Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya [September 2013]

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.
September 4, 2013
Dear praying friends,
Well, it is now near the end of the term here in Kitale, so I thought I would use this prayer letter to give you an idea of how it went this past term, give current ministry progress, and inform you of how to be praying for us in future ministry endeavors. We appreciate each of you so much, and you are such a blessing to us.
One verse that has been a comfort to me this past term concerns seeking the Lord. There are so many things that come in our daily lives for which we need to seek the Lord. One thing I know for sure is that life is challenging, and we need His help and strength for each day. Psalm 105:4 says “Seek the LORD, and His strength: seek His face evermore.” How true this is, and how we need to seek the Lord each day.
The Annex prison ministry is continuing along well. We have been progressing well through the book of Matthew, after learning Inductive Bible study methods. The men seem to be enjoying the studies very much, and there is definite leadership material among these men. Please pray for this ministry as we are away, that it will continue along well.
In regards to church planting, based off of how this past term progressed, I feel I can say definitively that the method we will use in the future is to train nationals to go and start churches. At the beginning of the term, my partner Roger Tate and I said we would try two different ways of church planting here. What were the results?
The church plant in Shangalamwe was very similar to Rafiki last term. The Lord blessed, and there is a church there that we hope and pray will continue along well. However, there were differences between the two methods we tried. When we trained a national to go, things went so much better and progressed much more effectively. So, please pray for us next term, that the Lord would lead us to Godly men who love Him and want to go start churches in their villages. Certainly this method does not mean that there will be no problems, but I believe strongly that training nationals is the way we should proceed in the future here. This could change, but for now, I believe this is the way to proceed based off the results. In all of this, we need to ask the Lord for wisdom. Psalm 111:10a says “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” How we need to rely on Him daily for wisdom. We ask for your prayers in regards to what we have shared and the guidance and wisdom of the Lord.
Furlough is quickly approaching, and we are looking forward to seeing many of you who pray for us, have visited us, and give sacrificially to the work here. We thank the Lord for each of you. May God bless you.
Until Next Month,
Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa 30200
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