Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [August 2012]
July 31, 2012
Dear Brethren and Fellow Workers,
Greetings from Brazil in the Name of our Great Savior. Alta and I have had a good month and have gone to our mission in Assai each Sunday morning. Our attendance has not grown but we have the promise that where two or three are gathered together in His Name He is present with us. His promise is His Word will not return void. We are trying to be faithful and one day the Isaac will be born.
God has blessed us in the old age of our life. It is a great joy to look back over the years and see how God has been faithful in all His promises. Our children are serving the Lord, all of our grandchildren are faithfully serving the Lord and our great-grandchildren are being saved as they come to the age of accountability.
Another great thrill is to see how God has blessed and is blessing the works that He gave us the privilege of beginning. Those works have also begun and are beginning other new works. We want to encourage you young persons to surrender your lives to serve the Lord. Make the surrender while young; you will never regret doing the best for your Lord and Savior.
(Just had a wonderful interruption of fifteen minutes–a phone call from John and Judy in France. The Lord knows how we love them and miss them.)
Last week we had a wonderful two-day visit with David. He came down to our State for the dedication of two new buildings: One in the center of Parana and the other in Curitiba where Bobby and Charlene Wacaser work. We praise and thank the Lord for how He is using our children in His vineyard. They are all so far away and sometimes the heart aches to see them. Kathy is the closest and we get to see her every two or three months.
All of the work is going well in this part of Brazil. In Urai the work is going well. The pastor, Marcio, is doing a good job. There are about ten young people and two young married couples who are faithful and working in the church and congregations. There are six or seven who study in the Seminary. Pray for us. At age 87, things are not so easy.
God bless you, we love you,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [July 2012]
July 1, 2012
Dear Brethren and Fellow Helpers,
Praise the Lord; He has given us a wonderful month. Proverbs 17:6 speaks of the children’s children being a blessing for the old. This month our twenty-second great grandchild was born in Manaus. His name is Noah. His parents are Leigh Ann and Michael Samples. Leigh Ann is Paul and Wanda Hatcher’s daughter and Michael works with Paul in the School and Seminary. There were some complications in the birth but Mother and Baby are doing well after being born by C-Section.
Another good news is about the two younger daughters of Amanda and Philip Hatcher who live in France. The two older girls were saved and baptized last month. This month the two younger girls told their Mother and Dad they had trusted Jesus as Savior. We are thankful.
DRIVER’S LICENSE—In my last letter I mentioned the difficulty in getting my Brazilian Driver’s License. I received it after almost three months; it is good for two years.
ASSAI—Alta and I still make the trip to Assai every Sunday morning and we rejoice that we are still able to go. Please pray for this city of 20,000 people. Three different families whose children started coming have taken them out to take them to another church; they never attended any place before the children started coming to our Sunday School. Alta plans and has a great lesson for the children each week. Pray that the Lord will change the hearts of those parents.
URAI—The work is going well in Urai and the missions in Sussumo and Rancho Alegre. There are five or six young people who attend the Seminary and they are very active in the Lord’s work.
Great news from Manaus. The work where Paul pastors is going great and the Chapada Baptist Church where David and Pennie work is being greatly blessed. This month there were 360 people who trusted the Lord. All of these are followed up with special classes for new converts. Last Sunday there were over 3,000 in Sunday School. They have two services each Sunday night and they will soon have to go to two Sunday School hours in the morning.
The OLDIES—We praise the Lord we are still able to do and go. For our joy and contentment Alta and I still play for half an hour four or five times a week. She plays the organ and I play my Sax.
We thank you for your prayers and support.
Sincerely, in the Name above every name,
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [June 2012]
Dear Brethren and Friends,
Greetings from two oldies in Brazil. God has blessed us this month. I told Alta, “It is not a sin to be old, but sometimes it has its difficulties.” Alta’s eyes are still doing wonderful and my hearing is great so between us we are seeing and hearing well.
My Brazilian drivers license expired the last of April and I am still trying to get my new one. It has been quite an ordeal. I was required to get three doctor’s statements that I was still physically and mentally capable of driving. Statements from a cardiologist, orthopedist and neurologist. After two months I have the documents in hand and tomorrow, the Lord willing, I should get my license.
ASSIS—Alta and I are still making the trip to Assis and during the month, four new children have attended. The new building that was built by the Chapada Baptist Church is certainly a wonderful blessing.
URAI—Brother Marcio is doing a good job in teaching and reaching out. There are five persons who are studying in the seminary as well as being active in the work. Last week Marcio took the young people to Rancho Alegre where they visited and gave out invitations for service that night. The result was good and they had a full house. Susumo is another congregation on the other side of town. Three young adults care for that work.
Alta and I thank you for your faithful prayers and financial help for many years. It has not been an easy road, but it was not an easy road that our Lord walked to Calvary. When the first Church in Jerusalem continued the work after Jesus ascended, their story seems to indicate, especially their manner of giving, that Jesus would come very soon. They gave generously, some gave all. They did well even though Jesus would delay His coming. In the year 70 AD, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and most of those had given were probably killed.
THE BLESSING is: They saved all they had given!
This is true for us today. All invested in the Lord’s work will be received in Heaven with His benefits.
We love you, in the Name of our Lord Jesus,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [May 2012]
Dear Brethren and Friends,
Greetings once more from Brazil in the precious name of Jesus. On April 30th I had my 87th birthday. No celebration, just thanksgiving to God for His many blessings in my life.
In the month of December our immediate family spent ten days together in the home of David and Pennie in Manaus. Needless to say, every moment we had together were joyous and precious. We praise and thank God every day for our wonderful children, our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren.
Annual Family Camp
The first week in January was the family camp directed by Pastor Valdir dos Santos of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Cornelio Procopio. Our son, Paul, was the special speaker for the week. His messages on rewards and crowns were very profitable and of course Alta and I were thankful to have Paul and Wanda for the camp and with us a few days at home.
Thankful for the Blessing of Serving in Brazil
We thank God many times for giving us the joy and privilege to serve as missionaries in Brazil. When we have camps and gatherings that sometimes have about 400 persons, we recognize that all have come from churches that God has used us to sow the first seed. During our almost sixty years here we have not started works from other churches’ members nor begun works in cities that had a Baptist Church.
Present Works
We are presently members of the Urai Baptist Church. Marcio Faria Moraes is the pastor. He was saved in the Duartina Baptist Church we started years ago. His wife Carol was baptized at nine years old in the Garca Baptist Church. The church has three missions and other evangelistic activities. Alta and I are still able to go each Sunday morning to Assai Mission. Praise the Lord I am still able to drive the forty miles. I am in the process of renewing my driver’s license this week.
Pray for us. We seem to be getting older and have some aches and pains. We are thankful to God, our Heavenly Father, for your faithfulness in praying and giving to supply our needs in His work in Brazil.
We love you,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [May 2012]
Dear Friends,
We started the month enjoying the services and fellowship at the spring conference.
It was a great time to hear and share what God is doing in the life and ministries of our friends and co-laborers in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
While in the US, Wanda and I always enjoy time with Mrs. McGary, my mother-in-law. She travelled with us during our stay; as our time was short, this was the best way to spend the most time possible with her. She really likes to attend the conference and keep up with the mission news.
We were privileged to visit several churches and talk about the work God is doing. We appreciate all the churches and individuals praying for us and contributing to our ministry. Thanks to those who hosted us – New Life Baptist Church, pastor Steve Wainright, in Lexington; Thompson Road Baptist Church, pastor Dave Parks, in Lexington; Calvary Baptist Church, pastor Bobby Green, in Richmond, Ky.; Grace Baptist Church, pastor Mark Pyles, in Fairborn, Ohio; and Emmanuel Baptist Church, pastor Darrell Messer, in Bellbrook, Ohio .
We visited John and Judy in France. This was a long-time dream, and we are thankful for the opportunity God made possible. We also enjoyed the visit with our nephew, Phillip, his wife, Amanda, and their children. This was a great family reunion. We had a chance to catch up on our experiences in the gospel, and see the challenges of sharing the gospel where most are atheist. We rejoiced as we attended the Bible teaching and worshipped with our Christian brothers and sisters of the church in France.
Back in Brazil, we’re back to full throttle. Yesterday evening, I was with the mission in Ouro Verde and was pleased to see their progress during the weeks we were away. I expect they will soon be ready to organize a church.
Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. Pray that the Gospel will continue to spread, and that the Lord will give us wisdom to best optimize the time He gives us.
Yours in Christ,
Paul & Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
Avenida J. Carlos Antony, 172
65063-150 Manaus
Amazonas, Brasil SA
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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [May 2012]
Dear Friends,
The mountain trek was absolutely beautiful for our little group last week. The weather had been overcast and rainy for the last several days and the forecast for our hike was more of the same. It was a holiday here and we hoped that we’d be able to take along several new friends who had shown interest in our message at the new church. So we prayed for a decent day and made preparation to head out at dawn the next day. The Lord saw fit to bless us with gorgeously clear weather and a nice 40 degree temperature. The cool air helps to keep the body cool as we climb two mountains to reach the highest peak in our region. The peaks aren’t monsters in altitude, being only slightly higher than a mile. The greatest challenge is the distance we have to hike and the terrain we have to do it in. The trail is in a dense Atlantic forest and the round trip is 10 miles. It took us 4 ½ hours to reach the highest peak where we ate lunch and turned around to return. The whole adventure provided us with 10 hours of unbroken time together with our unsaved friends where we were able to share the gospel and the abiding presence of Jesus in our daily experiences. Leo, one of my friends, has become more and more interested in knowing Christ because he likes what he sees in our relationship with the Lord beyond the walls of the church building. We thank God for answering our prayer for good weather, but we thank Him even more for using us to share His love with those dear people that He has placed in our sphere of influence. Oh yeah, and I thank God for the health to be able to enjoy the amazing beauty of His creation up close and personally.
In my last letter I mentioned that we would begin to pour the concrete floor of our auditorium. Well, I’m happy to report that we just finished doing that last week. Now we are beginning to lay the ceramic tile of the floor. This is a process that should take around two weeks. One young man and I are the volunteer helpers of a man whom we’ve hired who knows what he’s doing. I understand the process, sure, but he’s got the experience and I think everyone who will use the facilities will be glad that I was just the helper providing the tools and material for him.
I still didn’t get to show you pictures of the installed windows with this month’s letter, but the glass company has assured me that Monday May 14th that they’d be installed. Hopefully next time I can post the pictures. God willing!
Our former church’s pastor, Afonso, and his family have been very busy since their arrival a little over a month ago. They have been making a lot of visits to get to know the members and have also gotten to know the new visitors. They have a very winsome way and are rock solid in their Bible beliefs and teachings. God has already blessed and they have baptized two new members and have two others studying the Scriptures with them in preparation to be baptized also. We are happy to see our former church enthused with their new pastor and also excited to be involved in reaching out to their community to win others to Christ. The two churches are each working earnestly to reach their immediate neighbors, but are united in purpose and hearts to reach together our broader scope of unreached people. We thank the Lord for like-minded co-laborers.
Thank you for your prayer on our behalf. God hears and answers mightily. We also want to thank those who have contributed to Baptist Faith Missions so that we may continue to minister in the place where God has placed us. May He bless you for your faith and generosity.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser
Rua Manoel Valdomiro de Macedo, 2281
81170-150 Curitiba, PR Brasil
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