Two Big Events Divinely Planned

November 8, 2021
Better than steak
Our time Stateside has been full of surprises. I want to share with you two situations where the Lord has made Himself known to us in a tremendous way. We are grateful to the churches that received us during these last couple of months: Faith Baptist Church in Kirksville, MO – Brandon Rhae; New Life Chapel in Glenn Elyn, IL – Sajan Mathews; Living Word Baptist Church in Forrest, VA – Gary Yates & Scott Phillips; Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA – Jonathan Falwell & Tim Grandstaff. Please, continue reading concerning the mighty hand of God. Yes, a spiritual meal with friends is better than steak, and we enjoy being with fellow believers!
Where do we park?
We also had a chance to visit two cousins of mine (David Hatcher and Lydia Reece) and their families. We met at a Chicago zoo/park and later that evening devoured a famous Chicago deep-dish pizza! Thanks for the great Saturday guys.
I fully enjoyed being at REFUEL Conference 2021 in Lynchburg, VA. Blessed to be with Jonathan Falwell, Dave Adams, Scott Phillips, Doug Randlett, Matt Wilmington, Rob Wetzel, Charles Billingsley, Tim Grandstaff, Russ Dean, Troy Temple, Jimmy Scroggins, Todd Thomas, and Nick Parsons. It is a free conference for all attendees – sponsored by Thomas Road Baptist Church. There are several “Refuel One-Day” events across the country within the next several months. Pastor friends, you should consider going and taking your team. Plan to attend REFUEL 2022. Visit It is sure worth the networking and encouragement. (If you’d like me to go with you to a conference you believe in, please call me. I’d love to go with your team.)
Heavenly Hospitality
Raquel attended the “Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit 2021” in Cincinnati, OH in September. Thanks, Philip DuBarry for connecting her with Gary & Karen Gault for the week. Raquel was blessed by the Sunday night service at Addyston Baptist Church and the pizza dinner with David & Kym Pitman at the Gault home. Nothing beats Southern Hospitality? Wrong! Heavenly Hospitality is much better.
“You mean it is not a hernia?”
In early September, I went to see a surgeon regarding a hernia. I had a hernia surgery back in 2001, in the exact location of the current bulge. I was certain it needed to be redone. Upon visual examination, the doctor requested a biopsy. I went in for a biopsy on September 15. Turns out it was a swollen lymph node – 2 inches in size and growing quickly. The biopsy results came in – it was lymphoma. I was shocked by the news, as was Raquel. The surgeon said it was highly treatable and recommended I see an oncologist. I looked for the best oncologist in the region, but he was booked up to two months out. So, I searched for one with the soonest appointment available – in two weeks. Within the hour, my sister Michelle called and said, “Hey one of the best oncologists in the Chicago area has an appointment open for tomorrow. See if you can schedule it.” He was the exact one who was only available two months away. I logged in and scheduled! In less than 12 hours I was sitting in his office! Praise the Lord!
Over the coming weeks, I ran several blood exams, an MRI, a CAT scan (a Dog Scan), and a bone marrow biopsy. The oncologist proposed a chemotherapy and radiology treatment plan. I accepted and began the process. Raquel and I spoke to each one of the kids as soon as we knew enough about my lymphoma, and what to expect of the side effects during the oncoming months. We knew it would be a hard conversation with our kids. As just recently, Raquel´s best friend (Vanessa) passed away quickly from cancer at the beginning of this year. (Our kids knew Vanessa well and we visited her family in Pennsylvania a few weeks prior.) Everything was going well as I explained to our kids that I was sick with lymphoma. I wanted to explain thoroughly without using the word “cancer”, but knew that I needed to explain that lymphoma is a type of cancer. (Everyone always thinks the worst-case scenario when you use the word. But, Vanessa’s death due to cancer was very real to our kids.) Each one heard and understood everything I said up to that point. Then, I said, “Lymphoma is a type of cancer”. Tears began to flow. I reiterated, told them there was nothing to fear, to trust in the Lord and He would take care of all the details. We pray together daily knowing that our hope is in the Creator. We rest in His providence and provision, daily.
The first step was to install a port-a-catheter. The day before the surgery, I went swimming with my kids – as I presumed it would be my last time to submerge into the water for at least 6 months. (I have two friends who have a port that is exposed externally and have to be very careful with it.) I woke up after the surgery and to my surprise, there was nothing externally. I was elated! I spoke to the surgeon about what I thought I saw. He said, “Oh yeah, you can go swimming in about a week, the port is internal.” Praise the Lord!
On October 22nd, I began the first chemotherapy infusion cycle. Arrived at RUSH University Infusion Center at 7:30 am and was there for 7 hours. Some of the following days were rough, but the Lord has shown His grace. I will undergo chemo and 20 days of radiation – roughly 4 months. The oncologist originally suspected the cancer was in multiple locations. However, after all the scans/imaging and bone marrow biopsy, it was concluded that the Lymphoma is only in one location in my body.
After much prayer, I decided to openly speak of my cancer amongst friends on social media (in English and Portuguese) and request them to join us in prayer. Now, I am sharing in this publication and I ask that you join us in prayer. Earlier in this process, I was keeping it privately. Only family, close friends, and Baptist Faith Missions directors knew of it.
I thank you for the prayers, emails, and phone calls already received.
I want to thank the directors for the decision (over a year ago) to change the BFM health insurance to Cigna Global. We are well covered and medically well assisted through the plan, both Stateside and in Brazil.
Most importantly, I want to thank my Heavenly Father for His provision, and for the LOVE He instilled in you for Missions and for my family.
On October 30, Raquel and I went on a walk at Cantigny Park in the city will live while Stateside – Wheaton, Illinois. We enjoyed a full three hours of talking, praying, and enjoying the beautiful Autumn colors (in Brazil the Fall season is not as evident as it is here). I want to share with you a poem at I wrote that evening.
A beautiful day at spectacular Cantigny Park,
Lovely amazing Autumn colors and never dark,
Delighted by the endless cool breezes in my beloved’s warm embrace,
She is the one designed for me, oh my.
Oscillating sunshine splattering on my face,
One Spirit, two people in Imago Dei,
Past abyss placed me in disarray,
How could I deny?
Desperately grateful, I never could repay,
My debt, “tetelestai”,
Oh, overwhelmed, full-fledged Grace.
This Saturday in “Le Jardin” makes three hearts
joined in fellowship rendered from the ultimate sacrifice.
We trust, fully surrender,
At the feet of the Creator in His plan for us.
Whatta Divine!
He placed in us His Holy mark,
Surpassing all human understanding ace,
Sealed in us is His endless, sustaining love,
Unrelenting confidence, trust immeasurable,
We trust in Thine!
He provides, surprising peace.
Judson Hatcher
Wheaton, Illinois – October 30, 2021
“Her inner ear is ossified”
Two years ago, while our kids were traveling by plane under the supervision of an adult friend (we remained in São Paulo), Laura ruptured her left eardrum due to an infection – we did not know of it prior to travel. She went to the emergency care upon arrival in Manaus and the doctor prescribed medication. It just kept getting worse… three days later she went back to the ER. The doctor on call said, “not sure why, but she was given the wrong medicine!” The proper medication treated the infection in due time, but the hole in the eardrum never closed. She has to use an earplug for showers and when near water.
In São Paulo, every ENT doctor stated, “Her inner ear / cochlear canal is ossified. Her hearing loss is eversible’, and the MRI images confirmed the disheartening diagnosis. We submitted it to God.
Upon settling into Wheaton, IL, we took Laura to an Otorhinolaryngology (ENT). Upon first look into the left ear, he said it was likely she could get her hearing back! He referred us to the best ENT surgeon in Chicago. We scheduled an MRI and upon receiving the result: There is NO OSSIFICATION in the cochlear canal! She can get her hearing back with surgery! Praise the Lord!
Laura is 15 years old, and we are allowing her to make the decision regarding the surgery. Since repairing her hearing involves installing a cochlear implant and wearing a small magnetic device attached to the skull – an inch over, behind her ear. Our next step is to visit the cochlear audiologist to field any questions about post-operative body adjustment and the device´s fine-tuning process. It should be about a month still. However, I do think Laura has already decided to install it (originally she said she did not want any external devices). Pray for Laura as she makes this important decision and we guide and support her through this process.
The Future
Between these two big events, we have seen so many amazing things happen that are simply miraculous! The unbeliever might label it as “lucky” or, state “it’s too good to be true”, or “this is unbelievable”, and “This stuff is absurdly, preposterously perfect”. It is! It is Divinely planned. Thankfully, it is real, and we trust the Creator, the great bio-engineer, and chief doctor. We know factually to believe and surrender our lives to the One who holds our future.
Pray for Jonathan & Charis Escote. They are part of our team. We plan to bring them to the States for an intensive training and exposure trip in January 2022. They are ministry team members and we need financial help for their trip. Would you consider giving for them to come to the States? We need to raise 3,000 dollars to cover the cost of this trip.
Grateful always,
Judson & Raquel Hatcher
Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.