Evangelism, Shepherding, & Training Across Southern France

October 17, 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for serving with us. God is changing lives in wonderful ways. Our ministry is quite broad, challenging and encouraging. It is a mixture of evangelism, shepherding and training. Judy and I spend time in personal counseling of individuals on a regular basis. We are driven to pray for wisdom, patience and the work of God in people’s heart. So, in the process, we grow in our relationship with our Father and Savior as well.
There is a new regular participant in our Bible study in the city of Mazeres. This young man is a carrier sub-officer in the army. This Bible study is made up of individuals who have already placed their faith in Christ. We are presently studying the Gospel of Luke.
We are starting a new Bible Study in the city of Auterive. A family from our church moved there a couple of years ago and are excited to host this Bible Study.
The Bible study in the city of L’Union is going very well. It is exciting to see the way God is touching the lives of the seekers who participate without missing. One lady seems to have trusted Christ though she has not made public profession of faith. The husband of the Iranian couple who fled their country years ago always thanks me with a great smile at the conclusion of each study.
Our three other studies are going well, and we are very encouraged by the way God is working in the lives of the participants. The regular Sunday meetings here in Plaisance du Touch are also going well. Philip is now doing the teaching as we study through the book of Acts. One young lady who trusted the Lord about a year ago is very involved in the study of the Word and church activities in addition to her Engineering Studies and job. She is the only believer in her family.
Philip and Amanda are self-supporting missionaries who work with us. A number of believers are passionately involved in serving the Lord and this is very encouraging to us.
May you enjoy God’s richest blessings,
John and Judy

Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Many Visitors, Witnessing to Neighbors & Acquaintances

July 23, 2023
Dear Fellow Laborers,
It just dawned on me that I had not written to you this month. We have been busy with activities related to our move a bit over a month ago. The house in Tournefeuille was our home and center of ministry for nearly 23 years… many years of accumulation. That is the longest that we have lived in any house.
Today we had a great church meeting with several visitors. Last month I mentioned a young man, Timo, who trusted Christ and was baptized last year. Philip had been meeting with him weekly to encourage him in his walk with Christ. A picture of the youth meeting with a number of his friends was included with the letter. This young man is quiet, but friendly. Four of the visitors today were a result of his contact. Two of these were here for the third time. It is interesting how lines cross. Amanda teaches piano to the mother of two of the young men who were here this morning. One son is dating a girl who was recently saved. The boy’s mother told Amanda that the girl felt very at home in our meetings. Another visitor today is Timo’s grandmother.
We ask your prayers for our closest neighbors. God has given us a very good relationship with them. We have had them over for dinner and had the opportunity to speak about spiritual matters a number of times. They have indicated that they will visit one of our Sunday meetings.
Your prayers for our many acquaintances of many years would also be greatly appreciated. This coming Thursday we are to have dinner with a couple that we have known for many years. Their daughter trusted Christ a number of years ago, followed the Lord in baptism and was a faithful participant in our assembly. She is now at a university in the city of Lyon.
Your fellow servants,
Judy and John
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Fellowship with Disciples, Meals & Studies with Seekers

November 14, 2022
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
It’s Thanksgiving Season and we are very thankful to our Heavenly Father that He has given us many years of fellowship with you. Thank you for your faithful support.
Thanksgiving is not a holiday in France but we always celebrate it as close to the US National holiday as we can. This coming Saturday we will be having Thanksgiving dinner together with Philip, Amanda and their two younger daughters. Camille is in her first year at a University here and Emily is a Senior in High School. We have also invited two couples who have been friends for a long time. Neither of these are believers. The primary way we share the Good News is in encounters and meals together. One couple are parents of Pascaline who trusted the Lord and followed Him in baptism several years ago. She is now doing University studies in the city of Lyon.
Friday night we were surprised by the visit of Marie Theophile. She was a part of our assembly for about ten years along with her parents and siblings before going to University. She is now completing Law School in Northern France. Many young people from our congregation are now in Universities in other regions and countries. Thomas just moved to Italy this past Friday to attend Medical School. We hope and pray that each of these disciples will follow the Lord faithfully where they are.
If you have prayed for our newest Bible study in L’Union, we have encouraging news. God is definitely at work in these meetings. Attention and participation has been great. Please continue to pray for the salvation of the seekers who need Christ and are attending these Bible studies. Since the good majority are lost and have practically no familiarity with the Scriptures, we are reading and discussing the first few chapters of Genesis and then moving to the Gospel of John.
These are some of the highlights of what God is doing here. We thought you would like to know!
Serving Christ along with you,
John and Judy
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Bible Studies Restarting in Mazere!

September 15, 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are grateful to God for His continuous provision and your participation in what God has called us to do. Twenty-two years ago we arrived in France with a passion to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ to French people and make disciples that God would put together in churches of Jesus Christ.
Two years after our arrival, God brought our son Philip and his wife Amanda to join us in the ministry here. They had felt God’s leadership to this part of the world for several years. Their daughter, Abigail, was five months old when they arrived. Today she is in her third year of preparation to be a doctor in Physical Therapy. So much has changed yet much remains the same. Only two or three French people out of each thousand profess personal faith in Jesus Christ. Many are atheist. We rejoice that some have come to faith in Christ, followed the Lord in baptism and are serving the Lord here, other places in France and other countries.
And, there is so much more to do.
The church at Tournefeuille is still meeting in person with some joining us live using the internet. We have had good services. The Covid virus has made it more complicated to interact with and communicate the Gospel to those who do not know Christ. However, God is not caught by surprise and does not change. We must continue to pray for wisdom to do what He wants us to do.
Next month we will restart Bible studies in the city of Mazere after a hiatus of four years that appeared to be permanent.
Your prayers for our home location and meeting place are greatly appreciated. It appears that by this time next year we will be living and meeting about a mile and a half west of where we are now. This will place us in the neighboring city of Plaisance du Touch. This city was established around 1000 A.D. Philip and his family have lived there for a number of years. We have had many church and youth meetings there and we hope that God will use the move to enable us to share the Good News with more people.
Thank you for your continuous participation and prayers. May God bless each of you.
From France,
John and Judy
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Back in France!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are back in France! A week ago, we stepped off the plane in France. What a delight to walk out of the baggage claim area to find Philip and three of our granddaughters waiting for us. Amanda and Camille were at our house putting finishing touches on cleaning and preparing lunch. We are thrilled to be back to the place that God led us to 22 years ago.
Though there are still many restrictions here because of the Covid virus, within a couple of days we encountered many of our neighbors. However, Sunday crowned our joy as we sang in person with the members of our congregation. Though we have been meeting online with the church at Tournefeuille, we could not hear each other singing. Sunday was a very small foretaste of heaven where numberless multitudes will be praising the Lord together.
Yesterday, we had lunch with the Veuillet family from our church. Jean-Luc is one of our teaching leaders. We had an excellent meal and time of fellowship together. This family is a great blessing and encouragement to us as musicians, teachers and committed believers. They just bought a house that is further from our meeting place by about 20 minutes on the road. However, this a small city that desperately needs a gospel witness. I am hoping that this could be the beginning of a church in that community.
We just learned that the house in which we live and hold our church meetings is going to be sold. The rental agent is to meet with us in a couple of weeks to discuss alternatives. Please, pray for us that God will direct our hearts in this matter. Or, if you would like to donate $500,000.00, we can just purchase the house. In case you are wondering, it is not a mansion. You can call Darrell Messer or Randy Jones who have been here for details.
We thank God for each of you and your faithful participation in what God is doing here.
May the Lord bless each of you,
John and Judy
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Trekking for Jesus

May 11, 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Are you feeling shut in? Daily living has been quite different for most of us during the last couple of months. However, we are very thankful for many blessings that God has showered upon us during this time. Eternal life, the union of our spirit to God, is not affected one bit by the viral crisis other than for the good. We thoroughly enjoyed reading the letters of the lady missionaries in the Mother’s Day issue of the Mission Sheets online posting.
One of the many joyful experiences of the last month has been meeting with our church in France! Due to the danger of transmission and the governmental restrictions the congregation decided to meet live online. During the first meeting about 6 weeks ago Judy and I were moved to tears and had a hard time singing during the worship time. The online interactive fellowship has been GREAT! We are so thankful for Philip, Amanda and several other members of our church who work diligently each week to make these meetings a reality. We thank God for giving humans the technological abilities to make this kind of communication possible. Not only have we met with our church in France, we have also been able to “go to church” in America and Brazil. In ALL things God works for good!
Last week, Amanda sent me a text forwarded from a French friend of hers. Amanda has been displaying Christ to this very nice lady, who professes atheism, for several years. The lady’s son had leukemia several years ago when he was still a preschooler. God has graciously given the son physical life and he receives piano lessons from Amanda. The lady forwarded the request of a friend who was looking for someone to help him improve his English speaking. I was glad to help him and we had our first online conversation today. All of the above to ask you to pray for my communication with this young (40ish) husband and father of two sons. He had been told by his “atheist” acquaintance what we did in France. He asked questions and God opened up the door for an introduction of the Gospel. He was interested and I invited him to join us for our virtual Sunday church meeting.
Our dear Savior has also connected us to others in our physical neighborhood who need Christ. Judy and I exercise by trekking [walking with sticks… cross country skiing on dry ground in tennis shoes 🙂 ]. It is a practically unknown physical activity in Evansville. As more people are home bound, they are walking, riding bikes and working in their garages and yards. They keep social distances, but most are looking for social exchanges. This has let us to meet other believers and be able to witness to those who need Christ. It seems that we are well known in the neighborhoods. Sometimes you can be a spectacle for Christ!
On April 30th we celebrated Dad’s 95th birthday. We are so grateful that Paul and Wanda are caring for Dad (John A. Hatcher) as they did for Alta Hatcher (mom) and Willa McGary (Wanda’s mom). Their care for the senior missionaries has enabled us, the younger and aging missionaries to continue serving in the overseas fields. Paul and family set up a Zoom party and nearly all the extended family (7 time zones, 3 continents) were able to celebrate with Dad. God has blessed us beyond our imagination and ability to recount. Trekking for Jesus,
John and Judy
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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46 Years of Marriage; Visitors from L’Union

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
March 11, 2019
Dear Brother and Sisters,
Last week Judy and I celebrated 46 years of marriage. As many of you would agree, the time passes quickly. Judy has certainly been a wonderful partner. We have had the opportunity to serve the Lord on three continents in very different settings. She not only is a model of encouragement, she has been a tireless worker.
Besides her continual zest in serving the Lord through in ministry beyond our family, Judy has truly been a great mother and grandmother.
This past week we also celebrated the 18th birthday of our oldest grandchild, Abigail. This summer Philip and Amanda will be taking her to Evansville, Indiana to begin her studies in Physical Therapy. We will certainly miss her in many ways. She is a good teacher, excellent musician and has touched the lives of many of her friends as a missionary. Among many other activities she is now leading a student Bible study with high school friends and acquaintances. She and another believer decided to do this and are now each leading studies on the High School grounds about the life of Christ through the Gospel according to Luke.
God has greatly used Philip, Amanda, Abigail, Nathalie, Camille and Emily in what He is doing here. We are so grateful for the partnership we have.
Yesterday, we had a great Sunday meeting with several visitors from L’Union, another city in the Toulouse metropolitan area. They are members of a family who are longtime friends of ours. Years ago, Wendy, a single missionary who works with us, and Judy taught English classes in Blandine’s home using Bible stories as the subject matter. Later, Blandine’s children were regular participants in our Youth meetings and brought their friends. This Sunday, the son, Kerwan, was here with his mother. He is now a 2nd year University student preparing to be a History teacher and shows a good interest in spiritual things. Blandine also brought a neighbor who was here for the first time. This lady expressed how much she enjoyed the Bible reading. I gave her a Bible and she was thrilled. When I suggested to Blandine that we would be glad to start a church meeting in their home, she seemed quite interested. This is something for which you can pray.
You might like to practice your French so here is part of an email I received this morning from Douceline (Blandine’s sister). She lives in Mazeres, about an hour to the south and in whose home we held Bible studies weekly for many years. She was also here yesterday.
Coucou John & Judy,
Un grand Merci pour ce repas, votre gentillesse et votre disponibilité ! Claude a été super contente ! C’était une super idée de lui donner la Bible… Merci aussi pour votre proposition concernant les études sur L’Union. Que notre Seigneur vous bénisse pour tout ce que vous faites pour vos frères et sœurs ! Que notre Seigneur œuvre dans le cœur de chacun et que ces études puissent voir le jour si c’est dans sa volonté !
We are here to let the light of Jesus shine through us so that others may know Him, trust Him and follow Him. There is no better life.
Your partners in France for Christ,
John and Judy
John Mark & Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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