Missionary Update: Sheridan & Anita Stanton in Peru [April 2012]
Posted on 7Apr CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Sheridan & Anita Stanton [Peru] Tags:Tags: Anita Stanton, Baptist churches in Peru, Baptist Faith Missions, celebrating Easter in Peru, Easter in Peru, Matthew 28:5-8, mission letters, missionaries in Peru, Sheridan Stanton, the hope of the resurrection, why be a missionary in Peru?

Sheridan and Anita Stanton have served the Lord in Peru for 28 years. Their main ministry is church planting and they have helped establish churches all over the country. Sheridan also works to train pastors and Anita works with the ladies' ministry and developing children's material.
April 6, 2012
Dear friends and family,
Matthew 28:5-8 [5] And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. [6] He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. [7] And go quickly, and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead; and, behold, He goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see Him: lo, I have told you. [8] And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring His disciples word.
Spanish speaking people of the world refer to “Easter” as “la Pascua.” There is much pomp and processions in the streets, all the banks, government offices and most of the stores are closed. Here in Peru, both the Thursday and Friday before Easter Sunday are official holidays. In the small village of Churubamba, just twelve miles from Huánuco, they have a good enactment of the Passion of Christ each year. People come from all over Peru to see it. It is truly a different kind of cultural experience.
It has been my observation, in my twenty-nine years of living in Peru, that there is much more emphasis placed on the suffering and death of Christ and little on the resurrection. This is not surprising, however, because the world in general has no problem with the death and burial of Christ; after all, everyone has to die someday. Nevertheless, what the world cannot “swallow or buy into” is the resurrection because that part of the Gospel message is a declaration of miraculous power! I have noticed in the past ten years or so, that Hollywood has cranked out numerous films either subtly or openly trying to debunk the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Besides the world’s denial of the resurrection, it seems every year “Easter Sunday” becomes more about Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies than the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. I enjoy watching the American custom of our children hunting for the eggs (and the daddies helping eat the chocolate bunnies!!), but I pray we might all be reminded on this special Sunday to make sure we openly declare to all the world that “HE is risen from the dead!” We believe it and we declare it to all. The Apostle Paul said, “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:14. Without the resurrection there is no gospel message, no Christianity. This is why Anita and I are serving in Peru – to give the lost people of Peru the complete message of the Gospel, that includes – “He is risen from the dead.” I pray God will bless each of you this Easter Sunday with many souls turning from their sins and trusting in the risen Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
Last month I asked you to pray for a young man named Hilter about his upcoming foot operation. Well, the Lord answered your prayers, the operation was declared a success and young Hitler is recuperating while hobbling around on crutches we bought him. Thank you for your prayers. He is one of many that continues to fill the ranks here at the Calvary Baptist Mission Church.
I made a short trip to Lima in March to get our annual immigrant visas stamped. The middle of the month I traveled to a small jungle town called Naranjillo, on the outskirts of Tingo Maria. Carlos Gonzales, my friend and a Peruvian pastor, has started a new work there and asked me to come and preach. We had a good meeting with a few saved. It is always a joy to see these new mission churches get started and then to watch them grow and mature as the years go by.
Anita and I are looking forward to seeing you soon when we come to the States for furlough in May. She has a doctor’s appointment a few days after we arrive to see about operating on her knees. The meniscus in each of her knees is torn and must be repaired and she suffers with constant pain from this condition. It is hard for me to make a furlough schedule until we know the “when and how” of her surgeries. As soon as I can, I will be getting in touch with you pastors and setting up a date to come and visit. Please send me the dates of your conferences if you would like me to participate. I always try to work our schedule around the various conferences. We will be in the States from May through the end of December. God bless you all! Until next month.
In HIM by HIS grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Apartado Postal 140
Huanuco, Perú
South América
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
Phone: 614-500-8823
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
Phone: 615-562-0529
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