FaithWORKS [October 2013]

PRAY AND PRAISE in this issue…

  • ODALI AND KATHY BARROS –  PRAY that the Lord will give them wisdom and direction as they seek new places to evangelize and plant churches in the vicinities around Manaus, Brazil.  PRAY for the Lord’s protection upon them as they move.  PRAY for the continuing growth and outreach of the Lord’s churches in Garca.  PRAY for the salvation of others in his family.
  • MIKE AND BEVERLY CREIGLOWPRAISE GOD for the good responses and participation in many family-oriented activities and outreaches.  PRAISE GOD for good reports of people being saved in various churches and congregations.  PRAY for struggling economies there, too.  PRAY for strength for all their faithful workers.
  • JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER –  PRAY for the Lord to establish church starts and plants in several locations, especially from the Urai church.  PRAY for healing for Sonha dos Santos.  PRAISE GOD for new pastor and his family and the reports of God’s increase in the Assai church.
  • PAUL AND WANDA HATCHER –  PRAY for Brother Herman’s family.  He was a faithful servant in the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus who has been called Home to Heaven.  PRAISE GOD for another church plant in Japiim.
  • JOHN AND JUDY HATCHERPRAY for their upcoming new year of Sunday School classes and also Fall-Break VBS.  PRAISE GOD for the steady increase of numbers of believers who learning to be disciples and servants in the church.  PRAY that God will develop and grow them.
  • NATHAN AND CARRIE RADFORDPRAY for all their preparations to come to the States for furlough…and for their safe travel here.  PRAY also that the Lord will open up housing for them here in the States.
  • SHERIDAN AND ANITA STANTONPRAISE GOD for the purchase of the property and beginning of the work to build a chapel for the Calvary Baptist Mission in Huanuco.  PRAISE GOD also for the opportunities and prospects of expanding their teaching and training with new technologies.  PRAY that God will supply all the funds they need for these new outreaches.
  • ROGER AND JULIE TATE –  PRAY that God will continue to give them spiritual and physical strength to embark on their Stateside travels.  PRAY that God will refresh their physical and spiritual strength.  PRAY for the family of their dear friend from Kitale who was murdered in the recent terrorist attacks at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi.
  • BOBBY AND CHARLENE WACASERPRAISE GOD for the faithful servants the Lord is raising up in the churches there to increase their outreach into other cities.  PRAY for the repair of their Project Life bus that was damaged in the recent accident – and for the funds to put it back into service.

We heartily invite you to join us for the 59th Annual Thanksgiving Missions Conference in the interests of BAPTIST FAITH MISSIONS.

November 25-27, 2013
New Hope Baptist Church
Dearborn Heights, MI
Pastor Terry Adkins

Conference Theme: “Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It” – Psalm 107:2-3

A full post with details can be found here.

For directions to New Hope Baptist Church and/or information on lodging please contact:
Pastor Terry Adkins | (313) 562-5579 | pastorterrynewhope[at]


Please be making your plans to give as generously as the LORD enables you to our upcoming Thanksgiving Offering. We encourage EVERY friend of our missionaries to be a GIVING FRIEND!

Pastors, will you be willing to announce and promote the Thanksgiving Offering in your church – and encourage your people to give to it? Our missionaries’ needs continue to be great and the Thanksgiving Offering is essential to providing those financial commitments we have made to them.

We continue to struggle every month just to maintain the commitments we have made to our missionaries – but we want to do so much more than just MAINTAIN. We want to INCREASE and ADD TO the provisions of their needs.

And, remember – you can give your Thanksgiving Offering either through your church’s offering, or by mailing your personal check to our Treasurer, or by giving online through our website ‘Donate/Support’ tab.

Click here to make a one-time donation.
Click here to set up a recurring donation.

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