God Sends 5 French Bikers to Help with Thanksgiving Leftovers in Brazil
Posted on 17Dec CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, bicycling, bike around the world, cyclist, French bikers, Pastors Conference in Brazil 2017, showing God's love

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
December 14, 2016
Dear friends and family,
We got back to Brazil just before Thanksgiving and Barb got busy getting everything ready for the big meal. We had a wonderful time with family and we had much leftovers. After we had gotten the dishes washed and the food put away, there was a clapping at the door. (For those who have not been to Brazil, that is our doorbell). As we went to see who was coming to visit, we saw a bunch of bicycles at the door. As we approached the front door, we saw that there were 5 bicycles and riders. As we talked to them, we understood that they were looking for a place to camp for the night. We told them of several camp grounds in our area. In further conversation, they told us that they were trying to only spend 8 euros a day.
I decided to invite them to camp in our backyard that is not a yard, but a covered space in front of our laundry room. They were from France and were beginning their trip around the world on bicycles. They accepted our offer of a place to stay and came in and set up their tents, took showers and rested. Then we invited them in to partake with us of the leftovers from Thanksgiving. Is not our God AWESOME!!!! He planned for our visitors before they came. We were able to show God’s love and plant a seed for someone down the road to water, and for God to reap the harvest. Pray for this to happen in these 3 years that they are riding around the world. They are riding from Brazil to the States then through several other continents.

Five Bikers from France who plan to cycle the world over the next three years showed up on Thanksgiving needing a place to camp for the night.

AJ & Barbara invited them to camp in their backyard (a covered space in front of their laundry room)!
For them to do this, they had to sell everything they had. Their plan is to be gone from France for 3 years. So we have an invitation to go to France in 3 years and we have 5 homes to stay in. Pray for these young people—for their safety and their salvation.
This month we have begun the plans for our Pastors Conference for 2017. The date is October 9-12. This year we will face more financial difficulties as the crisis here in Brazil continues. Many of the pastors that attend will be hard pressed to come up with the money to pay for the hotel bill. So we will be working on raising the money to help many of them to come to the conference. This is a great prayer request as many of these pastors need this renewing of their energy spiritual to continue in God’s work. All our speakers are from the States and they pay for their passage to come and teach in the conference. What a blessing for all of us here in Brazil. The last conference we had, there were many pastors that attended and went home with their batteries charged and ready to go. Pray for these pastors and help with the finances if you can. We have started to get the word out about the conference. We went to Garça two weeks ago and spoke to 5 pastors who are anxious to come be a part of this next conference.
Well I still have some health issues to take care of but am looking forward to August 2017 to get the final results from the treatments. Keep this in your prayers.
We want to take this time to wish you and yours a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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