Praying for Graduated Students

The Tates have served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is church planting.

July 10, 2024

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,

We graduated some beloved students this past week. It was a crazy, hectic week that left me running around like a chicken with my head cut off, not to mention that I had to take Julie to the airport and was thus left alone with Chloe (more on this later). But graduation is so much more than just walking down the aisle in fancy regalia and receiving a diploma…and much more than the week leading up to it…and much more than the big celebrations following it. No, graduation is the culmination of years of Biblical, theological, and practical study and work put in by both student and teacher. It is so awesome to see the change in students from when they arrive to when they graduate, and they all change so much. They don’t leave perfect, but I pray they leave better. They still don’t know everything (neither do I), they still aren’t the best preachers (neither am I, and most are better than me), they still make mistakes (so do I), and they still have a long way to go (and, yes, so do I). It is very satisfying to see their growth and to know how appreciative they all are when they leave for what they have learned. For me, I have only one goal for these students. OK, it’s one goal that leads to one result (is that really two goals?). I want them to know and love Jesus more, and as a result that they might minister the gospel better to believers and unbelievers. My goal for them is not more Biblical knowledge (although I do want this for them and they do get it), nor is it better theological understanding (although I also desire this for them and they do get it), nor is it more education (and, yes, they obviously leave with that). No, my goal is that they know and love Jesus better and can minister the gospel to people better because of it. I remind my students of that goal in every class whether it is hermeneutics, basic theology, or financial management. And now this graduating class is moving on to other things and my prayer remains the same: Lord, make them better ministers of Jesus, for the glory of Your name and for the good of Your people. I am sad to see this class go because I will miss spending time with them, but I am happy that better ministers of Jesus have graduated. I ask youto pray for these beloved students by name: Simon Wakaba, Stephen Kamau, Rachel Gatobu, John Victor Okawa, Kanaiyo Arem, Yoyce Wangari, Margaret Ngeiryo, John Gitonga, Gideon Kithuka, Augustus Mwanthi, Asifiwe Precieux, Jiresse Kabala, Rachael Mbithe, Steven Kasereka, David Mundeke, Christine Njoki, Joshua Mutuku, Joel Mwongela, Winrose Echelel, Samuel Mwangi, David Ndungu, Robert Amisi, and Abednego Muluki.

Julie is in the States for a month visiting our children and parents. Oh, no, what am I going to do without her? Chloe and I are left here alone in her absence. I’m sure Chloe will be getting very tired of me very soon. Every day she asks me, “Is mommy coming home tomorrow?” I keep telling her, “No, it’s going to feel like a very long time and then, all of a sudden, she’ll be back.” You all can pray for Chloe and me as we face the long month together and you can pray for Julie as she faces the rigors and strangeness (yes, after being away for sixteen years it can feel strange to us now) of the United States without us.

You know, after reading back through this newsletter, I realize I am the King of Parentheses (something should go here but I cannot think of what).

Blessings to all,
Roger, Julie, & Chloe


Roger & Julie Tate
Moffat Bible College
P.O. Box 70
Kijabe, Kenya 00220

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Students Knowing, Loving, & Following Jesus

The Tates have served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is church planting.

June 14, 2024

Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ,

I was reading over my newsletter from last month entitled “Is this Place Cursed?” I hope I did not come across too pessimistically because this place is definitely NOT cursed. Yes, I have come to the conclusion that it is a much more dangerous place to live than what I am used to in the United States. There are more natural disasters, the roads are much more dangerous, we face drought and floods, and even the smallest insects seem to be much more deadly. But God loves this place and God loves the people and we want to see them all knowing, loving, and following Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And, praise be to God, many of them ARE knowing, loving, and following Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And, praise be to God, some of them I get to work with and teach on a daily basis and get to see their growth and progress in the Kingdom of Christ.

Case in point: I am currently teaching our first-year students in a class called Basic Theology (Part 2). These are mostly young and inexperienced students desiring to enter the ministry and serve the Lord in the expansion of His kingdom (make sure to read “inexperienced” and not “stupid” because they are all, in fact, very bright and intelligent). We were talking about Salvation (Soteriology), and I wanted them to be aware that historically and also in the modern Christian world there are often vast differences in the way Christians have taught about Salvation – from Calvinism to Arminianism, from God choosing to man choosing, from sovereignty to free will, from determinism to Open Theism. My goal was to make sure they understood some of these differences, to look at the Scriptures to try and determine the answers, and to critically think about what God has revealed to us in His Word. The debates in this arena of theology have been hot for centuries and I wished them to be aware of the concepts, the terminology, and the approaches. It was a difficult conversation for many of them as they were not all aware of the differences or the terminology. Some of them struggled because they had never heard there was “another viewpoint” than the one they had always been taught and they were seeing things in the Scriptures that they were having to wrestle with. I wasn’t purposefully trying to confuse anyone, but it is good for future pastors and church leaders to be familiar with these concepts, and to be able to critically think about the Scripture’s teaching so that they are not swayed by every “wind of doctrine” that comes along. After long discussions I wanted to bring them back around to the Biblical teaching that salvation is by grace alone (sola gratia), through faith alone (sola fide), in Christ alone (solus Christus), to the glory of God alone (soli Deo gloria). One of my students, named Reuben, gave an illustration that showed confusion in some areas but great understanding in the important areas. He said: “Mwalimu (teacher), when the thief on the cross next to Jesus died and then appeared before the gates of heaven, they probably asked him, ‘Are you a Calvinist or an Arminian? How did you get here?’ The thief probably looked around and said, ‘I don’t know who Calvin is, and I don’t know anything about Arminianism, but I asked that guy on the middle cross to remember me and he told me that I would be with him in paradise. I’m with that guy on the middle cross.’” OK, there may not be perfect theology in Reuben’s illustration, but I agree with Reuben, I’m with that guy on the middle cross. Lord, bless these beloved students, followers of Jesus, and future church leaders and pastors. Help them above all things to cling to the man on the middle cross and to lead all the Kenyan people to cling to that man on the middle cross.

Another case in point: I also serve as the finance manager of the college. In that role I deal daily with the struggles and challenges of students to find the necessary money to pay their school fees. Paying school fees is probably the biggest challenge my beloved students face. We have policies in place at the school, but I have to be as gracious and merciful as I can be to my financially struggling students. I would rather be gracious and give them extensions than to lose a future church leader because he cannot pay his school fees and complete his Biblical education. I was working with one particular student over the span of a couple of weeks, her name is Faith, that was facing great challenges in paying her fees. In the end, I helped her complete her fees by paying the balance of 4000 shillings. This is only $31, but she was overjoyed. Like as if I was a king of old and in her tears of joy, she prayed that the Lord would bless me with long life, with peace and happiness, and with many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Lord, in return, would you bless Faith with the necessary funds for her school fees and may she all of her life direct and bring her Kenyan people to King Jesus.

Blessings to all,
Roger, Julie, & Chloe


Roger & Julie Tate
Moffat Bible College
P.O. Box 70
Kijabe, Kenya 00220

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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New Opportunity at Bible College in Kijabe

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The Tates have served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is church planting.

July 19, 2022

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,

Well, it took three weeks of packing and two trips to Kitale to get all of our stuff, but we have finally brought all of our belongings and unpacked most of it into our new house in Kijabe. Unfortunately, household stuff wasn’t the only thing I brought back from Kitale. I also brought back Covid. I started feeling the symptoms during the drive down from Kitale to Kijabe. By the next morning I was pretty sick with it. The worst part of it was I couldn’t keep warm. I know we live less than 100 miles from the equator, but we do live on the side of a mountain and this is the cold season. I know you are mocking me right now for being cold while living on the equator but at this time of year it gets into the 40s at night and there is no such thing as heating in Kenya. So, yes, it was cold. Anyway, I was over the worst of it after about five days but unfortunately, Julie and Chloe both got it too. Chloe slept for literally three days straight and then was over it.  Julie was really sick for about two weeks, to the point I was pretty concerned about her. She is over the virus now but some side effects remain – namely, some chronic fatigue and coughing. This Covid has really hampered us from getting into the swing of things here in our new home.

So, speaking of our new home in Kijabe, I want to let you all know what I will be doing for the immediate future. The main thing that I will be doing for now is ministering the gospel at a Bible college located about 200 meters up the hill from our house. The way that this worked out really seems like something only God could have done. Many closed doors opened all at the same time, doors that were solidly closed and that I wasn’t really even looking to open. Even my first interview with the Principal of the college happened just two days after my throat surgery back in March. On Friday, I had my surgery. On Sunday, I was sitting in a chair in my house in my pj’s, and HEAVILY drugged. The vice principal called and asked if he could come and talk to me about working at the college. I told him he could come but that I was in my pj’s, I couldn’t talk, and was HEAVILY drugged. He came and he talked for as long as I could sit upright.  The next day was my interview with the Principal. And that was only part of what God was doing and would finalize over the next few weeks. And so now I am on staff at Moffat Bible College.  First and foremost, I will be doing what I prefer to do most – teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who want to learn it. And my favorite part of doing my favorite thing is to teach the Bible to other people who will then be teaching the Bible to even other people.  I love teaching future pastors and church leaders the Bible. I love it because in this way the true message of the Bible gets passed on exponentially. If I teach 20 future pastors how to properly interpret the Bible and each of these students goes to a church with another 50 people each, that equals 1000 Kenyan people who are hearing Biblical teaching about Jesus. Throw into the mix that there are also Congolese, Sudanese, and Ugandan students and this becomes a big deal. East Africa so needs good Bible teaching and this is an amazing opportunity to really propagate the gospel. I will also be mentoring students and working with them in practical ministry endeavors. I am excited to see how God will use this opportunity to work with Kenyan men and women to spread the kingdom of Jesus Christ and the gospel, even potentially for future church planting activities. It is still to be seen what God will do.

In closing my letter, however, I am reminded that we live in a really harsh, brutal, and sinful world. A dear Christian, Kenyan man and friend from Kitale is with the Lord today. Evans Barasa is a man I have known for my entire 15 years in Kenya. He actually worked with Mike and Pam Anderson before I was working with him starting 15 years ago. He was a pastor, a good Christian, and a friend. If you had ever met Evans, even if for just one minute, you would remember his amazing and catching smile and laugh. Evans had been hired onto the police force a couple of years ago. He was working last night and someone hit him in the back of the head and killed him. I don’t even know what the murderer was after.  It is a shame and that makes me really sad. He leaves behind a wife and four children. Rest in peace, Evans.

Roger, Julie & Chloe


Roger & Julie Tate
P.O. Box 96
Kitale, Kenya 30200

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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