Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [March 2015]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
March 05, 2015
Dear Friends and Co-laborers,
We greet each of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are thankful for God’s goodness and grace this new month. Praise God the Father for providing unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. He supplies our every need and much more and we are so grateful to our God.
Wanda’s mother, Mrs. Willa Mcgary came to live with us. She is the widow of pastor/missionary Wilford McGary, they were sent as missionaries to Kentucky’s Appalachia in the early 50’s and served there for thirty-five years. Well, on the forth of March Willa had her ninetieth birthday. Wanda planned a nice party and many of our old and new friends and brothers in Christ here in Florida came to rejoice with us. Willa and all who came enjoyed the food and fellowship. We are thankful for Mrs. Willa’s life of service to the Lord; and no doubt, one of her greatest joys and anticipations is the meeting of God’s children in church. We pray for God’s continual blessings on her life.
New mission starting in down town Manaus. Some years back we were able to purchase a vacant lot in the downtown area. Soon after, urban renewal took most of the land in the area – our lot not affected – and moved most of the people to other areas. Because of the uncertainty, we waited to see how the renewal would work out. Often, government projects in Brazil have a way of not getting finished, but this one was completed. The opportunity looks good and God has raised a team with a vision to reach the area. We are awaiting the building permit to get the construction underway. Pray for the permit and building to be finished as soon as possible; pray for the team, as they get started, to always have a heart to reach the lost and that the gospel seed will find fertile soil producing much fruit for the kingdom of heaven.
We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase in wisdom and discernment, that your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may be steadfast always, and that the love of his Holy Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God though Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [February 2015]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
February 05, 2015
Dear Friends and Co-laborers,
We greet each of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are thankful for God’s goodness and grace each new day. Praise God the Father for providing unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The New Year has come. The days pass us by, but the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ remains the same. We are fully blessed by Him. How we are grateful for all His mercies and marvelous Grace. Our prayer is that each new day we will reflect more and more of His Love in us.
Our special thanks go to the Park Ridge Baptist Church and Pastor Ben Glover for hosting a great Winter Missions Conference in sunny Florida. The fellowship with pastors, fellow missionaries and dear brothers in Christ was refreshing. The messages encouraged God’s people to serve out of a heart of faith and love. There were many testimonies of God working and saving people in various fields though the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thanks to the members of Park Ridge Baptist Church for all the hard work, wonderful meals and loving care for those attending.
The day after the conference, I left for Brazil. Thanks to all who prayed for my trip.
The first Sunday, we celebrated and organized Igreja Batista Nova Vida (New Life Baptist Church) in Manaus in the subdivision of Novo Aleixo. This mission started as bible studies and prayer groups in homes. The body organized with 65 charter members, of whom 12 were baptized that same night, and called Pastor Gustavo.
Saturday night, the deaf ministry had a special service. This service is led by deaf for the deaf. They had a great service with 168 deaf attending. The Gospel was preached in sign language; and as the invitation was given, eight deaf persons accepted Jesus as Saviour. Four of them were baptized the following Sunday.
During the week, most of the time was invested in paper work to meet government requirements. Pray for the gospel to continue to have free access in Brazil. Pray, intercede, and give thanks for all men, for leaders, and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase in wisdom and discernment, that your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may be steadfast always, and that the love of his Holy Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God though Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
Paul and Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [January 2015]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
January 05, 2015
Dear Friends and Co-laborers,
Blessed be the one and only true God and father, our Lord Jesus Christ. The scripture says, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” “John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” It is reassuring to know our Heavenly father has “given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue”. The word is ever reminding us to: “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us”. Yes, we can trust God.
The New Year is come. The days pass us by, but the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ remains the same. We are fully blessed by Him. How we are grateful for all His mercies and marvelous Grace. Our prayer is that each new day we will reflect more and more of His Love in us.
I preached for Pastor David Humphries, the morning worship hour at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Mims, Florida on the second Sunday of December. I had a blessed time with the Church and fellowship with our brothers in Christ. That evening at Temple Baptist Church at Arcadia Florida, with Pastor Doug King, I had the opportunity to share about what God is doing in Brazil. I also preached at the Chapel Baptist Church, here in Clermont, Florida.
Pray for my trip to Brazil now in the month of January. I am looking forward to seeing our friends and brothers in Christ. Pray that we can accomplish all that is needful and that the gospel of Christ may ever increase.
We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase in wisdom and discernment, that your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may be steadfast always, and that the love of his Holy Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God though Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
Paul and Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
Click here to give.
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [December 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
December 03, 2014
Dear Friends,
Blessed be the one and only true God and father, our Lord Jesus Christ. The Scripture says, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” It is reassuring to know our Heavenly father is aware of our every need and has made provision on our behalf. The Word is forever reminding us that: Yes, we can trust God, for He is looking out for us.
The beginning of the month was focused on the Missions Conference in Dearborn Heights – hosted by the New Hope Baptist Church and Pastor Terry Adkins. We — my parents, mother-in-law, Wanda and I — left Florida for Michigan looking forward to a great conference. We divided the trip in small increments so as not to wear everyone out. We stopped to visit our great friends in Georgia, Curtis and Katie Samples; and, as usual, had a wonderful visit. We then went to Mayfield in western Kentucky and visited with my wife’s family and attended Wednesday evening service at Trace Creek Baptist Church, where my mom-in-law is a member. From there we took a longer two-day break in Lexington.
Sunday we were blessed to be at Emmanuel Baptist Church with Pastor Darrel Messer. Dad spoke in the Sunday School hour and I spoke in the morning worship. We are so blessed to be with Pastor Messer and his wife and are so grateful for their kindness and supportiveness. On Sunday evening we visited Grace Baptist Church with Pastor Mark Pyles. We had a great opportunity to share what God is doing in Brazil. We saw pastor emeritus, Paul Kirkman, a friend of many years, who also served faithfully as director of Baptist Faith Missions.
The Missions Conference was blessed. All the messages in song and the preaching were uplifting and an encouragement to take the gospel across our street and around the world. The beautiful and wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord – God in the flesh – died, was buried and on the third day arose from the dead, and is life eternal to all who believe. This Salvation is graciously given by the loving God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be the Lord throughout all eternity.
We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase in wisdom and discernment, that your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may be steadfast always, and that the love of his Holy Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God though Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
Paul and Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
Click here to give.
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [November 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
November 01, 2014
Dear Friends,
Blessed be the one and only true God and Father, our Lord Jesus Christ. The Scripture says, “Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice;” and certainly, this is a great way to start each new day granted to us by our loving and gracious Heavenly Father. God’s provision is always good and appropriate for each situation that comes our way – great reason to praise and rejoice in our Lord Jesus Christ.
I enjoyed a great trip to Brazil! Last letter, I was seated in the airport in Panama waiting for my fight connection to Manaus. About six hours later that night I debarked at the Manaus airport. Our son, missionary Judson, along with his wife, Raquel, and four children were there to receive me. I stayed at their house the first half of my stay. On arriving at their house, our son-in–law, Pastor Michael, and wife, Leigh Anne, and two children were waiting. Many hugs and kisses – wonderful to be with each of them – short visit – as it was late and the children had school early the next morning. I saw our daughter, Michelle, after her shift at the children’s hospital, and her son after school. The last days, I stayed at Michael and Leigh Anne’s house. Both Judson and Michael were great hosts. It was certainly great to see them all and hear and see how God is working in each of their lives.
The churches in north and northeastern Brazil are doing well. Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus has been doing remodeling of the Sunday school rooms. The church is hoping to complete the project by the end of October. It’s looking very nice and will be more usable and energy efficient. Energy cost in all Brazil is very high but especially expensive in Manaus. Pastor Michael Samples, our son-in-law, is doing the teaching and leading the church in our absence and is doing a great job.
Pastor Ivanildo Ross is visiting the new churches in the northeast to encourage them and help them with various issues. Some have not been able to complete their incorporation process in order to transfer the church facilities to each organized church. The legislation is complex, and often confusing, making it a challenge and, sometimes, reason for discouragement. The churches are doing well and growing despite the challenges. Pastor Ivanildo has been encouraged by the commitment and love the pastors have for the work of the Lord. The time in Brazil was productive and encouraging. I thank each of you who pray for God’s work in Brazil. Thank you indeed. God is answering the prayers.
Therefore, as recorded in the Scriptures, “I encourage first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings, presidents and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, for which I was appointed a preacher.”
Thanks again for your prayers and generous support to the work of missions in Brazil; may God be your great reward. We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase in wisdom and discernment, that your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may be steadfast always, and that the love of his Holy Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God though Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
Paul and Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
Click here to give.
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [October 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
October 02, 2014
Dear Friends,
Blessed be the one and only true God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Each new day we are richly blessed in Christ, therefore we rejoice and are glad in Him. Certainly the Lord has provided each and every need and that with much abundance.
I’m writing this letter seated in the airport in Panama, waiting for my flight connection to Manaus. The time in Manaus will be busy, speaking and encouraging the church and planning with the church leadership. Less exciting, but very necessary, will be looking after and caring for the legal responsibilities. God is always good and gracious, His mercies endure forever; so, I am expecting a very productive and encouraging time in Manaus.
On the third Sunday of September, we all – Dad, Mom, Willa, Wanda and I – were privileged to be back at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Mims, Fl – Pastor David Humphreys. I am thankful for the opportunity I had to minister the word in the morning and evening worship times, filling in for Pastor David who was on a much needed and deserved vacation. We had dinner with several of the church families. The food was delicious and the fellowship wonderful. It is always a treat to be with God’s people and hear and talk about the wonderful blessings our Heavenly Father graciously grants each day.
In Manaus, I am looking forward to seeing and spending some time with our children and their wonderful families. We certainly have missed being with them and enjoying all that God is doing in their lives. I guess you could say it will be catch-up time.
God bless each of you. Thanks for your prayers and generous support to the work of missions in Brazil; may God be your great reward. We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase in wisdom and discernment, that your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may be steadfast always, and that the love of his Holy Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God through Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
Paul and Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
Click here to give.
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [September 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
August 30, 2014
Dear Friends,
Blessed be the one and only true God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Each new day we are richly blessed in Christ, therefore we rejoice and are glad in Him. Certainly the Lord has provided each and every need and that with much abundance.
We are thankful to God for our friends and the help provided. We moved my mother-in-law, Mrs. Willa McGary’s furniture from Kentucky to Florida. I Thank the Lord for Pastor Ronnie Stinson Jr. and members of Trace Creek Baptist Church, Mayfield, Ky, who helped load the moving van. I then drove to Moultrie Ga. to pick up furniture donated to Dad and Mom, John and Alta Hatcher, by our dear friends in Georgia. Our special thanks to Katie and Curtis Samples who coordinated all the collection of furniture and utensils and refurbished much of the furniture. Bro. Curtis Samples and Larry Hood re-managed and loaded the furniture donated in Georgia. Katie came to Florida for a week to help unpack and get things set up. Arriving in Florida, the Chapel Baptist Church family and Pastor Cris Luppino helped unload and carry furniture and boxes; it happened to be the hottest day of the year in Florida. Many answered prayers and so many dear friends praying. Thank you for your prayers. God is always good and gracious, His mercies endure for ever.
We all, Dad, Mom, Willa, Wanda and I, had a great time at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Mims, Fl – Pastor David Humphreys. I am thankful for the opportunity to minister the word in the morning and evening worship times. The church had dinner on the church grounds. The food was delicious and we had time to fellowship, visit and talk about God and the great things He is doing here in the States and in churches in Brazil.
God bless each of you. Thanks for your prayers and generous support to the work of missions in Brazil; may God be your great reward. We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase in wisdom and discernment, that your trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may be steadfast always, and that the love of his Holy Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God though Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
Paul and Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
Click here to give.
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Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [August 2014]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil since 1974. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
July 30, 2014
Dear Friends,
Praise God for all His wonderful blessings. We are half way through this year; and, God has been so marvelous in providing each need. First, He has given us hope of eternal life by His side, and even now, the presence of His indwelling spirit. He also provides the very smallest needs of each day as well as the monumental ones. God is awesome – always good, just, and true.
At the beginning of the month, I was in Brazil for ten days meeting with pastors and staff concerning the planning and follow-up of projects underway. One of the special moments was Tabernacle Baptist Church’s celebration of our 66th homecoming. The church was organized July 4, 1948, under the leadership of Pastor Francisco Santiago (who also performed my baptism when I was a child). The church beginnings were very simple, in a small rented house, with backless, board benches, in a short alley called Beco Vila Mamão. The mother church was First Baptist Church of Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, that had been started by BFM’s first missionary to the Amazon, Joe Brandon. Pastor Santiago had been the first convert and baptized believer under Bro. Brandon’s ministry in Cruzeiro do Sul. By the way, Francisco Santiago’s intent when he went to Bro. Brandon’s street meeting was to interrupt and run him out of town. Upon hearing the word, he became motionless in his hiding place behind a bush and commented to a friend who had come along to help him, “This is not of the devil.” The next night they came back to hear more and were saved! A few months later, a statue in the local catholic church fell and broke and the believers were blamed for it; an intense persecution began. Francisco Santiago, along with his family, fled for his life. That’s how he wound up in Manaus, almost a thousand miles down river. Praise God; how marvelous indeed is our God. Sixty-six years later, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren churches have spread in more than half of the states of Brazil. Aren’t you glad to be a part of the great things God is doing through your giving and prayers? God is awesome!
God bless each of you. Thanks for your prayer and faithful support to the work of missions; may God be your great reward. We pray for you that your remembrance and knowledge of our Lord, the only true God, may abundantly increase, that your trust and faith in him may be steadfast in all things, and that the love of the Spirit may fill and overflow in your every word and action, with thanksgiving to God though Jesus Christ our only Lord and Life.
Paul and Wanda
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
615 Key West Avenue
Davenport, Fl 33897-6300
Click here to give.
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