Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [August 2014]
August 6, 2014
Dear Friends,
July offered us some serious challenges, but the Lord was with us and gave us victories in every instance. After a night of training our children’s ministry leaders we were returning home when three armed thugs raced into our yard and demanded that we go into our house and sit under gunpoint while two of the bandits went through our rooms, closets and wardrobes, taking what they wanted. After they had searched the house they took our wallets, computers and then locked us in a small room and got away with my car and the loot. We had two guest couples staying with us at the time and the thieves also made off with their wallets, cell phones and laptops. The Lord didn’t allow them to do us any bodily harm and the police found my car intact the very next day. The incident served to teach us that satanic forces are at work against us because we are laboring in the realm of God’s kingdom. It also served to show us that, no matter how much Satan seeks to harm us, he and his forces are limited by God’s power and purposes. We and our guests were somewhat shaken, yes, but we also came out of the experience more resolved to serve God and continue sharing the gospel that transforms lives.
We helped to send off one of our missionaries to the jungle on the Brazil/French Guiana border to preach to the Tupi Indians. Alysson has been training for missions for two years and is a dedicated evangelist. We are looking forward to hearing a report from him after a two month trip where communication will be impossible. Please pray for his safety and success in sharing the gospel.
Our church has been experiencing exciting growth and this has forced us to find ways to accommodate the increased numbers and develop ministries and leaders to disciple the new members. There is nothing like volunteer group work days to unite the members of a church and to help them develop a sense of partnership in what God is doing in their community. We have been pouring the concrete floor for two new classrooms and many of the men have turned out on Saturday mornings to mix and spread the concrete while our ladies have prepared some delicious meals to fuel them with energy and strength. A couple of our volunteers have had the “privilege” of investing sweat and blood into this effort since they have carried sand and cement and have smashed a finger or two with tools in the process. I trust that, rather than be discouraged by these trials, they feel a greater sense of belonging and connection to the Lord’s work.
Charlene and I are doing very well physically and we are grateful to all of you who pray for us faithfully. Thank you for your generous support also so that we may continue to share the gospel in our corner of the world.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Sobrado 1, Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR Brasil
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