Marveling at God’s Creation in Celebration of Good News

Jud and Raquel Hatcher are third generation missionaries serving the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

March 29, 2022

Dear friends,

March was packed with excitement for our family. My parents came to visit us in Wheaton, IL from Florida. It was short but sweet! Truly blessed by them. Melissa received the school district’s superintendent art award. This month we also celebrated Benjamin´s 14th and Sarah´s 17th birthdays. The Lord blesses us to see our children grow physically and in their knowledge of Christ with the desire to serve Him. We thank the Lord for them. What made this month particularly unique was the confirmation from my oncologist (based on the imaging and blood exams). I am cancer free! We bless the Lord and thank Him for His healing hand. Thank you for your prayers during this treatment time.

So, how did we celebrate? Raquel suggested that we marvel at God´s mighty creation handiwork by going to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. We love admiring His creation. We especially loved visiting the “Amazon” display. Seeing the variety of fish, fauna, and flora common to us felt like home. Four of us were born in Manaus, a city in the heart of the Amazon basin. We saw the largest fish, the pirarucu (which can grow more than ten ft. long) to the most vicious of fish, the piranha. (All of which we have stories to speak of and know what they taste like.) We watched the beluga whale show, the dolphins and the penguins, the seawater fish and the freshwater fish. It was a special day to admire the details of God´s fancy work within His creation. We were impressed! Part of our discussion that day contrasted what we observed with mankind, which was created in the triune God´s image. Yes, we are Imago Dei. Dolphins may be more intelligent than other mammals. But we are much more; we were designed in His likeness. Furthermore, He made us His chosen people through Christ Jesus. What a way to celebrate birthdays and cancer-free news!

This month three people surrendered to Christ in São Paulo. Preparations are underway for an evangelistic campaign during April. Pray with us and the leadership teams in Brazil for success in pointing people to Christ and people within the community to surrender to Him. This month I also was privileged to speak at the Addyston Baptist Church men’s retreat at West Harris, IN. Several churches participated in this marvelous weekend. Thank you Pastors Philip duBarry and David Pitman for organizing this event. I was also honored to share about our ministry and to preach at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Bellbrook, OH. What a wonderful weekend with church people, Pastor Darrell & Mrs. Messer. By invitation of Jarell & Beverly Sill (second cousins of mine), I managed to squeeze in a visit with my great Uncle Joe and Aunt Jessie Sills in Cincinnati, OH.

Grateful always,
Judson & Raquel

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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A Few Thoughts on Glorifying the Lord

Jud and Raquel Hatcher are third generation missionaries serving the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Tuesday, March 1

Hello dear friends,

We are so grateful for your prayers and financial support. Our family is doing well. My treatment is over and side effects have subsided. Laura still has a long way ahead of her as she learns to hear again through her left ear with the cochlear implant. This month we celebrated Raquel´s birthday. We also enjoyed time with my cousins David and Dulce Hatcher during the beginning of the month. The ministry in São Paulo is doing well. Jonatas and Charis´ training and exposure trip to the States was a great success. Our children were greatly influenced by them during their time with us. We are truly grateful for what the Lord is doing during our Stateside assignment. I want to share something a little different with you this time. May I share a few thoughts on glorifying the Lord with you today?

God ultimately expects us to give Him all the glory. “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen (Romans 11:36). “To the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:11). So, how do Christians go about giving God all the glory? Here are two ways:

God receives the glory through our Faithfulness to Him.

God receives the glory when we demonstrate faithfulness. “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2). Faithfulness is evidenced when providing an account of what was entrusted by the Master. Matthew Henry states, “to the trust reposed in him… keeping back nothing…when he seeks not to please men, but God; and not his own glory, and the applause of men, but the honor of Christ” is how a Christian is found faithful. Our thoughts, plans, and actions should be developed based on God’s principles found in Scripture. Faithfulness is an issue of personal integrity. Luke 16:10 states, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much. Steadfast faithfulness to God goes beyond what the human eye can see. God examines the faithfulness of heart. We demonstrate our faithfulness and testify of Him by our internal and external mission. Faithfulness brings glory to God.

God receives the glory when we give account to Him.

God receives the glory when we provide an account of what He entrusted to us. The parable of the talents reveals this concept, “Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them” (Matthew 25:19). Everything a Christian is entrusted with is settled before God. It is impossible to omit anything from Him. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13). Scripture is unequivocal regarding giving an account before the Master, “So then each of us will give an account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12). Another verse says, “they will give account to him who is ready to judge” (1 Peter 4:5). The Master can search the heart and test the mind. “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds” (Jeremiah 17:10). Each one of us must provide an account to God of the responsibilities entrusted to us.

Those whom He has entrusted must prove faithful, to use our talents, to maximize His Kingdom for all of us will stand before him to give an account. We do all things to give Him the glory.

May our commitment to give glory to God through our lives embolden us to live faithfully knowing we are accountable to Him for the talents he has placed in our lives.

Jud Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Ministry & Leadership Training Continues; Health & Family Updates

Jud and Raquel Hatcher are third generation missionaries serving the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

January 29, 2022

Thank you for your faithful prayers and generosity.

Thank you for praying for our family. I am currently undergoing radiation treatment five times a week. Laura is adjusting to her cochlear implant. The device was activated three weeks ago. Hearing again does not come automatically, it will take almost a year for her to gain maximum hearing through the implant. She wears it every day at school as part of the initial process of learning to hear again. Her first hearing therapy this week provided a glimpse of her progress. There is still a lot of work, as the learning curve for the brain to adjust to the implant is a lengthy development. As she adjusts to the new hearing process the cochlear implant must also receive fine tuning. This fine tuning requires the audiologist and the cochlear implant technician to work in conjunction with Laura to customize the programing based on her monthly hearing progress. We are praising the Lord for each positive step as she regains hearing from her left ear.

Regarding my cancer care, a PETscan in mid-February will provide us with the current status of the cancer. Chemotherapy is completed and now I go in for radiation sessions five times a week. At this point, the main side effect is fatigue. I keep a healthy dietary plan along with a consistent workout regimen at the gym with my son Benjamin. He is a great workout partner, and his avid participation is an encouragement to maintain our exercise routine. The cold winter makes it hard to get out in the early mornings, especially when it is snowing. I have glided on the ice a few times on the way to and from the clinic, but the Lord has provided safety on the roads.

Our oldest, Sarah, recently received her drivers permit and just this week began her first job working at Culver’s restaurant. Melissa (10 years old) has maximized her time in the snow. There are several kids in the neighborhood that enjoy playing in the snow with her. She is having the time of her life every time she goes outside. Raquel has participated in several conferences and training seminars over the last several months and acquired a new counseling technique called EMDR, which is a tool that allows past traumas to be processed with new insights. This season in the States has been full of first-time experiences and wonderful opportunities for our family. We praise the Lord for each one.

Jonatas and Charis are currently in the States as part of their mentoring and exposure trip. They have invested time in West Palm Beach with our dear friend Todd Thomas who serves at Family Church (First Baptist Church WPB) at the Sherbrook campus. While in Lynchburg, VA they stayed with our dear friends Scott and Cindy Phillips, and connected with folks at Living Word Baptist Church. They also attended classes at Liberty University in the Pastoral Leadership program of the School of Divinity, under the leadership of my beloved mentor, Dave Adams. Jonatas and Charis also had quality time with Scott Bullman, Matt Wilmington, Tim Grandstaff, Russ Dean and Doug Randlett at Thomas Road Baptist Church. This next Monday they arrive in Chicago and will remain with us for one week prior to their return to Brazil. This time with us will also be filled with mentorship and learning opportunities at Wheaton College and Moody Bible Institute. Please, continue to pray and to financially contribute as we make concerted training efforts in training leaders.

The ministry in São Paulo is regaining momentum as COVID tensions cause less disruption. Pastor Helder´s wife, Renatha, lost her father this last month and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Please, pray for the family as they mourn his loss.

Again, thank you for your solid commitment to prayer and for your generous giving through Baptist Faith Missions.

Jud Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Life & Ministry Updates

Jud and Raquel Hatcher are third generation missionaries serving the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

December 15, 2021


Tomorrow (December 16), Laura will undergo a surgical procedure to install a cochlear implant in her left ear. The surgery takes 6 hours and a week to recover. The Lord provided us with one of the best doctors in the nation for this type of procedure at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago. Once the device is activated, she will begin hearing therapy along with the device´s fine tuning. We are grateful to the Lord for making provisions for Laura to hear again from her left ear.

On December 1st we celebrated Melissa’s 10th birthday. She requested an astronaut themed party. We could not take her to outer space, but she had an out of this world party with her siblings, school and neighborhood friends. Sarah received her driver´s permit and is excited to practice driving as much as she can. Benjamin is part of the wrestling team at his middle school and is doing incredibly well, as this is his first experience with the sport.

Raquel has completed several training courses, including an EMDR certification. She is an amazing psychologist and loves assisting people in counseling. She is also able to serve several missionary families around the world through online platforms and continues to provide leadership and consultation for foster care families in Brazil.

My lymphoma treatment is developing successfully. I received all three cycles of chemotherapy, on December 27th will run a CT scan in preparation for the radiation treatment. This last cycle hit me the hardest, but I am grateful to see the glory of God manifested through it all. As if my hands were not full enough, God allowed me a new learning opportunity. I started an online PhD in Organizational Leadership at Columbia International University. This is a degree I have aspired for many years as it directly relates to the work of our ministry. It should take 27 months to complete, and I am excited to get back into academic life once again.

We are so thankful to God for His Sovereign hand, for your prayers, and encouragement through emails, text messages, phone calls and cards in the mail. Words cannot fully express our hearts’ gratitude.


All things are on queue for Jonatas and Charis to arrive in the States on January 15th for their training and exposure trip. They will be visiting three universities: Palm Beach Atlantic University, Liberty University and Wheaton College. This trip will also include visits with several churches as part of a mentorship plan developed for them. Jonatas was recently ordained and is a gifted servant of the Lord. I am thankful for all who are assisting in making this trip a reality.

The ministry in São Paulo is strong under Pastor Helder’s leadership. Christmas Season is always a culminating moment for people to become involved in serving the local communities and people are more approachable. Christmas Cantatas are well underway and the 2022 calendar is loaded with plans for connecting with new people and making disciples.

I plan to participate in the Missions Conference at Park Ridge Baptist Church in Orlando on January 17, 18 and 19. Would love to have you join us if you are in Florida and able to come.

Grateful always,
Jud and Raquel Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Two Big Events Divinely Planned

Jud and Raquel Hatcher are third generation missionaries serving the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

November 8, 2021

Better than steak

Our time Stateside has been full of surprises. I want to share with you two situations where the Lord has made Himself known to us in a tremendous way. We are grateful to the churches that received us during these last couple of months: Faith Baptist Church in Kirksville, MO – Brandon Rhae; New Life Chapel in Glenn Elyn, IL – Sajan Mathews; Living Word Baptist Church in Forrest, VA – Gary Yates & Scott Phillips; Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA – Jonathan Falwell & Tim Grandstaff. Please, continue reading concerning the mighty hand of God. Yes, a spiritual meal with friends is better than steak, and we enjoy being with fellow believers!

Where do we park?

We also had a chance to visit two cousins of mine (David Hatcher and Lydia Reece) and their families. We met at a Chicago zoo/park and later that evening devoured a famous Chicago deep-dish pizza! Thanks for the great Saturday guys.


I fully enjoyed being at REFUEL Conference 2021 in Lynchburg, VA. Blessed to be with Jonathan Falwell, Dave Adams, Scott Phillips, Doug Randlett, Matt Wilmington, Rob Wetzel, Charles Billingsley, Tim Grandstaff, Russ Dean, Troy Temple, Jimmy Scroggins, Todd Thomas, and Nick Parsons. It is a free conference for all attendees – sponsored by Thomas Road Baptist Church. There are several “Refuel One-Day” events across the country within the next several months. Pastor friends, you should consider going and taking your team. Plan to attend REFUEL 2022. Visit It is sure worth the networking and encouragement. (If you’d like me to go with you to a conference you believe in, please call me. I’d love to go with your team.)

Heavenly Hospitality

Raquel attended the “Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit 2021” in Cincinnati, OH in September. Thanks, Philip DuBarry for connecting her with Gary & Karen Gault for the week. Raquel was blessed by the Sunday night service at Addyston Baptist Church and the pizza dinner with David & Kym Pitman at the Gault home. Nothing beats Southern Hospitality? Wrong! Heavenly Hospitality is much better.

“You mean it is not a hernia?”

In early September, I went to see a surgeon regarding a hernia. I had a hernia surgery back in 2001, in the exact location of the current bulge. I was certain it needed to be redone. Upon visual examination, the doctor requested a biopsy. I went in for a biopsy on September 15. Turns out it was a swollen lymph node – 2 inches in size and growing quickly. The biopsy results came in – it was lymphoma. I was shocked by the news, as was Raquel. The surgeon said it was highly treatable and recommended I see an oncologist. I looked for the best oncologist in the region, but he was booked up to two months out. So, I searched for one with the soonest appointment available – in two weeks. Within the hour, my sister Michelle called and said, “Hey one of the best oncologists in the Chicago area has an appointment open for tomorrow. See if you can schedule it.” He was the exact one who was only available two months away. I logged in and scheduled! In less than 12 hours I was sitting in his office! Praise the Lord!

Over the coming weeks, I ran several blood exams, an MRI, a CAT scan (a Dog Scan), and a bone marrow biopsy. The oncologist proposed a chemotherapy and radiology treatment plan. I accepted and began the process. Raquel and I spoke to each one of the kids as soon as we knew enough about my lymphoma, and what to expect of the side effects during the oncoming months. We knew it would be a hard conversation with our kids. As just recently, Raquel´s best friend (Vanessa) passed away quickly from cancer at the beginning of this year. (Our kids knew Vanessa well and we visited her family in Pennsylvania a few weeks prior.) Everything was going well as I explained to our kids that I was sick with lymphoma. I wanted to explain thoroughly without using the word “cancer”, but knew that I needed to explain that lymphoma is a type of cancer. (Everyone always thinks the worst-case scenario when you use the word. But, Vanessa’s death due to cancer was very real to our kids.) Each one heard and understood everything I said up to that point. Then, I said, “Lymphoma is a type of cancer”. Tears began to flow. I reiterated, told them there was nothing to fear, to trust in the Lord and He would take care of all the details. We pray together daily knowing that our hope is in the Creator. We rest in His providence and provision, daily.

The first step was to install a port-a-catheter. The day before the surgery, I went swimming with my kids – as I presumed it would be my last time to submerge into the water for at least 6 months. (I have two friends who have a port that is exposed externally and have to be very careful with it.) I woke up after the surgery and to my surprise, there was nothing externally. I was elated! I spoke to the surgeon about what I thought I saw. He said, “Oh yeah, you can go swimming in about a week, the port is internal.” Praise the Lord!

On October 22nd, I began the first chemotherapy infusion cycle. Arrived at RUSH University Infusion Center at 7:30 am and was there for 7 hours. Some of the following days were rough, but the Lord has shown His grace. I will undergo chemo and 20 days of radiation – roughly 4 months. The oncologist originally suspected the cancer was in multiple locations. However, after all the scans/imaging and bone marrow biopsy, it was concluded that the Lymphoma is only in one location in my body.

After much prayer, I decided to openly speak of my cancer amongst friends on social media (in English and Portuguese) and request them to join us in prayer. Now, I am sharing in this publication and I ask that you join us in prayer. Earlier in this process, I was keeping it privately. Only family, close friends, and Baptist Faith Missions directors knew of it.

I thank you for the prayers, emails, and phone calls already received.

I want to thank the directors for the decision (over a year ago) to change the BFM health insurance to Cigna Global. We are well covered and medically well assisted through the plan, both Stateside and in Brazil.

Most importantly, I want to thank my Heavenly Father for His provision, and for the LOVE He instilled in you for Missions and for my family. 

On October 30, Raquel and I went on a walk at Cantigny Park in the city will live while Stateside – Wheaton, Illinois. We enjoyed a full three hours of talking, praying, and enjoying the beautiful Autumn colors (in Brazil the Fall season is not as evident as it is here). I want to share with you a poem at I wrote that evening.


A beautiful day at spectacular Cantigny Park,
Lovely amazing Autumn colors and never dark,
Delighted by the endless cool breezes in my beloved’s warm embrace,
She is the one designed for me, oh my.

Oscillating sunshine splattering on my face,
One Spirit, two people in Imago Dei,
Past abyss placed me in disarray,
How could I deny?
Desperately grateful, I never could repay,
My debt, “tetelestai”,
Oh, overwhelmed, full-fledged Grace.
This Saturday in “Le Jardin” makes three hearts
joined in fellowship rendered from the ultimate sacrifice.
We trust, fully surrender,
At the feet of the Creator in His plan for us.
Whatta Divine!

He placed in us His Holy mark,
Surpassing all human understanding ace,
Sealed in us is His endless, sustaining love,
Unrelenting confidence, trust immeasurable,
We trust in Thine!
He provides, surprising peace.

Judson Hatcher
Wheaton, Illinois – October 30, 2021

“Her inner ear is ossified”

Two years ago, while our kids were traveling by plane under the supervision of an adult friend (we remained in São Paulo), Laura ruptured her left eardrum due to an infection – we did not know of it prior to travel. She went to the emergency care upon arrival in Manaus and the doctor prescribed medication. It just kept getting worse… three days later she went back to the ER. The doctor on call said, “not sure why, but she was given the wrong medicine!” The proper medication treated the infection in due time, but the hole in the eardrum never closed. She has to use an earplug for showers and when near water.

In São Paulo, every ENT doctor stated, “Her inner ear / cochlear canal is ossified. Her hearing loss is eversible’, and the MRI images confirmed the disheartening diagnosis. We submitted it to God.

Upon settling into Wheaton, IL, we took Laura to an Otorhinolaryngology (ENT). Upon first look into the left ear, he said it was likely she could get her hearing back! He referred us to the best ENT surgeon in Chicago. We scheduled an MRI and upon receiving the result: There is NO OSSIFICATION in the cochlear canal! She can get her hearing back with surgery! Praise the Lord!

Laura is 15 years old, and we are allowing her to make the decision regarding the surgery. Since repairing her hearing involves installing a cochlear implant and wearing a small magnetic device attached to the skull – an inch over, behind her ear. Our next step is to visit the cochlear audiologist to field any questions about post-operative body adjustment and the device´s fine-tuning process. It should be about a month still. However, I do think Laura has already decided to install it (originally she said she did not want any external devices). Pray for Laura as she makes this important decision and we guide and support her through this process.

The Future

Between these two big events, we have seen so many amazing things happen that are simply miraculous! The unbeliever might label it as “lucky” or, state “it’s too good to be true”, or “this is unbelievable”, and “This stuff is absurdly, preposterously perfect”. It is! It is Divinely planned. Thankfully, it is real, and we trust the Creator, the great bio-engineer, and chief doctor. We know factually to believe and surrender our lives to the One who holds our future.


Pray for Jonathan & Charis Escote. They are part of our team. We plan to bring them to the States for an intensive training and exposure trip in January 2022. They are ministry team members and we need financial help for their trip. Would you consider giving for them to come to the States? We need to raise 3,000 dollars to cover the cost of this trip.

Grateful always,
Judson & Raquel Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Back in the States!

Jud and Raquel Hatcher are third generation missionaries serving the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

July 21, 2021

Hello friends!

WE ARE BACK IN AMERICA! Yes, we were due back a year ago, but COVID kept us from coming. We arrived in Florida on June 18th and got our vaccines. We will settle in Wheaton, IL for the kids´ academic school year. Our one-year Stateside assignment/furlough will last until July 2022. We desire to visit your family and/or church. If you’d like for us to come visit, please reach out to me. My cellphone is (872) 400-6522, and my email is We’d love to catch up with you! And, as they say on TV, “call us today!” Pun aside, we want to invest time with you and personally share what the Lord has done over the last 5 years. Yes, it has been five years since we last were in the States and we want to catch up and take pictures with you. 

During our first month in the US, we enjoyed quality time at my parents’ home in Florida. It is a blessing to our four kids (and us) to have time with their Grandparents Paul & Wanda Hatcher and with their Great Grandpa John Hatcher. The Lord also allowed us to visit a few of our supporting churches and friends. For 4th of July weekend, my sister Michelle and her family came from Georgia, and we had a great time together. Sarah, Laura, Benjamin and Melissa were invited by our dear friend Todd Thomas to attend Family Church´s student camp at Lake Placid. The spiritual impact on their lives was tremendous. This last Monday our beloved friends Jason & Nikki Estes took us to Busch Gardens – Tampa Bay. The following day, we celebrated our daughter Laura´s 15th birthday at her favorite restaurant, at a plaster painting workshop and ice-cream with Grandpa, Grandma and cousin Luke.

In the meantime, the ministry in Sâo Paulo is well taken care of. But, we also have Zoom conference calls and individual follow-ups with people, even while in the US. In a nutshell, during the last 5 years in São Paulo, the Lord allowed us to start and/or revitalize five churches and assist several orphaned children into foster care. We are grateful to serve the Lord in His Kingdom!

We are truly thankful for your continued support and prayer. Don´t forget to contact us. 

Always grateful,
Jud and Raquel Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Training Leadership, Headed to the States

Jud and Raquel Hatcher are third generation missionaries serving the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

May 22, 2021

Dear friends,

In this month’s letter: Overcoming leadership training challenges, a Northeastern Brazil celebration visit in João Pessoa, “to COVID or not to COVID” and our plans to be in the US.  Thanks for reading.

Leadership Training

This month we had an intense one-week online leadership training with 23 people from three different cities. In his book J. Oswald Sanders ‘Spiritual Leadership’ said “leadership is influence”. Our in depth discussions dealt with the needed influence for maximum mobilization and teamwork for the Gospel. The pandemic forced us to use a new format for meetings and training. There is a benefit to online training though. As people familiarize themselves with this format, new leaders from around the country can participate in these seminars and bring a broader base of experiences into the conversation. The live feed provides real time interaction between people that otherwise would not be in the same room due to the geographical distance. It was a great success.

Church in João Pessoa

Pastor Helder and I flew 3.5 hours from São Paulo to encourage the church, the pastor and the leadership in João Pessoa. In 2003, my father (Paul Hatcher) and I visited and surveyed 5 cities in Northeast Brazil. As a result, a new church planting project began to reach Brazil´s Northeastern region. Families were equipped, teams were selected and sent from Manaus. João Pessoa was one of the cities that received a church planting team. It’s the capital city on the coast of Paraiba state, and is home to beautiful people. Pastor Mizael and Jaqueline (his wife) were part of the original three families that moved from Manaus as part of the project. This church was started 15 years ago and Mizael and Jaqueline have faithfully served with their family. They developed leaders and influenced the region with the Gospel. We met with their leadership team and presented Pastor Mizael and Jaqueline with a “Here Am I” award during Sunday’s worship meeting in honor of their faithful service to the Lord to reach people with the Gospel.  

Family Happenings

These last few weeks we´ve celebrated Sarah’s (16th) and Benjamin´s (13th) birthdays. It is hard to do much celebrating in the middle of a lockdown, but the Lord is faithful in caring for us and giving us great reason to rejoice.

Raquel, Benjamin and I tested positive with COVID-19. Our family remained in home lockdown for three weeks until full recovery. Benjamin was mostly asymptomatic, as he only had a congested nose for 3 nights. Raquel and I had fevers, inflammation of the joints and organs, coughing, and deep exhaustion. The Lord took care of us during this time through family and friends. We are now COVID free.  

Stateside Assignment

We travel to the States on June 17 to stay for a one-year Stateside assignment / furlough. We plan to visit supporting churches, friends and family during this time. We were originally scheduled to be in the States last year, but the pandemic lockdown hindered us from making it. We are grateful to our supporting churches, friends and to the BFM board of directors in assisting us during this process. We will begin in Orlando, FL by visiting my parents for a few weeks. We would love to schedule a time with you and/or your church. Let’s connect! Shoot me an email so that we can plan the details to be with you.

Grateful always,
Judson and Raquel Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Depending Entirely on God’s Grace

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Raquel serves the Lord with her husband Jud and their family in São Paulo, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.

April 18, 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am glad I can write you in this special month, when we all take a special time to recognize and thank our mothers for who they are in our lives, for everything they taught us, and everything they did for us. My mother is someone I treasure very much; she has been an example of a faithful servant, a woman of prayer who depends totally on her Savior. I am so thankful for her life.

I am also thankful because in the last two months we celebrated four birthdays: my dad turned 80 years old, I turned 46, Sarah turned 16, and Benjamin turned 13. Now we have officially 3 teenagers at home, a little bit crazy at times; but in general, they are wonderful kids 😊.

The bad news is that Jud tested positive for COVID-19 on April 12, and I tested positive five days later. Our kids did the CPR test today, and we should receive the results in 48 hours. We are doing relatively well; we do have symptoms but nothing we cannot treat at home. The interesting thing is that for us not to develop severe symptoms, we must medicate ourselves, since here in Brazil most doctors only prescribe fever and pain meds. We suspect that is the reason so many people are losing their lives. In my appointment yesterday, when the doctor asked me if I was taking medication, and I answered, she got mad, told me to throw it all in the trash can because it would not do any good for me. But, my oxygen saturation was 100% and my lungs were totally clear, and I had no fever. We know, even among doctors/infectologists there are distinct opinions about prevention and treatment. Honestly, I believe we depend entirely on God’s grace and mercy and plan for our lives; we have no control about our outcomes, it is in His hand, and we must trust Him that no matter what happens He is going to be with us and provide for us and for our family.

One good news is that in the past year, God has opened doors for me to be part of an organization which works with Foster Care in families. Foster Care in families here in Brazil is something relatively new. It was only in 2004 – 2006 that it became a national public policy, and it was made a priority over institutional care. However, only 4% of children and adolescents are living with families, 96% are institutionalized. In 2018 there were 33,146 children and 8,686 were between 0 -6 years old (26%). In countries like US, Canada, and England, the statistics are the opposite, 96% of the children are placed in families, and only 4% are placed in institutions. Our desire is to change this sad reality, and open new services to offer kids the chance to have a family and to participate in community, since it is one of their most basic civil rights. Having said that, my prayer requests are a) that God give us human and financial resources to start new services in our city, b) Our family health c) and our children’s online education and all it involves.

I am so thankful for BFM, for all the churches involved, and for you who are reading this letter. Thank you for your support, for your prayers, your love, and your financial contributions. It means a lot to us, and it means a lot more for Jesus Christ.

Raquel Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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