mission dollars at work.
Without B.F.M. and you helping us, we would not have the chance to see miracles happen every day.
In His Service,
Aj and Barbara Hensley
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [July 2013]
Posted on 13Jul CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Baptist Faith Missions, Barbara Hensley, Bible Schools in Brazil, mission trip to Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Dear friends and family,
How AWESOME is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When we start talking about plans (ie: for our Church construction), I’m thinking I see a year’s worth of work to make this building presentable…then miracles start taking place. After 4 groups come and go (over a month and a half), our church building is absolutely beautiful. What should have taken a year got finished in a little over a month and a half. AWESOME!! And I am thinking Jeremiah 29:11—For I know the plans I have for you—–it just reminds me that my God is watching out for me and my small Church here in Brasil. He knows what He has planned for us and we just have to let Him work His miracles. Just one more display of how AWESOME magnificent, all powerful, all knowing our God is.
So thank you to our groups: Pastor Foy and group from Mount Eden Baptist Church, Pastor Allen and Pastor David from Centerville Baptist Church, Pastor Dan Russell from Immanuel Baptist with the group from Central Baptist in Paris, Ky, and two firemen from Atlantic Shores Baptist Church in Virginia Beach. Our Church wants to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
So you ask, what got done in these short weeks: well, the Church was painted inside and out, one bathroom remodeled, one bathroom constructed, two mobile cabinets constructed, cabinet for the kitchen made, kitchen sink area remodeled and a new countertop added, dorm room at school painted, windows at our home painted, the floor in the Church tiled (200 sq meters), waterproofed the roof of the bathroom, water fountain installed, sound system installed, and electrical work done in several areas.
And now what is yet to be done: repair our overhead doors, install screens on the windows, install metal fence in the front of the Church building for security, remodel the balcony area for Sunday School rooms, and make cabinets for storage. In comparison, this list is very small.
But these groups did not just do manual labor, they also did Back Yard Bible Schools. We were able to do four. Two of these were in public schools. While the team for the Bible School was busy in the classrooms teaching God’s Word, another team was busy outside painting the concrete fence all around the school. We like to do some work project at the schools where we go because they do not expect us to. This shows them the love of God through the actions of Americans that not only come to their country to spread the gospel, but to help in anything that they can. One of our Bible Schools was at our Church and the children loved it. We also used this to gather more children into our new Church. Then we took the gospel to the Guarani Indians in Rio. There we also took food baskets to each family. You would have to see this tribe to know how much a food basket means to them. And while we were ministering to the Indians, we also ministered to the missionary that works with them. We took an offering on the spot to buy new tires for his car. The road he has to travel to get to the tribe is very bad and his tires were showing the fiber from the inside.

Some of their Sunday School children with a banner made for their church by some children in the states from Pellville Baptist Church.
During this time we have had two people move their membership so we are growing a little at a time. We are having on average 32-37 children on Sunday morning and we are fluctuating on Sunday night between 40 to 80. We are having Bible Study in the home of one of the newest members, English classes on Saturday evenings, and then Youth meetings after that. When the balcony is ready, we will divide the children into two classes and they will go into these classrooms. Then we will be able to have two adult classes in the auditorium. We continue to serve breakfast to the children on Sunday morning and we have several adults that join in. As we have said before, you need to feed their physical hunger before you can feed their spiritual hunger.
Needless to say, all of this activity has left us tired so I ask that you pray for our health to continue to be good and that God continues to give us strength to complete everything that He wants to do.
Our Sunday School children would like to give a shout out to the children in the States who made this banner for our Church. Thanks Kim Mitchell and Pellville Baptist Church. The children love their banner!!! And thanks to the other Churches who made banners as well. They are beautiful in the Church.
As you can see by this letter we have the room to host many groups. So if you and your Church would like to experience mission work up close and personal just give us a call and we can start planning your mission trip. We will treat you so many ways that you will have to like one. Come on down!!!
In His service,
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley [June 2013]
Posted on 10Jul CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Churches in Caraguatatuba, Barbara Hensley, God is at work, mission trip to Brazil, missionary update, where to take a mission trip in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Friday, June 21
Friends and family,
It has been an AWESOME 3 and 1/2 weeks here. We have had 2 groups back to back, what a blessing for us and the new Church start. When you put together a group of people on a mission trip (ie: firemen, policemen, students,teens, moms, electricians, office workers, teachers, pastors), miracles happen. Our Church building is just about remodeled and it is beautiful!!
They have completely painted the exterior of the Church building, put in an extra bathroom, constructed the sound booth area, built 3 cabinets for the kitchen, tiled the floor, worked at the vocational school, did 3 vacation Bible Schools (one at the Indian Village), repaired a trailer (electrical and fenders), and started putting up speakers in the Church. How AWESOME is that? Two of these Bible Schools were in Public Schools. It don’t get much better than that!!! Also at these Schools, we were able to do a work project. We painted the exterior walls around the schools. These groups have been an AWESOME testimony around the schools where they did the Bible Schools. And due to people passing the Church while we were working, joking, talking differently, and playing, we have had an amazing increase in attendance these past 3 weeks. We have been in the high 80s. How AWESOME God is!!! The Lord is moving in this neighborhood. Thanks Hallsville Baptist Church of Hallsville, Ky., Centerville Baptist Church of Centerville, Ga., and Central Baptist Church of Paris, Ky. Thank you is such a little thing to say after so much work, but THANK YOU ALL for helping expand the kingdom of God here in Brasil these past weeks.
So if you are a church thinking about a mission trip, I highly recommend a mission experience here in Caraguatatuba, Brasil. You can make new friends, create amazing relationships, accomplish impossible tasks, and also help build the Kingdom of God. (Sounds a little bit like a job for Superman), but with God the impossible becomes possible.
Well what more can I say —COME ON DOWN.
Barb and I are so blessed to have friends and Churches that pray for us, and help financially in this ministry here in Caraguatatuba, Brasil. So continue to pray for us as you know Satan is never happy when you are expanding Gods kingdom and he is very angry with us right now. So I ask you to pray a hedge of protection about us as we work for the Lord here in Brasil. Without you and your prayers and financial help, we would not be experiencing the joy of seeing God at work here. Thank you all so very much.
Again, come and see what your help is doing here and put your hand to the plow with us, even if it is only for a week. God can do many miracles in just a week.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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