Jud and Raquel Hatcher are third generation missionaries serving the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, at least 43 churches have been started in 5 states.
October 28, 2023
Dear friends,
I am sending several pictures and writing less this month. Please, view each picture prayerfully and receive our full expression of gratitude for your partnership with us in missions.
What an incredible time with David and Kym Pitman while they were in Brazil. During their 14 days with us, we traveled to 21 different cities, covering 2055 miles. Visited 24 churches, ministered to 20 pastors and their families in their homes, David Pitman preached 9 times, participated in two debate panels with Brazilian pastors, ministered at 5 Sunday services with 320 people in all, preached at the Saturday Churches’ Gathering in Paraná with 130 present. Spoke at the pastors & leaders’ breakfast meeting with 43 participants in Garça, Sao Paulo. Kym Pitman had 4 speaking engagements with women. We visited the foster care center Raquel coordinates in São Paulo and were joined by 250 people at the September Conference in Lupercicio, São Paulo. There were 48 decisions made (salvation, baptism, reconciliation, and call to ministry).
My parents (veteran missionaries, Paul and Wanda Hatcher) came to Brazil in October. During their trip, we had two leadership conferences where he spoke to the men and she spoke to the women, one in Cornélio, Paraná state, and the other in Alvara de Carvalho, São Paulo State. We visited several pastors and their families in their homes. We also had the opportunity to visit the foster care center Raquel coordinates. It was a significant time with them for us as a family and had incredible moments together at the lake, at the park, at home at the kids’ school, and at church gatherings.
We humbly reach out to you, our faithful supporters, with two pressing fundraising needs:
a) Sound System, Stage, and Tent:
To enhance our church planting and network gatherings, we need a sound system, stage, and tent. The estimated cost for this essential equipment is 10,000 US dollars, considering the higher expenses for such equipment in Brazil.
b) Second Car Purchase:
Due to the increasing demand and rising expenditure on transportation, we urgently need to acquire a second vehicle. The estimated cost for this much-needed resource is also 10,000 US dollars.
As we step into the new month, we ask for your continued prayers and support. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Let’s continue partnering in this Kingdom work.
Grateful always,
Judson Hatcher
Agape church plant luncheon with Paul and WandaBreakfast with Agape church planting at Hatcher homeBreakfast with Pastor Fabiano, Gisele and Pastor JonathasCandid moment after debate panelChecking on memory verseChildren’s presentation at the conferenceConference inviteConference scheduleConference singingDebate panelDavid Pitman and ValdirDavid Pitman preaching for Pastor Helder in Campo Limpo, Sao PauloDavid Pitman speaking at the conference.David Pitman speaking at the conference.David Pitmand and Epitácio BarrosDavid speaking, Judson translatingeating lunch with our kids at schoolGrandparents and grandkids hanging out in the kitchenJonathan and his sister Kim with my family.Jonathan Turner speaking at the conferenceJonathan Turner speaking at the conferenceJud speaking to parents regarding December soccer camp.Judson leading the devotional before practice.Judson speaking at the monthly Pastors and Leaders gathering in São PauloKym Pitman speaking to the women’s leadership gathering in GarçaKym Pitman speaking to women at the conferenceKym Pitman speaking to women at the conferenceL to R – Sonia, Marcio, Carol, Kym, David, Valdir and Judson before road trip at 5amLeadership gathering in Uraí, Paraná, with the PitmansLeadership gathering in Uraí, Paraná, with the Pitmans.Lupercio church gatheringMen’s leadership gatheringPastors and wives at the monthing meeting in Garça, São PauloPastor’s panel discussionPaul Hatcher & Gilberto Stefano with his new book on 100 years of BFM missionaries in BrazilPaul Hatcher speaking at MaVirginia BCPaul Hatcher speaking at the monthly Pastoral leadership meeting in ParanáPaul Hatcher speaking at the monthly pastors and leaders meeting in São PauloPaul Hatcher with pastors in CornélioPastor Pitman preaching for Pastor Leandro in Guarulhos, Sao PauloPastor Pitman speaking to men who desire to be pastors.Pitmans and Hatchers in São Paulo CityPitmans and MaVirginia BCPitmans and Stefanos with Sister MariaPitmans arrive in São PauloPitmans at Guarulho’s church with Pastor LeandroPitmans ministering to the Hatcher kidsPitmans with Pastor Daniel and his leadership team in Assaí, ParanáPitmans with Pastor Epitacio and Fátima in Pompeia churchPr Gilberto praying for the PitmansSeptember conference with David and Kym Pitman and Jonathan TurnerSoccer devotionalSports devoSunday nigth service in Marilia.Teaching from Proverbs to athletsVisit to the Flower and Plant distribution center with parents and friends.Visit with Raquel’s Foster Care team in São PauloVisiting Bobby and Charlene Wacaser’s work in Curitiba, with Pastor CledsonVisiting Pastor Márcio and Carol at John Hatcher last home in BrazilVisiting Pastors Silvio Pfahl’s family.Wanda Hatcher and pastor’s wives in CornélioWanda Hatcher speaking at the monthly gathering to women in ministry in São PauloWanda Hatcher speaking to pastors wives and women in ministry.Worship at conferenceVisits from David & Kym Pitman, Paul & Wanda Hatcher, Jonathan Turner and his sister Kim DePalmaPaul & Wanda Hatcher with Grandkids (Sarah, Laura, Benjamin, Melissa)
Contact Info: Jud & Raquel Hatcher São Paulo, Brazil judsonhatcher@gmail.com (872) 400-6522
For ministry donations: Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280 or click here to donate to BFM online.
We are asking for help for help for a ministry in Paraná where Pastor John Hatcher lived last. The ministry in the city of Foz de Iguaçu was started by us. Pastor Edson was saved under Brother John’s ministry. They have been in the city for over 10 years. Now the Pastor that is helping all the churches that Brother John and we started is Pastor Gilberto. The church in Foz de Iguaçu wants to build a church building. They are already paying for the lots, and they need help for the building. Any help will be appreciated. You can help by making designated offerings to us [Odali & Kathy Barros] and designating them for “Foz de Iguaçu Building.”