Great News from Church in Mato Grosso
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September 21, 2022
Dear Brethren,
Hope you are all well. Right now, I am not. I have been down for almost a month. Last month I went to Manaus for our conference and on the way home came down with the flu and later another virus. I am getting better, but still very weak and will have to take it easy until I can get back to my usual self. But let me tell you about that conference.
A number of years ago Paul Hatcher, David Hatcher, Bobby Wacaser, Hershael York and I got together for a fishing/work getaway outside of Manaus. During the day we reeled in the peacock bass and at night talked shop. One of the things that we discussed was the need for a practical get together, rally around, for independent Baptist pastors and missionaries in Brazil. We have our annual missions conference here every year, but we are too far off the beaten path and hard to get to for it to be practical. Bobby is way down on the other end and still doesn’t have the infrastructure to handle this kind of event. So, David and Paul took on the project.
The conference happened a few times sponsored by Nova Igreja Batista where David is pastor. It was a huge success. Then…the pandemic.
This year we are back! It was a miracle that David was able to pull this off. Air travel and logistics in general are far from back to normal. Nevertheless, there were hundreds of workers from all over Brazil and even a couple of foreign countries.
Our group from Cruzeiro do Sul is usually the biggest, but this year there were only 4 of us. We had to drive to Rio Branco (9 hours of potholes) then flew to Manaus. Flew back to Rio Branco then bus to Cruzeiro do Sul (14 hours). On this last leg is when I came down sick, almost a month.
Our group took full advantage of all the workshops and seminars they could jam in.
It was my privilege to speak at Nova Igreja Batista on Saturday night to a crowd of over 2500. Then on Sunday I spoke at Tabernacle Baptist Church to, I think over 2000. Tabernacle had been down, but boy are they back! That was one of the highlights for me.
Let me share a couple of more bright spots. Of course, it was great to run into pastors that I have known for years from all over Brazil. One of those is Pastor Gilberto from Marília, São Paulo. He is writing a book to commemorate the century mark of Baptist Faith Missions (1923). I spent a lot of time with him sharing as much as time would permit from the history of the mission work here.
Then on the very first night, a young pastor introduced himself to me. He knew me, but he was a new acquaintance to me. His name is Manoel. He pastors one of the churches that my Dad started in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Dad had asked me many times if I ever heard anything about those churches. Well briefly, here is the great news: The church had gone off the deep end into Pentecostalism and prosperity gospel. Then after one of their usual scandals the pastor called in Manoel to take over. Pastor Manoel brought them back out of their errant ways and back to sound doctrine and true evangelism. Today they are back up to 40+ members and doing fine.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike Creiglow
Mike & Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
69980 Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre
Brasil, SA
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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How are you spending your time?
![Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the "SeedFactory" church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.](
Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.
September 15, 2017
Dear friends,
During my college days at Lexington Baptist College, I had the privilege of one-on-one time with Dr. Lindell Ormsbee. He taught at the University of Kentucky and served as a volunteer pastor at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church. We would meet at Fazoli’s to discuss Larry Crabb’s book. Our conversations rendered insights I still use to this day. While on furlough in 2015-2016, I ran into him at Buck Run Baptist Church in Frankfort, KY, and later connected with him on Facebook. He recently wrote a post that engaged my thoughts. I want to share with you his adapted quote from Dallas Willard:
“There is a widespread notion that just passing through death transforms human character. Discipleship is not needed. Just believe enough to ‘make it.’ But I have never been able to find any basis in scriptural tradition or psychological reality to think that this might be so. What if death only forever fixes us as the kind of person we are at death or sets the asymptotic limit of glory that we may experience in heaven. Indeed, the Bible does seem to imply that our assignments in eternity will be based on our faithfulness while on earth. Maybe there is much more going on here on earth than we even imagine. Maybe every day we are speeding down the highway of life, heaving bags full of eternal treasure out the window, more preoccupied by the road ahead than the silent occupant that sits patiently beside us. Maybe every day of our lives, every conversation, every decision has eternal consequences. How have you spent your time today? How are you spending your time now?” –Adapted from Dallas Willard
Convicting, isn’t it?
I’d like to send a special thank you to Durbin Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, KY, for the mission team that came to São Paulo and for the tremendous love offering. I’d also like to thank fellow missionary A.J. Hensley for all the tools you bestowed me during the days I was with you in Caragua. Over the last several weeks, 13 people have surrendered their lives to the Lord. We are investing time in discipleship these new believers and praying that He gives us more opportunities to share the Gospel message and for each new Christian to be bold in sharing to others how their life was changed forever. Last month I traveled to Manaus (a 4 hour flight) to attend the Pastor’s Conference at Nova Igreja Batista, where my Uncle David is pastor. It was well attended. I had an incredible time of encouragement, learning, challenge and connectivity with other pastor friends from Manaus and other parts of the country. It was also great to see Michael & Beverly Creiglow and Odali & Kathy Barros. I remained a few extra days to ship our furniture and other belongings to São Paulo. Thankfully, all of our furnishings arrived and we began unpacking and organizing our home. Living in an almost empty house and sitting down to eating at a make-shift table was getting old. We moved into a new house in July. We are blessed by the opportunity to serve in São Paulo. Thankful for your support and prayers! Grateful always Jud Hatcher
Grateful always,
Jud Hatcher
Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [April 2015]
![John and Alta Hatcher](
Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.
March 4, 2015
Dear Brethren and Friends:
We cannot say, “Greetings from Brazil” any longer since we are living in the States, but our hearts still beat with our love for the work and friends in Brazil. We do hear from some of them and the work is going, glowing and growing. Praise the Lord.
Our first church established in Brazil was in 1956. It was called the Chapada Baptist Church. It was begun with 24 members. It was located in the Boonies. It was difficult to get a taxi to take us. Manaus had about 70 to 80 thousands population. Today, the area is one of the principal business sections of Manaus, that now has a population of two million. The Church changed its name to Nova Igreja Batista. Here are a few facts to show God’s Blessings.
Last month they had three youth camps with a total of 1200 campers. Many were saved, along with other decisions. Seventy were baptized into the fellowship of the Church. The Sunday School had an average weekly attendance last month of five thousand eight hundred persons. There are about 550 people who work in the Sunday School. The first SS meets from 8:00-10:00 am; the second meets from 10:30-12:30.
AN EXCITING CONVERSION! Last week there was a young lady who David witnessed to after service. A week before she had been inducted into the Muslim religion. David showed her Paul’s counsel: “If anyone preach another Gospel than that you have received let him be accursed.” She heard, the Holy Spirit opened her heart and she was saved. As they were going down the aisle three persons were sitting on the next to the last pew. David asked, “Did you want to talk to me?” They replied, “No, we are friends to this lady and we have been praying for her Salvation.”
During the two night services the attendance is about 6,200. Praise God for His blessings on the Seed that is being sown! Keep praying and giving for His Work.
We love you in the Lord,
John and Alta Hatcher
John A. and Alta Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont FL 34714
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Missionary Update: Mike & Beverly Creiglow in Brazil [September 2014]
Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.
September 12, 2014
Dear Brethren,
Hello from the…….States! Right now Bev and I are on a short vacation in the States. So I am writing this from the mission house in Lexington, Kentucky. But before this could happen we had a lot to happen in Brazil.
The week before we left home I had several short mission trips to make.
The river is very low and the summer (dry season) is in full swing. Manuel and I headed 100 miles up river to Porto Walter to visit our congregation there and start the construction of their new building. It took us 9 hours in one of our aluminum canoes. Not bad for as low as the river is. We started laying out the position of the foundations and doing some digging the same day and worked into the night. The next day we managed to get a backhoe to do the biggest job on the lot. We managed to square up and level everything to begin the actual foundations. I just talked to Hudson and Manuel and they are up there, as I write, working on the footers.
The same week we went across river to Miritizal to build the first truss for that new work. We had plenty of help from the members so it went pretty quickly. Just yesterday they sent me a picture of what they have done. They have the building under roof. This is the way I like to see things happen. I gave them a little help, instructed them on how to proceed and the task is finished while I rest up here in the US!
The weekend before leaving Cruzeiro do Sul I was able to visit our missionary Rivaldo at Nova Cintra. Most of the year I would go there by river, but in the dry season it can be reached by a narrow dirt road. They are in a brand new building and had over 200 people inside and almost that many that couldn’t get in. They are doing really great. One woman made a profession of faith on Saturday night.
On Tuesday, August 26th, Bev and I went to Manaus for our conference at Nova Igreja Batista. David Hatcher is pastor and has done a super job with this training/fellowship conference that happens every 2 years. There were pastors and leaders from 13 states, 5 countries and 39 different cities. We had over 30 from our home town. Unfortunately for me I took the flu along for the ride. I was able to go to the opening banquet and the last service. By Saturday night I was able to preach. There were over 3000 present. Bev and I went from church straight to the airport to catch our flight to the States.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at]
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [January 2014]
![John and Alta Hatcher](
Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.
January 1, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy New Year to each of you. May God bless you this year and give you a blessed year for His honor and glory.
Alta and I have had some great blessings in the final month of 2013. Our son, David, and his wife, Pennie have made these days unforgettable. David came to Urai and took Alta and I for a trip to Florida to visit with my sister, Neree and my sister, Jessie, and her husband, Joe Sills. While there we enjoyed eight days on a cruise. This was a delightful time. I was able to relive some of my Merchant Seaman days.
Returning to Brazil, we went to Manaus to David’s and Pennies’s home. Paul and Wanda, Kathy and Odali live there so we were able to visit our children and grandchildren. It was a marvelous time.
During the month of December, the NOVA IGREJA BATISTA, where David, our son is Pastor, presented a beautiful drama, THE CHRISTMAS DREAM, a story that takes place in a toy factory. The presentation is one hour and a half duration, and uses nearly two thousand persons. It tells the wonderful story of Jesus, from the angel’s announcement to Mary until the resurrection of Jesus. The presentation is breathtaking.
The drama was presented thirty-one times. 92,000 attended the drama and 8,500 persons made decisions, the majority of these were trusting Jesus as Saviour. The story of this church, originally the CHAPADA BAPTIST CHURCH, is one of the greatest works of God’s Grace that I have seen.
Organized about fifty years ago with 24 members it now has an attendance of nearly 5,000 each Sunday. The work was started in the boonies; today the area is the main part of a city of two million inhabitants. This church has also started other congregations in other cities and States. Praise the Lord for His Blessings!
The Lord willing, we will be returning to Urai on January 7. Paul will be taking us back since we are not able to safely travel alone. The TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH where Paul is pastor has done many church plants in Manaus and several of the northeast States of Brazil. This Church has made over sixty church plants. Praise the Lord!
Odali and Kathy have moved north to Manaus to begin works on the rivers and in new villages that are being developed with the development of new roads.
Once more Alta and I wish you a New Year with God’s blessings, as together we continue to go preach, baptize and plant churches.
We love you in the Lord.
John A. and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
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