Prayer Request: Projeto Vida Wreck in Brazil

From Bobby Wacaser, Missionary to Brazil on September 11, 2013

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, please pray for our ministry partners, Projeto Vida! I just got word from Pastor Paulo that our Alpha team was involved in a collision with a small delivery truck. The driver and the passenger in the truck were killed. On our bus/motorhome there were some cuts and bruises, but nothing extremely serious.

Our prayers are with the families of the occupants of the truck. May the Lord comfort them and use this event to help them find Him to be their only source of strength and hope. Our prayers are with Victor, our driver who is terribly shaken by this event and all the other 12 missionaries who, too, are understandably distraught at this time. Thank you for your prayers.

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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [September 2013]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

September 9, 2013

Dear Friends,

Charlene and I had to make an emergency return to the USA because of the accidental death of her oldest brother, Wayne Adams. Charlene and her family are being greatly comforted by the Lord’s grace. I took the opportunity at his funeral service to share the gospel and preach the Word of God. God blessed and touched Charlene’s youngest brother’s (Kelly) heart. Both I and another brother-in-law shared the gospel with him on a couple of other occasions during our short stay there in Georgia. We are praying that Kelly will fully surrender his life to Jesus as Lord and Savior.

We have returned to our work in southern Brazil where the Lord continues to bless. We have had new visitors at virtually every service for the last several weeks. We are also seeing a greater commitment to involvement and Bible study in the lives of those attending regularly. We held what we call “WordFest 2013”. This event is a challenge for the members to read a full book of the Bible (on this occasion it was Deuteronomy) in a 3 week period of time, and to memorize a full chapter of the Bible (Psalm 136) during the same time period. We had about 50 percent of the congregation to successfully complete the challenge. This was our first WordFest at the new church and we are hoping to have a better rate of participation and completion on our next one. Still further, we saw and heard of the blessing this feasting on the Word brought about in the lives of several of the participants.

Our winter is gradually coming to an end. Amazingly in our city we saw snow for the first time since coming here in 1986. We had heard that snow fell and “stuck” back in 1975, but we it hadn’t snowed here since then. It must be that global warming junk that caused it. Now that warmer weather is moving in, we should also start to see even greater increases in attendance at our services. The longer days will also allow us to get out on the streets and find more people available with whom we can share the gospel. Our missionary interns (3 youth from the USA) left a few weeks ago to go back to college. Their stay with us was a blessing to us and we hope it was to them also.

One of our Projeto Vida evangelistic teams will be leaving tomorrow to go to some poor neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro for 3 weeks. There will be around 14 volunteer missionaries traveling in the motorhome/traveling headquarters. They will be assisting a local Baptist church there in taking the gospel into the public schools and parks. Since I last wrote to you a couple of months ago we have presented the Word of God to over 10,000 people through skits, testimonies and messages preached. Many individuals surrendered to Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Pastor Paulo Novaes, the main leader of Projeto Vida, had a serious automobile accident a few weeks ago while returning from a weekend of ministry and a wedding he officiated. He had spent 3 days and two nights in strenuous ministries and was exhausted, but felt that he needed to return to our home base by the beginning of the following week. While driving in the mountains, he dozed at the wheel and hit an embankment and flipped the vehicle on its top. By God’s grace no one was seriously injured. He did suffer a head laceration that required 17 stitches to close, but thankfully, nothing more serious happened. His wife, Luiza, uses a pacemaker and was accompanying him. Also his sister-in-law, who has a transplanted kidney, was with him and neither was seriously injured. There was another young man, Daniel, who was in the front seat and he also escaped injury. The gravity of this accident and the total destruction of the vehicle only prove that the Lord was protecting them. They all are greatly used in taking the gospel to thousands and their death would be a great loss to our ministries. We are thankful for His gracious care and protection.

Thank you for your constant and effectual prayers on our behalf.

May the Lord bless,

Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR  Brasil

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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [July 2013]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

July 4, 2013

Dear Friends,

We are in the middle of one of those experiences that we have been privileged to enjoy several times since beginning our ministry in Brazil. On several occasions we have been asked to host individual youth in our home who were sensing a call from the Lord to use their life in missions or gospel ministry and who wanted to have a cross-cultural experience to validate that call.

This summer (our winter in southern Brazil), we are getting that privilege threefold. We are hosting two teenage girls from the Tampa, Florida area and one young man from the Houston, Texas area. I am going to let them share with you a short report of their experience as they traveled and ministered together with our outreach ministry, Projeto Vida, on a three week mission trip to the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. They traveled with a team of 12 Brazilian missionaries in a motorhome, which was their “home” for three weeks.

Carley Clark (age nineteen from Brandon, Florida)

“And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” (Acts 5:41-42)

When I first came to Brazil in 2010, I began to feel the call to missions. Every year that I came back to Brazil with my student ministry, the call became stronger and stronger. In August of 2012, I felt the Lord calling me to come to Brazil for a summer to experience the true life of a missionary–not just the week-long trip that I had experienced several times before. I thought that I was prepared for everything until I went on a three week long trip with Projeto Vida to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

The Wacasers’ summer interns! The last girl on the right is Rachel Weaver, another intern, but she’ll be around for 10 months, not just the summer.

Our first week in Rio was really great. We were able to witness to a lot of people and many people from the church responded to the call to missions. We left this church to go stay at a camp for what I thought was a couple of days, but turned out to be for a week and a half. The camp that we stayed at was in rough state. The room that the girls stayed in had dirty concrete floors, the bathroom was disgusting and had no doors to the stalls or the showers, and there were spiders and bugs everywhere. I was not excited to spend the next few days here. The next morning, I woke up with an eye infection, a cold, and what seemed like a thousand mosquito bites all over my legs. I was really missing my family, and I had no way of contacting them. I was also on clothes washing duty, so I spent the day with a few others washing the clothes of fifteen people by hand, and later that day I took a freezing cold shower.

While thinking about how awful my circumstances seemed to be, I thought back to my devotional time a few days before where I read about how the apostles were beaten and left rejoicing because they were counted worthy to suffer for the Name. Day after day, no matter what their circumstances were, they preached the gospel, and that is what we are called to do. I realized how selfish I was being and that I needed to rejoice that I am counted worthy to suffer for the gospel. When I take an abundance of cold showers- I rejoice. When I have an eye infection and a cold- I rejoice. When I have to paint Spiderman on a little boy’s face who probably hasn’t had a shower in a week- I rejoice. I’ve learned that missions is not easy. It’s not glamorous. It’s exhausting. But it’s worth it. We are called to spread the love of Christ to the nations and I rejoice that God has chosen me to share His Name to the people of Brazil this summer!

Paige Rechsteiner (age 19 from Tampa, Florida)

One of the days when we were in Sao Paulo we went to an area with favelas, which are like small shacks stacked on top of each other. This area was known for being rough and for drug trafficking so we decided it would be best if no pictures were taken. Two other girls and I were face painting for the kids and it was awesome to see that a simple design on the children’s faces would make them so happy. Few of the children had nice clothes and they didn’t smell very good, but God reminded me how dirty we are with sin. We are filthy and smelly in His eyes, but God still looks to us with open arms and a loving heart, which is exactly how He wanted us to look at those children. No matter how dirty or smelly they were, I still wanted them to come to me and talk to me. And when they saw their face colorful with paint, they were happy and all of their smiles that day made being there worth it.

Trent Smith (age 20 from Lufkin, Texas)

My first trip with the Alpha Team of Projeto Vida to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo was incredible! I met the team in Rio during their time of rest after they had already worked with another church the week before. It was nice to arrive during their days of rest as it gave me an opportunity to get to know the people that were with Alpha team. It also gave me an opportunity to learn some skits that we would perform before we went into schools.

There are two things that stick out in my mind about the trip that are special to me. While we were putting on a presentation in a school in Rio de Janeiro, I was praying for the people that were present and listening to the presentation. I looked up and noticed that many members of the team had their head down and were praying for the presentation as a whole as well. This happened without any prompting from the leaders of the team. It was a blessing to see people responding to the Spirit prompting them to pray!

The other moment that is really special to me happened on our first night in Sao Paulo. Daniel and Victor, two of the leaders, had asked me to play guitar and sing a song at the end of the church service that we were attending. I was feeling really negative about the whole thing. I’m not really sure why, but I just kept thinking, “They aren’t going to understand the words because I’m singing in English.” And I just thought that it was going to be awkward with no actual worship taking place. As I began to sing, everyone present began to sing along in a beautiful mixture of English and Portuguese. God was able to use me, despite my bad attitude, to lead people to the throne in worship. I was floored. That is a moment that I will never forget.
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR  Brasil

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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [April 2013]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

Dear Friends,

I want to start with some really great news! Next Sunday we will be baptizing 4 new converts. The Lord is blessing our efforts as we seek to share the gospel in our new community. We have seen a steady increase in attendance in our services and we hear great testimonies to what God is doing in the lives of those who are applying the messages from God’s Word in their lives. We have nearly completed the construction on the building, needing only to place the final one third of the ceiling tiles by the end of this week.

The group of teens from Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, Florida came last month and worked diligently sharing the gospel through skits and personal testimony. There were 55 of them, including their adult sponsors and we were privileged to have our daughter, Jessie, come with them as our translator coordinator. Our translators here in Brazil also did a wonderful job of voluntary service for nearly a week. The Lord used all the effort and dedication to bring many people to Christ in the public schools and parks. During the week, the group as a whole was able to share the gospel with over 4000 individuals. Projeto Vida, our outreach partners, served as an essential element in transporting the teams, providing the public address system and also prepared the meals for over 100 people twice daily. The service of hosting this group of young people each year has yielded marvelous results. Several of the teens who have come in the past years have since accepted the missionary call for overseas service. Also, many of those who have received Christ as Lord of their lives through their gospel presentations are now faithfully involved in local church ministries. We have another group of youth coming in August of this year from the Houston, Texas area. We are looking forward to seeing how God will use this group also for the glory of His name and for the salvation of many lost ones.

We had a mountaintop experience around the middle of the March, literally. As often as possible we schedule a mountain climb with those who’ll accept the challenge. Our purposes for these excursions are: 1) to provide an opportunity to establish a deeper friendship with folks who aren’t yet attending church, 2) seek to display our relationship with Christ in an “outside the church building” environment, 3) motivate both our church members and prospective converts to take care of their bodies through strenuous exercise, 4) teach all the participants to appreciate and praise the Lord for the beauty of His creation; the lovely mountains, rivers and forest around us. We have discovered that these mountain excursions serve as a good way to invite non-church goers to a church event that doesn’t seem threatening or “churchy.” Once they have participated with us on one of these climbs, they almost always follow up by coming to our church services.

Our American Football training camp is coming up in early June. We are still hammering out the details so that we might make the best use of the personnel who’ll be involved. We have the participation of at least one former NFL player (Johnny Mitchell – former Dallas Cowboys, and New York Jets), his brother, Gregg Booth – former Arena Football. We still have opportunities available for high school and college coaches and players to teach and execute the skills of the sport. Please pray that the Lord would give me wisdom on how to best administer this training camp for the spread of the gospel among the Brazilian athletes and their families and staff.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.

In Christ’s love,
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser

Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR  Brasil

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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [March 2013]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

Dear Friends,

In just 2 days (March 9th) I will have one of the greatest pleasures that I can imagine – to have my wife and 2 kids working together with me side-by-side sharing the gospel with the community of people the Lord has placed me in. My daughter, Jessie, will be arriving with a group of 55 youth and their leaders from Brandon, Florida to minister in our community for one week. Jessie serves as the coordinator of my group of translators. My son, Brennen, is only 15, but has been helping as a translator for over 9 years. He has been getting more excited by the day as we await this group of dedicated youth. I can’t even begin to describe how much of a joy it is to work together with my wife, Charlene. For you who have met her personally, it is easy to understand my feelings. Her sweet disposition and tireless work ethic keep me motivated even when I feel like I can hardly keep going. I never cease to be amazed at how the Lord takes the humble and meek to display His greatness and power, and not our own. We will have three of the Project Life teams working in and around our community for a week trying to reach every house and individual with the love of Christ. Our New Church will seek to follow up on the results of this week of outreach ministry by the visiting group from Bell Shoals Baptist Church.

I am still praying and hoping to be able place a competent leader at the head of a new mission point at Corbélia, a newly established community on the outskirts of our city. The man and his wife, whom I had hoped would accept this challenge, have declined stating that they didn’t think they were quite ready for this level of responsibility. I have another young man and his wife in mind for a more distant future leadership role, but they are key parts of my team at the new church and I wouldn’t like to see that workforce depleted at this stage. Please pray that the Lord would give me wisdom about who and when I need to really invest into planting a church in that community.

The progress of the plans to evangelize and disciple through American football is moving forward steadily. Once again I would like to encourage anyone with experience in football and would like to use that experience for sharing the love of Christ to contact me as soon as possible. Also, the team who will be coming to donate their time, expertise and spend the funds for travel and lodging need football equipment to bring with them. If you have good used equipment, or know where we can get some donated for this purpose, I would also appreciate your contacting me. With the date of this ministry coming up soon, I must ask you to act soon.

Today the material needed to put the ceiling in our new church will arrive. Also, the painter of the sign on the front of our building is working as I write and that job should be finished in two days. The Lord has greatly blessed. We are completing the finishing touches on this building and we’ve been blessed to reach this point without incurring debt, except the debt of love to God and to those who gave sacrificially to make Christ’s name known and praised by many.

We are grateful.

In Christ’s love,
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser

Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR  Brasil

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Missionary Update: The Wacasers [December 2012]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

Dear Friends,

Our outreach trip to Argentina was a tremendous success in terms of evangelism. Our Projeto Vida (Project Life) team called “Doulos”, had a full week of opportunities sharing the gospel in the public schools and parks just across the Brazil/Argentina border. When their activities had come to a conclusion and the bus began to return home the motor blew up and over 35 workers were stranded on a deserted stretch of highway. The broken down bus is our newest, so it was the least likely expected to have major mechanical problems.

The newest Projeto Vida bus broke down on their Argentina trip.

But, now it is nearly a thousand miles away in a shop waiting on expensive repairs to be done. We had to find alternative travel arrangements for the team and volunteers to get back to our base and that too brought on an unexpected expense. We realize that trials like these are a part of serving the Lord in this fallen world and that this kind of difficulty (and much worse) faces every generation of God’s children. We are not discouraged. We are thankful that we had the opportunity to take the love of Christ beyond our borders and for the privilege of seeing many turn to Christ. We also realize that this breakdown in equipment didn’t catch the Lord by surprise, so we’ll look to Him to meet our needs to keep this effective ministry going.  

American Football is becoming popular in Brazil, which has presented unique evangelistic opportunities.

As I’m writing this, there are a couple of football coaches in the US meeting to discuss the details of a plan to come down to Brazil next June to hold an evangelistic football camp/workshop. One of these men came last year to work in a different town in Brazil and he and his group had great results, both in evangelism and sports. The football team they ministered to just won the Brazilian national championship last week. I am in a unique situation in Brazil because of the rapidly growing interest in American football here and some of the head coaches are my friends and are asking me to introduce the gospel to their teams. We still have openings for other volunteers who either play or coach football and who would like to use this opportunity to share their faith with many who do not know Christ. We are also in great need of inexpensive or donated football equipment, so you can also be greatly helpful through that means. Please contact me at the attached addresses and/or phone number.

My leg and foot are nearly mended after breaking them a few weeks ago. The injury did slow me down more than I wanted to admit. I discovered that I am not as patient as I need to be with things that are beyond my control, but I also learned that I just have to be.

Bro. Bobby has had to learn to be patient after breaking his leg and foot.

There are things “beyond my control”, and making broken bones heal faster is one of them. I was grateful to learn that there were no ligaments or tendons torn and thus, no need for surgery. I probably won’t be able to take a group to hike in the nearby mountains until next year, though.

Each week we go out to a new community called “Corbellia” to share the gospel and seek an open door among the people there. We are very well received by the people, but we have yet to locate a strategic meeting place to hold Bible studies for groups. The Lord has placed a desire in our hearts to plant a church in this community, so we will continue to minister to them as we keep our eyes open for the opportunities to expand the ministry there.

We are very grateful to you who have prayed faithfully for us throughout the year of 2012. We are also thankful to God for you who have contributed financially so that we might be able to carry on the various ministries here in southern Brazil. We trust that the Lord will bless you and that you will rejoice to know that you have been a true blessing to us in this partnership. We hope you have a wonderful 2013!

In Christ’s love,
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser

Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR  Brasil

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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [November 2012]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

Dear Friends,

In the beginning of October I had the opportunity to meet with several men who are involved with football in different capacities. Each of them uses the sport to find an opportunity to share the gospel with the lost and also to mentor young men in their walk with the Lord. I mentioned last month that I was in a unique situation in Brazil because of the rapidly growing interest in American football here. The men I met are working with me to put together the details for holding football camps/workshops for both Brazilian coaches and players. I am still looking to fill some slots with other volunteers who either play or coach football and who would like to use this opportunity to share their faith with many who do not know Christ. If you can’t come, but know how I might obtain good condition donated football equipment, you can also be greatly helpful through that means. Please contact me at the addresses and/or phone number below.

Two of the Projeto Vida motor homes had some costly expenses this month. We are keeping up our commitments to reach the areas we had already laid out as goals, but these expenses have stretched our already tight budget. This is especially crucial this month since we have a trip scheduled to cross the Brazilian/Argentine border about an 18 hour trip from our base. We have been invited to take the gospel into some public schools in Argentina. We are very excited about this opportunity, but the funds will be very short. We will travel by faith and trust that God has opened this door for us and will expect to be carried by Him each kilometer of the way. We would appreciate your prayers and offerings toward the accomplishment of this outreach effort.

I learned a lesson a little over a week ago. Do not try to do a back flip in shallow water. A person can get hurt doing that. I know. I did. My intended 360º back flip ended up at about 355º and I with my first broken bone at 54 years old. From now on I will only do back flips in deep water…if at all. The old saying that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” ought to be changed to, “Old dogs shouldn’t try new tricks”. Now I will have six more weeks in an air cast to learn better to delegate the physical work of construction at our new churches. I will also have a great opportunity to learn personally the struggles of the disabled. I am grateful that the damage wasn’t worse.

Charlene, Brennen and I are very grateful to you who pray for us faithfully. We know that God hears and answers your prayers. We are also thankful for the offerings of love to God so that we may continue to spread His word.

In Christ’s love,
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser

Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR  Brasil

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Missionary Update: The Wacasers [October 2012]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.

October 2, 2012

Dear Friends,

About 6 years ago a 16 year old boy came to visit our former church. His visit was based on the interest he had in a tall blonde 16 year old girl who was a member there. His name is Guilherme. He and and his friend had met the girl on the city bus and she invited them to church. Guilherme began to attend church and our youth meetings regularly and was eventually saved and baptized. He was raised in a broken home, his parents having divorced and remarried. He was living at the time with his father because his mother had married a man from Portugal, but was working and living in Spain. After 2 years of growth and discipleship at our church, Guilherme went to live with his mom and his stepfather in Spain. As many of you know, most of Europe is steeped in agnosticism and atheism. While Guilherme was there for three years he found it very difficult to locate other Christians with whom he could fellowship and grow spiritually. When he returned to Brazil about a year ago, he had become distant and somewhat cold toward the things of the Lord. But God had not grown cold toward Guilherme. I heard that he had returned to Brazil and I found his new telephone number and began to call him from time to time and would drop by to visit him at his job. The Lord used this to stir in him a sense of homesickness for the fellowship he had experienced earlier around the time of his conversion. In recent months, Guilherme has been coming very regularly to church and has been showing great signs of spiritual growth. On many occasions he brings visitors with him. He has already brought his dad and stepmother, his mother and stepfather (who now live in Brazil) and last week he brought his younger sister and her baby daughter. He has also brought several of his friends to the youth meetings. In the place of that coldness that had slipped into his life we now see a rising passion for the Lord in Guilherme and we are praying that God will continue to use him to reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Charlene and I sold our house. We had it on the real estate market for 3 years and last month we closed the deal. Since we bought the house in 1987 it had gone up quite a bit in value. Of course, so had the rest of the real estate market in Brazil, much like what was happening in the US market back before 2008. But, we bought a house at a lower price and we plan to use part of the difference to complete our construction and finish the work at our new church. The Lord blessed us and we want to honor Him because of His grace toward us.

Our Projeto Vida motorhomes and teams have been very busy. Three teams are in the interior of the country sharing the gospel in public schools and parks as I write this. We had the opportunity to be in six cities this month and present Christ’s love to over 5,000 people. We know that God’s word is powerful and that many lives have and will be changed eternally because of their having heard it preached and through their surrender to Christ as Lord and Savior. Our missionary volunteers are a constant source of joy, excitement, and encouragement to us as they return from each trip bubbling over with the joy of serving the Lord and being used by Him to touch people’s lives with His love and salvation.

My son, Brennen, has grown quite a bit. He is now 15 years old. As most of you know, soccer (or “futebol” as it is called in Brazil) is a major pastime here. Brennen plays soccer quite well since he has been playing it nearly all of his life. But a few years ago regular “football” (American style) caught hold here and interest in it is growing rapidly. New teams are sprouting up quickly and Brennen has become a player on one of these teams. The most important aspect about this to us as servants of the Lord is how we might use this phenomenon to gain a platform to share the gospel. Since the sport is so connected to American culture, our nationality provides an open door of opportunity to the enthusiasts of the sport. A good friend of mine is the coach of one of the most successful teams in the league. He has told me that any US coaches and players interested in teaching or demonstrating the skills would be more than welcome to come and share both their expertise and their testimonies of Christ’s work in their lives with the players. There is also a great need for football equipment; pads, clothing, helmets, balls, cleats, etc. If any of you have football skills (either to teach or play) or football equipment and would like to use them to share the gospel, we have a prime opportunity for you. Contact me at the numbers/addresses provided.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support.

In Christ’s love,
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser

Important Notice: New Address!
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR  Brasil

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