A Challenging Month Prepping for Classes
Posted on 16Oct CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], General, Letters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, Bluegrass Baptist Seminary, Hensley, seminary, seminary classes in Brazil, systematic theology0

Dear friends and family,
Some months are what we consider more productive than others. This is one that has been a challenge. Limited mobility (broken ankle) and the China virus, of which our country and all the world is being challenged. So, we are working to establish another virtual class for our seminary group in São Paulo. This is the group that is closer to completing the 12 classes for a degree or a certification in Pastoral Ministries. These students, Pastors, missionaries, and church workers are also challenged as we are challenged. We, trying to get the class set up, and they, trying to be able to have the funds and the time to participate.

We are now permitted to have a certain number of virtual classes because of the China virus. So our proposal is to have five classes set up by the end of the 2021 summer. We have completed one class: Systematic Theology, book by Wayne Grudem. The professor was Dr. Coleman and the class was given in São Paulo and in Africa. The virtual classes are going to increase our outreach immensely. How AWESOME is our Lord, taking bad things and converting them into something good. We cannot brag on Him enough! Even though we have a few problems to overcome, all things are possible. Here is a good time to interject a particular prayer request: pray for the setting up, organization, and preparation by our pastors and other technologies we will encounter for these classes.

We are somewhat hesitant to purchase our tickets for Brasil as of yet since we are in doubt as to when we can travel in-country. We were hoping for the end of the year; however, that has been delayed until April 2021 now. Our plans now are to purchase our tickets for the spring of 2021 and praying that we do not have to cancel and reschedule again. We are still waiting to get reimbursed for the tickets in March. Please make this one of your prayer requests.
As I am traveling in Brasil it gives me opportunities to reacquaint myself with the Pastors and to know the problems that they are encountering and the struggles they have to overcome. Before and after classes and during our break time I am discussing all these things and getting their ideas as to how we can overcome these problems. I also use this time to encourage them and to pray with them. I don’t have all the answers but I can work with them in these areas. So I am asking you for your prayers for the Brasilian pastors and church workers to keep on keeping on in the vocation they have been called to accomplish: His mission —Go—Teach—Reach. This is going to be and is accomplished because of you. Your prayerful support and financial help is more than AWESOME!!!!
Continue to pray for us as we were chomping at the bits to get back to Brasil to carry on with God’s work there.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424