Preparing for Seminary Graduation
Posted on 3Jun CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], General, Letters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, Bluegrass Baptist Seminary, growing, learning, Pastoral Ministries, pastors conference, seminary, seminary degree0

June 3, 2024
Dear friends and family,
Many Brazilian pastors and church leaders have limited theological instruction. Pastoral education has been identified as one of the most critical needs in spreading the gospel in Brazil. Bluegrass Baptist Seminary is diligently working to ensure an efficient, effective and economical resource in support of evangelical training for the evangelical churches of Brazil. Here is the testimony of one of our Brazilian students’ best friends: “These courses will provide me with knowledge of incomparable quality that l would never have access to under normal conditions.” What an opportunity! Praise God!!!
With that being said, these pastors encourage me to keep on keeping on! It is just amazing how our Lord and Savior can help equip His saints! That I can be a small part of this training—AWESOME!!!!
Our spring semester has just concluded, and I am already thinking about the next semester, classes, schedules, professors, translators and so forth. Then there is the upcoming graduation!
Our second graduation will be on July the 20th and there are nine pastors in this group. They chose to delay the graduation so some pastors could complete some courses that they had missed in the year. The degree to be completed is a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministries, which is a degree for Pastors “Only”. The previous graduation was for a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. Eleven received this degree which included church workers and pastors. Below is a picture of one of our classes before Covid 19. We had great success until we could not join together, but God provided a path for us to continue teaching via Zoom and we are gradually getting back to the numbers. When the devil closes the door God opens a window. What an AWESOME God we serve!!!!

One of the Pastors in this group, a lawyer, was in the make-up class and someone asked him why he was making up this class. His response was “I don’t only want a degree, but I also want all the information they are offering so I can use it for my betterment”.
Just before this graduation in São Paulo, we will be traveling to Manaus to attend a Pastors Conference. There we will encounter many new Pastors and tell them about Bluegrass Baptist Seminary. We will be there for five days getting to know many pastors and church workers. It is our prayer that God will present the opportunities for Bluegrass Baptist Seminary to be included into those seeking more knowledge of the Word and the way to make it clearer to their people. We will be available to those who want to talk to us about Bluegrass Baptist Seminary and we will have a table full of information for them to take home and also read about us. We are invited to speak in the conference also. So, there will be many opportunities to spread the word about the opportunity to study more about God. Pray that we can be a blessing to the pastors in that area as this will be the first time for us to reach that area, and pray that we can be a blessing for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in our conduct and our presentation.
We need your prayers as this trip will be a very tight travel agenda dealing with plane connections as we travel to Manaus then to São Paulo. Each location has its own agenda and each is important to various people.
Barbara will not go to Manaus because of finances but she will spend some time with Mary, Walmir, and the family. It is so necessary to stay connected with the girls as you just turn around and they are grown. The oldest will be 16 in October and the youngest turned 13 in March.
All this is made possible by your generosity and your prayers, and also by the support of all the people who donate to Baptist Faith Missions. We are we mindful of those who love God and want more people to know Him also. We are a part of those who take Him and His word to the foreign fields and you are a part of that by your prayers and generosity.
In His service,
AJ and Barbara
AJ & Barbara Hensley
30524 Mimi St
Sebring, FL 33870-0530
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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