2023-24 Thanksgiving Offering Update (November)
You have contributed $13,618.42 to our 2023-24 Thanksgiving Offering as of this writing, November 21st. We know that others of you have yet to receive your Thanksgiving Offerings, especially you who give as a church body. Thank you all for your generous participation and contributions!
WE NEED TO REACH FOR OUR $50,000.00 THANKSGIVING OFFERING GOAL! Will you pray about and consider giving your personal offering toward the THANKSGIVING OFFERING?
Please prioritize your most generous Thanksgiving Offering right now while it is on your heart!
(Read more about our Thanksgiving Offering by clicking here.)
Giving Options:
You can give your Thanksgiving Offering either through your church’s offering, or by mailing your personal check to our Treasurer, or by giving online through our website www.bfmnow.org ‘Give’ tab and typing in Thanksgiving Offering in the memo field.
Click here to make a one-time donation.
Click here to set up a recurring donation.

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